Let’s Give Texas Back to Mexico and Be Done with it

The Mexicans have been invading America and they want to take Texas back. They are coming in here and sucking up resources and our Congress shows how impotent it is by ignoring the problem or by trying to reward lawbreakers. I think it is the right time to just give Texas back to Mexico and be done with it. It is obvious that the Texans don’t want to do anything to solve the problem so they can be part of Mexico or move before we seal off the border.

I originally thought that we might be able to solve the problem and still keep Texas but it now appears that Texas has decided it likes the ILLEGALS and wants them around. Those of us who don’t are xenophobes and our opinions don’t count. The Dallas Morning News has named the ILLEGAL immigrant as its person of the year. According to the DMN, the ILLEGALS do work Americans will not (at least not for the same wages) and they are such hard workers. Of course they do work for low wages. They make it up by taking millions of dollars in taxpayer money to which they are not entitled and by having jackpot babies so they can lay claim to this country.

If the DMN is so enamored with the ILLEGALS and thinks they should be the person of the year than that is fine. Let’s just give Texas back to Mexico and forbid entry from the northern Texas border. Texas can deal with the poverty, the social problems, the crime, the jackpot babies (well, they would be Mexican citizens by then) and they can figure a way to pay for it all without the money from US taxpayers.

Then, maybe the DMN would see how life really is. As long as someone else pays it is fine but when they have to foot the bill I imagine they would not be too happy.

BTW, if you want to see jobs that most Americans will not do look at any member of our Armed Forces. Now those are jobs most Americans will not do for any wage. Most ILLEGALS have no interest in doing that job.

Big Dog

Is Fox Excluding Ron Paul?

Fox News is putting together a forum of Republican candidates to take place two days before the New Hampshire Primary. The release indicates; “Participating in the forum will be Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson.” Notice there is no mention of Ron Paul. Ron Paul’s people have contacted the NH GOP Chairman and asked if Paul would be invited and were told that this was unknown. The Chair indicated that this was in the planning stage but that the decision was ultimately Fox’s.

If this is a forum for Republican candidates then Ron Paul should be included as should any other person who is running for the Republican nomination. Fox would not consider excluding Romney or Giuliani and if they did there would be an uproar. The idea of the forums is for voters to get to know the candidates and to be better informed for when they vote. Eliminating any candidate tarnishes the process and makes it appear as if the media (in this case Fox) is deciding for voters who they should and should not hear.

Ron Paul has raised a great deal of money in this quarter and he has a lot of supporters regardless of what his poll numbers show (though money or not, all candidates should be invited). By ignoring him Fox is demonstrating that they are afraid of his candidacy and that they worry he might actually be the nominee. One would think Fox would be a little more sensitive to this considering how the Democrats refused to attend a debate sponsored by the network. Fox was none too pleased to have its credibility challenged and yet the network acts in a way that leaves it open to such criticisms.

Ron Paul deserves to be heard and the people who support him deserve to have their candidate at that event unless he chooses not to participate. All candidates should be invited and all candidates should be heard. Anything less is harmful to the election process and disenfranchises voters.

I did notice that in addition to Ron Paul, Duncan Hunter is not mentioned in the invite. I do not know if he was invited and declined or if he was excluded along with Paul.

Big Dog

Danger? Send Hillary

Hillary Clinton, fighting back at B. Hussein Obama’s quip that her eight years at the White House were a glorified tea party stated that she risked her life on some of the missions she was sent on. She stated that on one trip she was in a plane that had to corkscrew into the landing zone and that they had to sprint to avoid snipers. The report indicates that her trip was a goodwill tour with Sinbad and Cheryl Crow and also included her daughter Chelsea who was 15 at the time. This information came from her book “Living History” (or making it up anyway).

Hillary said that if the trip was a dangerous one the dictum was to send her:

The dictum around the Oval Office in the ’90s, she added, was: “If a place was too dangerous, too poor or too small, send the first lady.” Newsday

Hillary has been taking daughter Chelsea on the campaign trail but will not let her speak to reporters because the Clintons, as they always have, protect their daughter from the ugliness of politics. They do not want her to be scarred by the process and they have to look like good parents. Hillary has to look like a woman who balanced a career and motherhood. So what kind of mother takes her 15 year old daughter on such dangerous trips? What does this dictum say about Bill’s manliness?

If the trip was so dangerous and she risked her life why, if she is so wonderful, did she also risk the life of her 15 year old daughter. It seems rather disingenuous to say that Chelsea may not speak to the press because she needs to be protected and then tell everyone that she was put at risk of losing her life by the very mother who claims to protect her.

