Election’s Over: Back to The Usual

Okay, so the “biggest election in your lifetime” is over (once again). I know, it was massive, it was huge, blah, blah, blah. Now it’s back to business as usual. No, really. Did you really think this was going to change anything?

Will this change health care? Nope. The Democrats still control the Senate. It is Obama’s signature legislation. He will veto any attempts to remove it, and that’s a done deal. Sure, Judges can still rule on it, but the election didn’t change that.

Do you think spending will change? Not likely. After all, we’re spending $200 million a day so the president can go on vacation. House Republicans, where spending is supposed to start, will have a choice: stand on principle, reduce spending massively, and have the Senate disagree. If the House Republicans stand firm, the government will shut down. I believe they won’t allow that to happen. Instead, the House Republicans will whine and complain, but in the end they will take their second option: pass a spending bill that increases spending across the board, “to keep government running.” Then they will claim they need you to vote for them in 2014 so they can do better. Net result? More spending. Lots more.

Do you think the economy will change? HA! Keep in mind, right now the government actually believes prices are too low. No, I’m serious. The fed is about to buy bonds. This is at the same time the treasury is borrowing more money. And the only reason you buy bonds is to increase inflation. I’m completely serious. The fed WANTS TO INCREASE PRICES. Only one guy in the Senate seems to get it. Prices are increasing massively. We are in a downward spiral, artificially supported by massive, record government spending. It will get worse before it gets better.

So, what signs would there be that I’m completely wrong?

Watch how the Republicans in the Senate treat people like Rand Paul and Lisa Murkowski. Rand Paul ran as an outsider. If he is turned and starts supporting earmarks and like, there will be more of the same. Lisa Murkowski won on an independent ticket without the support of Republicans in her state. A principled Republican Party would let her start over, and let her ask for things. A Republican Party that’s doing business as usual will let her retain all her power and seniority.

Watch the House — this is supposedly a great “mandate for change.” But who will be running the house? Boehner? He’s been there 20 years. If he’s in charge, how will anything change? Sure, he says he’s for “smaller government,” but we’ll see, won’t we? A true, radical change, would be to elect one of these new people as House Speaker. Now THAT would be historic.

Watch North Carolina, and especially Wisconsin. North Carolina has a Republican legislature for the first time since the 1800s, even if it’s with a far-left governor. Wisconsin went from Democrat control to Republican legislature and governor. If there is actual change, these states will just completely slash spending by over 50%. They will throw out massive amounts of regulation. I mean radical actions that will bring out the press in record numbers (with criticism). If it’s business as usual, watch for tiny amounts of spending cuts (which will be portrayed as killing children).

Now I do hope I’m wrong. But I’m guessing I’m not. In fact, I’ll go out on a limb now and make some predictions for 2014 (yes, already, why not?).

The economy will continue to suck. Government spending will increase, the debt will increase, the dollar will continue to fall making things more expensive. Government will deny that things are more expensive and will trumpet that the recovery is awesome. More people will be on food stamps and government will spend more. This will be reported as success. The Bush tax cuts will expire, giving the government even more money to spend.

There will be a showdown in the House and Republicans will blink. The campaign in 2014 will be:
Republicans: Oh, we were so close. We almost did it this time. Send us back with a Republican president and we’ll really do good THIS time.
Democrats: Wow, that was too close! Those Republicans almost killed all the old people and children. And look how bad the economy is now with Republicans in power! You really need us Democrats back now.

Obama will run again. He will get 102% of the black vote and 105% of the Democrat vote. Republicans will again pick some moderate wishy-washy guy (like McCain or Romney). A third-party will make a strong showing (Paul, Keyes, someone else?) so that Obama wins again. The press will evoke enough fear and enough people will have so little money, Democrats will show up to vote in droves. People will be told that if you don’t vote Obama again, you’re racist and slavery will be back in place the day after the election. Republicans and Tea Party people won’t show up in large numbers because they’re annoyed that 2012 elections gave them zero results. All 3 branches go back Democrat. Obama, in his last term, with the help of House Democrats will run the country into the ground and by 2016 the US dollar will be worthless and the government will declare bankruptcy for protection from Chinese-owned debt. Most people won’t notice, because they’re trying to make sure little Johnny isn’t late for soccer practice.

