Demand A Mistrial, Ronnie Earle Obtained Evidence Illegally!

Travis County prosecutor Ronnie Earle has obtained any evidence that he is using against Tom Delay illegally. This quote from NRO:

On several occasions in the film, Earle engages in monologues on what he believes is the sinister effect of money in politics. “The root of the evil of the corporate and large-monied interest domination of politics is money,” Earle says as he takes the filmmakers on a nighttime drive around Austin. “This is in the Bible. This isn’t rocket science. The root of all evil truly is money, especially in politics. People talk about how money is the mother’s milk of politics. Well, it’s the devil’s brew. And what we’ve got to do, we’ve got to turn off the tap.” emphasis added

Mr Earle has many problems in his indictment. He has dropped charges against some of the companies he was investigating if they donated to some cause of his, he cooked up an indictment that went through a number of grand juries before he found a group stupid enough to proceed and now we learn he obtained his information illegally. You see, he referenced the Bible in his remarks saying that the Bible says money is the root of all evil (though the Bible does not add the part about politics). He violated the left’s sacred, though imagined, separation clause. He used the Bible, or religion if you will, in a government proceeding. This man broke a moonbat rule and since we know all donks think that religion has no place in government, then it is reasonable to expect this also means in court proceedings.

I am sorry but this is fruit from the forbidden tree. Earle will have to drop all charges because he used an item that has been banned to obtain his guidance and therefore his evidence. If he did not learn that money is the root of all evil from the Bible he would have never been able to press charges. The judge has no recourse but to throw it out.

Sorry Mr Earle but you can not use religion when it is convenient for you and be against it when you are towing the party line.

Don’t forget the Stop the ACLU weekend trackback party!

The Party Of Intolerance On Air Amerika Comrade

Mike Malloy of Air America verbally attacked Blogs for Bush writer Mark Noonan for a piece that Noonan wrote about the DeLay indictment. Noonan wrote that the left has moved away from politics where parties argued over items and listened to the voter and moved toward a party that uses all out attacks, unfounded at that, to win. Malloy took exception to Noonan’s assertions that the activities of the left are the kinds of things that result in civil war.

Malloy went out of his way to insult Noonan for his opinions. I guess this is standard Air America training because Al Franken attacks, usually physically, anyone who does not agree with him. I think Franken is a coward but Malloy is much more so. He takes swipes at people on the radio in the relative safety of his studio. Malloy suggested that Noonan “should have the crap beat out of him.” I have never met either man but I would bet Noonan would slap Malloy so hard his grandkids would be born silly. So Mr. Malloy, if you really feel that way would you like to be the first to try? I agree with Noonan. Want to give me a go? You can bring Franken with you. Now I am not for picking a fight but you suggested the violence, I am just giving you the opportunity to try it. Or would you rather be a coward and suggest that others do your dirty work?

Perhaps though, this was all planned for a reason. Malloy and Air America have more people reading about them on the Internet than listen to them everyday. This was probably a ploy to get more attention and let people know they are actually on the air, though one wonders why (where does the money come from, Al?).

I have communicated with Mark Noonan in the past and he seems like a pretty decent guy. I know that what he writes upsets the left. Adam likes to use his quotes for his anti-conservative point of view. However, just because Noonan writes something that the other side does not agree with is no reason to advocate violence against him. Are these not the same moonbats who said that preemptive strikes were wrong? Violence is not the answer and all kinds of other hand holding prattle. Perhaps what they really mean is that violence is not the answer as long as you agree with us. The shame of it is that guys like this get to say pretty much what they want each and everyday. Couple their lunacy with the slime that spews from Howie Dean’s mouth and you have a hypocritical point of view from the donks. Not that this surprises me in the least.

There is an audio link to this guy and what he said at B4B. You can listen to the moonbat serenade there. Funny thing is, more people probably heard it on the web than heard it when it first aired.

Why don’t we see if we can get a tag team match, no holds barred. Noonan and I in the RED corner and Malloy and Franken in the BLUE. It will be another GOP rout. It won’t be pretty with Malloy and Franken lying there with their yellow spines removed from the waste of human flesh that is their existence. Oh, and have a nice day.

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Donkey Stomp | Generation Why? | GOP Bloggers | Junkyard Blog | Michelle Malkin | ProfessorBainbridge | Public Rendezvous | Sister Toldjah | Radio Saigon

Open Letter To The President

This was sent to me. I am sure it has been going around but I got a kick out of it.

Dear president Bush,

I am really disappointed in you. First and foremost you failed to stop
the hurricane Katrina before it hit the Gulf Coast. Even worse, you
should have stopped it before it first hit Southern Florida. Since you
failed to take this first action, one would have expected that you
should have, as a second thought, moved the entire states of Alabama
Mississippi and Louisiana to central Texas before Katrina came ashore.

