Obama And Fighting Old Battles

PictureDuring the State of The Union Address last night Imperial Leader B. Hussein Obama misstated the truth, fudged figures and told outright lies. He pulled out some of the old plays in trying to appeal to Americans who can either trust Obama or what their eyes see. On the subject of Obamacare he had this to say:

I don’t expect to convince my Republican friends on the merits of this law,” he said. “But I know that the American people aren’t interested in refighting old battles… Politico

Obama wants us to believe that a new law that is just being implemented is an old battle and he wants us to believe that Americans don’t want us to fight the battle. The reality is that nearly 65% of Americans do not like the law, millions have been dropped out of perfectly good insurance, millions more have been added to Medicaid and the law is costing way more than advertised. It is also true that Obama lied about the number of people signing up and that many of those who have enrolled are the ones who had their insurance cancelled because of the law. Couple this with the fact that few of the young are signing up and it is easy to see that disaster is looming.

We can beat the Obamacare horse to death but Obama and his toadies will keep pushing it. The only way to let them know how we feel is to get rid of every politician who voted for it.

But something else was quite interesting in the Obama lie fest last night. While Obama was telling members of Congress and the American people that he is an Imperial Leader who will legislate via his pen and Executive Orders he mentioned gun control. He plans on doing what he wants via EO and against the Constitution.

Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say “we are not afraid,” and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook. Guns Save Lives

If Barack Obama truly believes that Americans do not want to fight old battles then he should give up his fight to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms. That battle was fought and settled a little over 222 years ago (15 December 1791) when the Second Amendment was adopted as part of the Bill of Rights (the Bill of INDIVIDUAL Rights). That certainly qualifies as an old battle. A battle which was not only won but resulted in a right protected by inclusion in our Constitution which, as the alleged Constitutional Law professor should know, is the Supreme Law of the Land.

Obama wants you to believe that a four year old law that is still being implemented is old news, an old battle that Americans do not want to fight. At the same time he expects you to believe that firearms ownership is some new thing and that the battle over it must be fought. I have to believe that Obama knows better but he is a socialist and he knows that an armed society is a free society and he cannot tolerate freedom for the serfs. He can’t get away with imposing his will on us if we are able to resist the tyranny. He needs to make it as tough as possible (he would prefer total disarming) because he needs to be able to CONTROL us. Gun control is not about guns, it is about control.

No Executive order and no law will stop gun related violence because people who use guns to commit violence DO NOT OBEY THE LAW. If banning something or making it harder to get worked then we would not have a problem with people using heroin in this country.

Obama makes that case himself without even realizing it. In the quote above he said that things needed to be done to stop more tragedies in movie theaters, shopping malls and schools. ALL of the places he mentioned are gun free zones. People are not allowed BY LAW to have guns there.

If gun control laws worked then no shootings would take place at these places BUT BAD GUYS DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAW.

In fact, these kinds of laws make it easier for criminals because they know that only law abiding people will follow the law and that there will be no armed opposition. You know I am right on this and you know that Obama is wrong.

Obama’s hometown of Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation and people get shot there all the time. Maryland enacted tough gun laws last year and one person a day has been shot in Baltimore since the first of the year.

Gun control does not work and we will not stand for it.

We settled that issue 222 years ago after fighting the tyranny of our overlords.

That battle is old and the issue is settled. The last thing Obama wants or needs is to start a new battle on this issue.

[note]Obama mentioned guns once in his SOTU. He mentioned them a lot in last year’s SOTU. This is an election year and Democrats do not want to be saddled with a gun control fight when they know it is a losing issue for them. Obama is not up for reelection so he can push his Executive Orders while giving Democrats cover. He is also using EOs because he can’t get Congress to agree even when it is NOT an election year.[/note]

There are far too many armed citizens who will do what Obama and most other politicians refuse to do.


Molon Labe

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


He’s Gay So It Is A Hate Crime

I thought gay people wanted to be treated equally and if this is the case then society should treat them equally. No I do not support gay marriage (though it is a state right issue and not a federal one) but gay people have equal marriage rights. They are free to marry people of the opposite sex.

In any event, gays get treated with kidd gloves when they are the victims of crime. A gay man was knocked out and suffered an injury requiring brain surgery and people believe it was the result of the knockout game.

Police say they are investigating this as a hate crime because the victim was gay.