I hope I’m shown completely wrong.

But enough with the realism, how about a nice, rosy picture? Here’s what I’d love to see happen:

House Republicans grow a spine. On the first day in office, they make the so-called “Bush” tax cuts permanent. Next, they pass a rule that says that if the government “shuts down,” all spending levels continue at 50% of their current levels and there is no funding for Congress. They write a budget that actually reduces spending massively — not just reductions in increases. In the meantime, they start getting rid of moronic government regulations, starting by tossing out the EPA, the dept of Education, ATF, and the dept of Energy. They stand on the budget and refuse to give in when the Senate refuses to pass it. Obama, the Senate, and the media all start screaming about how evil the House Republicans are — and the House adjourns and they go home, leaving government running at half-speed.

Obama issues executive orders to spend money, but no one listens to him. Government workers, who now have only half-jobs, actually start looking for training and start trying to get jobs where they have to be productive. Due to the government reductions and reductions in regulations, businesses can actually start producing again and can hire the former government workers as burger flippers, as the former burger flippers, now that they have shown they can work, move up.

In 2014, Obama doesn’t run for re-election. He claims it’s because of his health or something, people don’t really notice or care. Ron Paul somehow secures the Republican nomination for president. Hillary runs on the Democrat ticket, but only wins NY, VT, FL, CA, WA, and OR. Republicans win the House (losing a few seats) and get 50 seats in the Senate. Paul then sets about setting up a government based on the US Constitution.

Hey, I can dream of a better world, right?


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11 Responses to “Election’s Over: Back to The Usual”

  1. Adam says:

    “Hey, I can dream of a better world, right?”

    After calling for Ron Paul as president you make that statement? I’m pretty worn out and low from working a polling precinct for 13 hours yesterday and I really needed that laugh as a pick-me-up.

  2. Adam says:

    “After all, we’re spending $200 million a day so the president can go on vacation.”

    Check your facts on that one:

    Is President Obama’s trip to India going to cost $200 million per day? … This story has spread rapidly among the president’s critics, but there is simply no evidence to support it. And common sense should lead anyone to doubt it. For example, the entire U.S. war effort in Afghanistan currently costs less than that — about $5.7 billion per month, according to the Congressional Research Service, or roughly $190 million per day. How could a peaceful state visit cost more than a war?

    Notice they say that common sense should leave anyone to doubt it. That of course excludes those folks so opposed to President Obama that they will repeat any pack of lies to try and make him look bad.

    • Mr. Ogre says:

      Oh, I’m scared. You found one link to a far-left website that says something different than a web site I linked to. I guess since you found a web page that is different than mine, then you’re automatically right, huh? And since that wasn’t even the point of this article…

      ah, who cares, it’s like arguing with a brick wall.

      • Adam says:

        Funny how Ogre melts down into sarcasm and deflection when he finds out he posted a bogus right wing story to smear Obama. He’s not even mature enough to admit how silly the story is and how wrong he was to repeat the smear.

        Sure, Ogre. You can repeat all the lies you want and I have no right to call you on them…so long as those lies aren’t the point of your article. Ha.

        Why, oh why does fact and logic hate freedom so much…?

        • Ogre says:

          Funny how Adam melts down into sarcasm and deflection when he finds out he posted a bogus left wing story to support Obama. He’s not even mature enough to admit how silly the story is and how wrong he was to repeat the lies.

          Sure, Adam. You can repeat all the lies you want and I have no right to call you on them…so long as those lies aren’t the point of your comment. Ha.

          Why, oh why does fact and logic love freedom so much?

        • Adam says:

          Sorry Ogre. You posted a lie and you got caught. Quit this childish game and just admit you were wrong.

          • Big Dog says:

            Ogre did not post a lie. He posted what an indian said it would cost. This might or might not be incorrect depending on what the government there plans on billing us for the services it provides. We already know it will cost millions regardless. just the military equipment and personnel will cost millions to have there. If the Indian who said this is in the know then perhaps his government is planning on charging us a lot of money for services.