I also wonder if it ever occurred to her that they kept sending her on dangerous trips for a reason (if, in fact they did). Perhaps they wanted Satan out of the way on a more permanent basis…

And before anyone says that I am wishing death on her keep in mind that I did not send her and I did not tell her to take her kid with her. I just reported what came out of her mouth. She went on dangerous missions and she was such a great parent that she took her kid with her.

If she becomes president then the US will have been sent on a dangerous mission that will end in disaster. She is Satan (and not such a good mother).

Big Dog

Clinton Duplicity

When the Clinton crime gang occupied the White House (and the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion prior to that) they worked hard to keep their daughter Chelsea out of the political spotlight. They wanted to ensure she was not part of the ugliness of politics and that is a good thing. The way the media and the left have attacked the Bush girls is a good reminder of how the ugliness knows no bounds. Unfortunately, while politicians might want their children to be off limits, they often have no problems using their children for political gain.

Chelsea Clinton has been brought in to campaign for her mother and she works the crowds after each of her mother’s speeches. She is a true Clinton moving through the crowd and asking people to caucus for her mother. But while the Clintons don’t mind using their 27 year old to pander for votes they have made it perfectly clear to the press that she is not to be interviewed. This mandate included a 9 year old kid reporter who asked Chelsea; “Do you think your dad would be a good ‘first man’ in the White House?”

Chelsea brushed off the little girl with this reply; “I’m sorry, I don’t talk to the press and that applies to you, unfortunately. Even though I think you’re cute.” Condescending and dismissive all at once. I don’t talk to the press, just like Hillary who limits which press has access to her and what they may ask. It seems to me that if one is to be the champion of the people then that person might actually be more open with the people.

However, this should come as no surprise to people who remember the first Clinton Administration. They were secretive, ignored the press and lied to cover up wrong doing. Now that the queen is locked in a tight battle they don’t mind parading their daughter around in order to pander for votes but at 27 she is still off limits to the press. It seems to me that if you put yourself out there (and at 27 Chelsea is old enough to take her own decisions) then you make yourself fair game for the press, even if the press is a 9 year old kid reporter.

It almost seems as if Chelsea, in addition to helping her mother’s floundering campaign, is getting her feet wet in the political world. How long, one wonders, before she is involved heavily in politics and running for office as a carpetbagger? She is old enough to run for the House and 3 years shy of being old enough for the Senate. Are the Clintons trying to build a political dynasty that rivals the Kennedy Crime family and all of its “public servants”? I also wonder where Chelsea works and how she got so much time off to campaign. Did her boss allow her to go do this? Is she being paid and, if so, does that constitute a campaign donation?

The Clintons are a crime family and they do not deserve another stint in the White House. I might also add, if these wonderful parents want to protect their daughter perhaps they should not parade her around on the campaign trail.

My Way News

Big Dog

Others with similar items:
Outside the Beltway, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Is It Just Me?, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Adam’s Blog, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Clinton and the Politics of Fear

For years the left has accused the Bush Administration of using the politics of fear to retain power and to get its way. The events of 9/11, according to the left, have been used to scare people into voting for Bush in 2004 and for passage of legislation designed to keep us safe. It would seem they have abandoned that criticism or, more accurately, they have shown hypocrisy with regard to it.

Former President Bill Clinton is out campaigning for his wife and touting the imagined experience she has as a major asset and reason for people to vote for her as the next president. He claims that she has the experience to lead from day 1 and that there are threats that we do not know about that she is ready to handle. Of course, there are threats out there, something the Bush Administration has been saying all along, but is Hillary best equipped to handle them just because she was First Lady?

It would appear as if the Clinton camp is using the very tactics that the left has complained about all along. They are using fear to get people to vote for Hillary. Bill want us to believe that these threats are there and only Hillary is best equipped to take the lead and mitigate them. I guess the decades of experience Dodd and Biden have pale in comparison to the 8 years Hillary spent as First Lady. Those two Senators could not possibly have the experience to handle threats to this country because they were never married to a president.

There are threats to this country out there and whoever serves as the next president will have to handle them but there is a bigger threat to this country and that threat is already known. That threat is Hillary Clinton. Having the Clintons in the White House compromised our national security for 8 years and having them there for 4 or 8 more will only make it worse. Another Clinton presidency will bring us more sold secrets, corruption and dead bodies swept under the carpets with the other evidence the media continues to ignore.

The Clintons argue that the others do not have the experience that Hillary has and that she is a known quantity competing against a bunch of unknowns. I believe that what we know about Hillary should remind us of why she should never be the president of the United States.

In this case, it is better to go with the devil you don’t know rather than the one you do. Hillary is Satan.

Washington Post

Big Dog