Dumbing Down America For Affirmative Action
by Big Dog on Mar 13, 2011 at 22:04 Political
This is nothing new but it still amazes me that we allow it to happen in America. The Department of Justice is making the Dayton Police Department lower its test standards because not enough African Americans passed the test. This is not the first time and involves other groups as well. The physical standards for admission to West Point were lowered so that females could get in.
Instead of making people work hard to hit an established standard we just lower the scale so that more people pass the test. In the case in Dayton, their grades are failing grades but that does not matter as long as Holder gets to help “his people.”
Imagine if the DOJ decided that not enough white people made professional basketball teams so they had to lower the standards so more white guys could make it.
I am not in favor of lowering standards for any reason. I do not care if too few blacks, women, Puerto Ricans, Hispanics, or whatever the minority victim of the week happens to be get excluded because they could not pass the test or meet some other standard. If they are unable to meet the minimum standard then they are unable to do the job. If we are going to ignore the test results or change them to benefit one particular group then why have the test at all.
How many people would feel comfortable knowing that the DOJ lowered the standard for admission to medical school because of a quota? How bout we allow pilots who fail their physical to continue to fly because the standard was so high that not enough of one group got to continue flying.
Hell, how about we lower the standards for drug testing and let people drive trains and operate other public transportation if they have a positive drug test because too many of one particular group had positive tests. From now on they have to be positive for two drugs or they get a higher cutoff limit just to make it fair.
There was a time in America when failure was something that people took to heart. If a kid did not make the baseball team or the football team then he tried harder and his father went out with him and practiced. There was a time when we had teachers actually teaching and kids staying in school and learning. If someone failed a test then that person worked hard to get it right.
You can bet that no one changed the standard and lowered the score because not enough of one group passed.
But that all changed when politicians on the left decided that blacks (and other minorities) needed help to make it. The left has been saying that blacks are not as good as whites for decades by treating them as if they are not smart enough to make it without a little help.
This DOJ ruling only pushes that further and does nothing to help minorities achieve.
If we keep lowering the bar so that people can make it then pretty soon we have established that we have no standards and that people do not need to try because they will be given a little help along the way.
This is moronic and it puts the public in danger. There is no reason to do something like this and it is evidence of further erosion of our society.
This country needs an enema…
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: affirmative action, african americans, department of justice, police cadets, test failure
On the one hand I see the urgent need for more African Americans in law enforcement. On the other hand, affirmative action was not designed to lower the bar but clearly that happens from time to time.
I am generally against such usage of affirmative action and in this case it’s clearly a bizarre ruling by the DOJ. I’d be interested in seeing more from what the DOJ had to say about this which is missing from the conversation at this point.
What I’m not seeing anyone ask yet is why a D and a C was already that much better than an F and a D. Dayton citizens should be scared to death at their police force readiness already and this latest won’t make it better.
In this we agree, Adam- (and that might scare me a little), but just as I would like to have a Doctor or a lawyer who made an “A”, so I would like an officer, Whatever his or her color be, to be as competent as possible- but when any city dumbs down the tests,prety soon all you get are ignorant, illerate people who think that being a police officer is just a way to legally steal, or murder- and then you begin getting the scum instead of the cream of the crop.
Now the question becomes, “How come Blacks cannot pass the tests?” Is this due to their schooling, or lack thereof?
White people have the same schooling, so it can’t be anything more or less than willful ignorance on the part of some Blacks- they didn’t take their studies seriously at the time- now, they pay for it in the workplace.
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of ignorant White people also, but if you look at the percentage of white/ black in the nation, you see that whites can shed more dead weight with less noticeable detriment than Blacks can.
Unfortunate but true.
Please excuse the misspellings- I am on a library ‘puter- they get a LOT of use.
“White people have the same schooling, so it can’t be anything more or less than willful ignorance on the part of some Blacks- they didn’t take their studies seriously at the time- now, they pay for it in the workplace.”
That draws on a ton of conclusions we frankly have no evidence of value to arrive at.
They all have the same schooling because the schools are integrated. As for why they did not do as well on the test, who knows but they had the same opportunities as those who passed.
The same is true for white folks who failed.
I imagine if the results had been different the DOJ would not lower the test cutoff so more whites could make it.
Once upon a time, civil rights activists actually advocated for “equal opportunity.” Once that was achieved, and the results we’re in certain people’s favor, the rallying cry changed to “equal outcome.”
That’s what “civil rights” is today: judging people based on the color of their skin.
“They all have the same schooling because the schools are integrated.”
Many factors go into the quality of schools actually. For instance, depending on the size of the school and the amount of property taxes paid in an area, one school in one neighborhood is certainly not the same as one school in an other neighborhood.
I received a much poorer public school education in Calico Rock, AR because I was in a poorer and less populated part of my state than people just about 20 minutes away in Melbourne, AR.
“I imagine if the results had been different the DOJ would not lower the test cutoff so more whites could make it.”
There’s no shortage of non-white police officers though, is there? It doesn’t really work that way in this case. I believe it’s important to step up recruitment of minority law enforcement but at what cost? Certainly not at the cost the DOJ is asking for.
Welcome to political correctness — one of the biggest reasons for the falling of the American civilization.
You see racists like Adam and others who want to give things to people based on the color of their skin all around America today. Too bad more people aren’t working towards the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’d love to see you go in depth into what it is that makes you think I’m racist.
I’d love to have a normal conversation with you based on reality, but that’s not going to happen, either.
I’d also love to have a conversation with you that didn’t end in you responding to my presented facts with baby talk. I guess we each have different dreams.
What school you went to is a moot point though it actually proves the case. You are a white guy and got a worse education (in your opinion) than those who were a few miles away and some of them were not white.
In other words, blacks and whites go to good schools and bad schools.
As far as the numbers, blacks account for about 12% of the population. Was that the percentage of people who passed who were black?
If 100 passed and 12 were black then that is representative of the population. But if 90 of the 100 were black you can bet the DOJ would not have uttered a word.
I agree, this is not the way things should be done.
“In other words, blacks and whites go to good schools and bad schools.”
Wrong. We see that populations segregate themselves into neighborhoods and areas of a city and then the schools reside in those same divisions. In Little Rock at Central High the white students have left for private schools leaving the vast majority of the school made up of African Americans even though the city is not majority black as that population is. Of course Central High is a good school so it’s not a perfect example.
It’s not that I think whites are allowed to go to better schools and blacks are forced to go to crap schools. It’s just a matter of neighborhood, economic opportunity, and hundreds of other factors that make one education not equal to another.
If we knew anything about who took the test, where the people were educated, etc., we could make better conclusions. At this point though there is nothing to back up what Blake suggested.