Rosie Has a Double Standard

As anyone knows, Rosie O’Donnell has had this feud with Donald Trump for about a month or so. Now, I don’t really care about either one of them. They are both successful though God knows why and they can both be obnoxious. I can’t stand Rosie but I can at least tolerate Trump. Here is what Rosie had to say about Trump:

O’Donnell posted her latest thoughts on beauty pageants and “The Apprentice” star she calls “the comb-over” in a blog entry. It begins:

so what happens when u say the emperor has no clothes
the comb over goes ballistic via phone to mr king [sic]
ABC News

Her poetry, which is how she writes most of her blog entries, sucks. But, notice she called Trump the comb over.

Here is what Rosie had to say about American Idol:

“To make fun of someone’s physical appearance, is this what America thinks is entertainment?” Rosie challenged. Extra TV

So it would seem that when people on American Idol make fun of a person’s appearance it is not entertainment but when she is on The View making fun of Trump’s appearance then it is entertainment. This is pretty much a typical liberal view, what I do is correct and if you do it you are wrong.

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I guess Rosie forgot that she was on TV making fun of how someone looks. It does not matter to me if the respective shows make fun of people or not but one certainly can not criticize the other for the same damned thing and expect to retain any credibility. I personally think that if these people who can not sing do not realize that they can not sing and insist on being on television then they get what they deserve.

I think it is cruel to make fun of them but no one forced them to make fools of themselves. Is it entertainment? If I had to choose between watching a season of Idol with the ten worst auditions as the contestants or watch a season of The View, I would take the screaming of Idol. It would be less torture than having to watch Rosie and a bunch of other yentas sitting around gossiping.

Just my 2 cents but Rosie reminds me of something about a kettle and a black pot…

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20 Responses to “Rosie Has a Double Standard”

  1. Raven says:

    Yawn. LOL They both bore me to no end honestly…and I have thought, do they do this stuff, this back and forth, just for attention?? I mean, are they in this together somehow??? I wouldn’t put it past them.

    I think they are both morally corrupt people as well.

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  11. Angel says:

    good post Dog..and so true..Hypocrisy reigns!

  12. Laurie says:

    You ask “I think it is cruel to make fun of them but no one forced them to make fools of themselves. Is it entertainment?”

    It absolutely is, based on the ratings. In fact, the freakshow episodes where they just show the rejects rate higher in some cases than the regular episodes after they have chosen the best singers. And, they purposely pick mostly bizarre people to go through to see Simon, Paula & Randy. The 100,000 in the stadium in the initial round do not all get that far, they go through 2 or 3 different screens with talent agents before they get that far. So by then, the freakshows are convinced that they are great. There are an awful lot of really talented people who get rejected in the first round because it doesn’t make enough whackiness for television.

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