Well excuse the hell out of me. Ever since the knockout game started the huge majority of the victims were white people who were attacked by blacks. In addition, Jews have been the victims. For the longest time the media ignored this “game” as countless whites were sent to the hospital or killed. The race baiting poverty pimps of Sharpton and Jackson said nary a word as white after white hit the deck because of black on white violence.

Police, in some of those cases, specifically said the attacks were not hate crimes. You know how it is. When a black guy attacks a white guy it can’t possibly be a hate crime. Let a white guy fart near a black guy and the hate crime police are in full force as Jesse and Al chant no justice no peace.

One black person was attacked by a white person in the knockout game and the race baiters came to life as the police looked at it as a hate crime.

Now we have a gay person attacked and it is all of the sudden a hate crime.

I feel badly for the victim here. He is in bad shape and whether this was the result of the knockout game makes no difference because he is hurt regardless. Whoever attacked him should be arrested and tried to the fullest extent of the law as should every other criminal who does this no matter what color the perpetrator or the victim.

Assaults are against the law and all victims should be treated equally with regard to relief under the law.

Just because one is a minority or a gay does not garner that person special treatment. If it is a hate crime when a white is the attacker or if a gay or black is the victim then it is a hate crime when whites are attacked by non whites.

I have made it known how I feel about hate crime laws. They are stupid and should not be part of the process. A crime is a crime and we have penalties for the crimes on the books. In my opinion ALL crime is hate crime.

Whether it is a hatred for the victim, or society or the legal system, it is a matter of hate nonetheless.

But if we are going to have these moronic hate crime statutes then let us apply them equally.

My advice, if you are not knocked out by your attacker beat him half to death twice.

BTW, those who engage in this “game” are cowards.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Heavy Hand Of Government

The federal government has used its power to intimidate people for a very long time. The abuse of power is not limited to any one person in government but modern technology allows people to see more of it. The IRS abuse of conservative groups is one such abuse and while this is not the first time the IRS has been used to intimidate it is the first where widespread dissemination of the abuse has occurred very rapidly.

The internet and alternative media sources have allowed people to see the abuse in real time so that it is not “old news” by the time they see it.

The current regime in Washington is abusing its power and targeting people who do not agree with it, particularly conservative groups. This regime is not above using the law to target its enemies or to cover its rear ends. The lie about a video causing the terror attack in Benghazi resulted in an unknown filmmaker being arrested and many conservative groups were harassed by the IRS.

These are just facts.

Now it looks like the jackboots of government are pressing on the neck of a conservative who dared to write books and produce films unfavorable to Barack Obama. Dinesh D’Souza has been indicted for violating campaign finance laws by allegedly funneling money to a candidate.

It is possible D’Souza broke the law and whether he did so intentionally or not is up to the courts to decide. The reality is that he has a new film in production that will be released in July and that he has been critical of Barack Obama. Others who have committed similar offenses were either ignored or treated less harshly than Mr. D’Souza. Al Gore and his Buddhist monks, Barack Obama and his illegal overseas donations and countless others have all been ignored.

D’Souza is different because he is a conservative who has been critical of Obama. Even if he broke the law (and if he did he deserves appropriate punishment – like a fine) it is hard to see how his indictment is not politically motivated given the regime has targeted others in the past. If Obama was as pure as the driven snow then this would appear above board but given that Valerie Jarrett has stated there will be hell to pay for those who were not with Barack and given that Obama has specifically abused his power and targeted his political enemies there is no way to credibly show that this is anything other than a politically motivated act.

If the US went after everyone who violated such laws there would be no question about motive but since the federal government picks and chooses who to go after (and they go after conservatives hard and ignore or treat lightly liberals) the only conclusion is that D’Souza was a target of a political takedown.

Remember that Obama ignored the illegal acts of ACORN and targeted the people who exposed them.

Now that guy is being targeted again as part of a political witch hunt in New York.

This is the new America. How long before the brown shirts are going home to home to get rid of the undesirables?

The Hollywood Reporter

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


A Song For All The Gun Grabbers Out There

This song is to the point and it asks the question; “Who the hell gave you the right to take my guns from me?” In America the Second Amendment is there to protect a preexisting right of the citizen to keep and bear arms. It is not about the military (addressed elsewhere in the Constitution) and it is not about hunting (not addressed at all). The reality is the Founders fought a bloody war against the ruling nation to gain independence. That ruling nation was oppressive and even tried to take away firearms, an act that was not well received.