            I would like to see the costs that we incur and what we are billed. I place it more at 40 million bit i don’t know what we will be charged by India.

            Whatever the cost, it is way too much for another vacation when we are out of money. If he spent the three days at home it would not cost much.

            Then again, very few complained when he spent millions in tax dollars flying all over the country to campaign for other candidates (most of whom lost). Should we be paying salaries and for travel when it is for campaigning?

        • Ogre says:

          Just to point out why there is literally no point trying to discuss things with you: you claim that I have posted a lie (actually, a link to a lie). For your evidence that it is a lie, you post your own link.

          In your world, apparently, any link you find that disputes any link I find, makes me a liar. However, I cannot do the same. In other words, you have defined a “lie” as any link to any web site to which you can post another link to another web site that disagrees. In a logical world, that would mean that literally everything is a lie because you can find a website to claim something different from ANY web site. In an illogical world, YOUR links are superior to any other links.

          In other words, there’s no point in attempting to discuss anything with you because you are like another far-left liberal that used to claim to argue — in that anything that does not meet with your approval cannot be an opinion or different — it can only be a lie. You claim to use facts, but a “fact,” by your definition, is anything you claim and can find a link to a web page.

          However, since your world (I’m guessing, because most of the left is this way) is based on emotions, can I make you feel better by saying, “Oh yes, I was wrong, and you were right. It’s not costing America anything to send Obama to India and transport thousands of people and dozens of ships. Any time I disagree with you, I’m lying?”

          Oh, and can you please tell me what my favorite color is? I don’t want to post it, because if it’s not what you think it is, you will call me a liar.

  3. Blake says:

    The truth is more to Mr. O’s side than yours, Adam, but there are elements of truth from both sides- Power corrupts- that much is a given- but how MUCH power corrupts a person depends on their moral clarity in their positions.
    If the Republicans were to shut down the government- what would be the net result?
    Not much really, except we would not be spending any money- for anything.
    What NEEDS to be done is for them to shut down targeted areas of the government- like the EPA, and the Healthcare bill.
    Repeal and Replace ALL of it may not work in real life- conservatives do not have that much clout- if we had the Senate, perhaps, but we CAN and should vote to de- fund certain aspects of this god-forsaken “law”, which was unconstitutional in the first place.

  4. Adam says:

    Big Dog: “Ogre did not post a lie. He posted what an indian said it would cost.”

    Not only is Ogre’s suggestion that this is a vacation a lie, but the article he cited chock full of outright lies about the size and scope of the trip. You can’t tell me you believe that these things are all somehow true from the Indian’s perspective so they’re not lies.

    Ogre: “In your world, apparently, any link you find that disputes any link I find, makes me a liar.”

    It’s not like each link is equal but opposite and so it cancels the other out. No, the truth in the link I post disputes the lies in the link you posted. I’m not sure why that is confusing you.

    Ogre: “Oh yes, I was wrong, and you were right. It’s not costing America anything to send Obama to India and transport thousands of people and dozens of ships. Any time I disagree with you, I’m lying?”

    The fact remains you have no factual basis for suggesting how many people are going, how many ships, or how much money is going to be spent.

    “I don’t want to post it, because if it’s not what you think it is, you will call me a liar.”

    Once again I must remind you that you can’t take it out on me and get all sarcastic when you are the one that lied and cited lies about Obama’s trip. I’m just the one that called you out on it.

    • Big Dog says:

      I am pretty sure the information provided is from credible sources. One is a government official and the other information comes from credible news sources. He is taking a lot of equipment and it is expensive. You say your source refutes the lies. All I want to know is, if you claim that no one knows how do those sources know it does not cost that?

      Like I said, Ogre did not lie. A lie is a deliberate attempt to deceive and he did no such thing. If you still believe it was a lie then am I supposed to say you lied when you use an incorrect item and later acknowledge that you misread or made a mistake? No one knows what it costs but it is really expensive. I can’t see how it would cost 200 million unless the Indian government really overcharged us but I do know it will be one of the most expensive trips at a time when we are broke and there is no real reason to be there because it is a dangerous place. And yes, it is a vacation. When he moves on from India he will be conducting business.