We fought to gain our freedom and now we must continue to fight to protect our freedom. Ronald Reagan said Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.

That generation is now and we are in real danger of losing freedom (much of it has been lost already). Listen to the song and think about the law abiding who do no wrong and would never use a firearm to hurt someone without just cause. And then think of criminals who do not obey the law and ask yourself if any gun law will stop them.

You know the answer.

Well, who the hell gave you the right?

Here is an example of tyranny.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Can’t Spell POTUS Without POT

Barack Obama has suddenly become a health expert on marijuana, tobacco and alcohol. I guess Obama thinks that smoking weed, using coke, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol makes him an expert on the subject.

I have made my position known in the past. Instead of spending billions to fight this drug we should legalize it and tax the hell out of it (say 40-50%) in order to increase revenue. The revenue (as well as the savings from the war on drugs) could be used to pay the debt and lower our income taxes. The real problem will be getting government to actually use the tax money to pay bills instead of using it to make more bills. It will also eventually lead to government declaring marijuana a right and that some folks can’t afford it so it needs to be subsidized. They will give away pot with Obamaphones. I would never use it so the issue will not affect me as long as government does not decide to use my tax dollars for pot related items.

Back to Barack. He wants marijuana made legal and he is out talking now about how it is no more dangerous than alcohol. Obama said that it is well known he smoked pot as a teen and that he viewed it no differently from smoking tobacco. Hey genius, tobacco does not cause one to get high. It does not impair one’s ability to do things.

So Barry said he does not think marijuana is any more dangerous than alcohol. That is likely true but we have quantitative methods to determine if a person is impaired by alcohol. How would we do that for marijuana when THC stays in the system for sometime and the levels stay high with repeated use? The person is not intoxicated but the levels are high so how do we measure? If we make marijuana legal there needs to be very strict laws about using it and driving and doing other things (like those where we would not allow alcohol) and the punishment needs to be severe.

Even if marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol that still means it is dangerous (just no more so than alcohol).

Smoking marijuana causes cancer and if one is also a tobacco smoker the incidence of cancer greatly increases. Despite what the stoner crowd tells you, marijuana is not some wonder drug that causes no harm. There are serious effects on the body and long term use is detrimental. Perhaps there is a use for the products from marijuana (like THC being used to stimulate appetite in cancer patients) but make no mistake, it has harmful effects.

The real issue with regard to Obama is the inequality in the legal system. Obama is concerned that rich people who get caught with marijuana are less likely to suffer the harsh consequences of the legal system than are the middle class and the poor among us.

Yes, there are a lot of people on the middle and low end of the spectrum who are jailed or otherwise under the restraints of the legal system because of marijuana use. However, I strongly doubt that these problems are ONLY because of the marijuana. For many of these people marijuana possession or use is but one charge among others such as illegal possession of a firearm, possession/use of other drugs, burglary, assault, failure to appear, violation of probation, multiple past arrests and so on.

In other words, these folks are not angels who happened to have a little weed on them.

But Obama is one to never leave the inequality card at home so he makes the issue about the inequality of the legal system.

If he wants equality then how about we start with making it so all the citizens have the same standards and rules as the politicians? If people get caught intoxicated they can go to rehab and be allowed back to work just like a member of Congress. If someone gets caught not paying taxes or cheating on them then that person can get a pass just like members of Congress and members of the Obama staff.

I do not believe in equality of outcome. Everyone should have the same chance in life (and we all pretty much have the same opportunity) but what one does with the opportunities is what determines the outcome. Obama can’t grasp this concept for society at large (with regard to him and his daughters it is a different story) so he thinks everyone deserves (or, as liberals say, has a right) to the same outcome.

And by God if the outcome is not the same then big government needs to step in and fix it.

Suppose two people of similar means both receive a million dollars to do what they want with. The first guy parties and spends it all on lavish items and soon runs out of money and ends up bankrupt. The second guy invests the money in a small business and grows the business over time so that he is eventually making many times more than the million dollars he started with. He employs people, provides them great benefits and he prospers. He buys the things he put off while building his business and he establishes a great life for his family.

Which one would most people applaud? They both had the same opportunity and chose different paths so their outcome was not the same.

To Obama the first guy got shafted and the government needs to step in and take money from the second guy to make the first guy’s life better.

Obama is clueless.

Maybe all that pot he used in his youth did damage his brain after all…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