Next you failed to keep the levees in New Orleans from breaking. You
would think that as our Commander in Chief,you would have sent
Rumsfeld or at least someone in authority to put his or her finger in
the dike.Here again President Bush,you should have known that the
levees wouldn’t hold. Remember, you have the best intelligence
organization in the world.

If that wasn’t bad enough, you failed to assemble the National Guard
on a minutes notice. Aren’t they, after all, the present day
“Minutemen?” I know that it took God 6 days to do His work but as the
leader of the free world,you should have been able to beat His time.
(Actually it took 6 days after the hurricane to get things stabilized
so maybe that’s par for the course.)

When you responded to the tsunami victims,didn’t it take several weeks
of continuing rescue operations to stabilize that area. With that
training, you should have had everyone sitting in planes with their
engines running at the end of the runways before the hurricane struck.
As a matter of fact you should keep them all at that level all the
time because you can never tell when there might be an emergency.

You also showed your careless disregard for property damage by
concentrating efforts in the flooded areas where people were trapped.
By all rights you should have been primarily concerned about getting
power back on to the casinos along the Gulf Coast. After all, what is
more important, a few peoples lives or preserving the governments
income from gambling sources.

What blows my mind President Bush is you how could have reasonably
expected people to take any responsibility for themselves. After all,
with only a few days notice how could you expect that anyone would
take the time to fill up a few jugs of water and stash a few cans of
food just because a category 5 hurricane was headed their way? Besides
FEMA’s suggestion of having 4 days of water and food is just a
suggestion. It isn’t mandatory.

You also failed by expecting local officials to take any
responsibility. After all, isn’t it the present Federal Government’s
responsibility to provide everyone with everything that our ancestors
use to do for themselves?

Based on all of the above it is clear that you,President Bush, and
your administration are the only possible ones to blame. This calls
for a full investigation by all of those totally blameless so that
they may reap as much political gain from this tragedy as is possible.

Don’t forget the Stop the ACLU weekend trackback party!

Remembering Casey — The Important Sheehan

With the media furor over his mother, Cindy, the MSM and many of us have forgotten about US Army Specialist Casey Sheehan. It is high time we remember who he was and in what he believed. He deserves our respect. . . and, he deserves that the truth of his life be known.

Born on May 29 1979, Casey Sheehan’s values became evident as a child. He began serving as an altar boy at his Catholic Church when he was eight years old and continued for 10 years. Casey loved Scouting. He was a Cub Scout, Boy Scout and attained the rank of Eagle Scout in 1996. He was only the second young man to be awarded that honor in his troop — Boy Scout Troop 180.

After graduating with honors from high school, he received an Associate of Arts (AA) degree in Drama from Solano Community College. Immediately following graduation, Casey enlisted in the United States Army in May of 2000. In August of 2003, Casey re-enlisted — knowing that his unit was being shipped out to Iraq. And, in March of 2004, that is exactly where the First Calvary Division was sent.

His division arrived in a then-hotly contested area, at Forward Operating Base (FOB) War Eagle in Sadr City. Less than a month after his arrival at the base, Casey Sheehan volunteered as part of a Quick Reaction Force (QRF) to rescue American soldiers whom had pinned down during a riot. On April 4, 2004, Casey was killed in action while completing the QRF’s objective. They came under fire from rock-propelled grenades and small arms fire. Casey was 24.

At his funeral, the Army presented his family with Casey’s Purple Heart and Bronze Star medals. According to the Army, Casey was a hero.

It is clear that Casey Sheehan believed in his service to his country and gave his life to help save fellow soldiers. He re-enlisted knowing he would be sent to Iraq. He could have stayed home. Knowing what we now know about Casey, isn’t it time we stood up and spoke for him? He died for our country, for his fellow soldiers, for the Iraqi people and for the sake of freedom. We owe him no less than to acknowledge the truth of his life and remember him for the fine soldier he was. We can honor his life — even if his own mother will not.

Information for this post was found here and here.

DeLay Delight

Tom DeLay was indicted today and the moonbats are all agog. They can not help but be in a frenzy. It does not matter that he was indicted, not tried and found guilty, to them it is the same thing. The donks are really amazing. When a man gets caught on tape killing someone and is found guilty and sentenced to death they say we can not kill him, he might be innocent. But when a man is indicted, they assume he is guilty and have a party. I wonder, if he is found not guilty, how many will accept that. I have money that says they will cry that it was all politics. Of course it is not politics when the indictment comes from a democrat with an axe to grind. I believe in the idea that we are innocent until proven guilty so I will wait and see. I know that I do not have enough facts with which to take an informed decision so I think waiting is prudent. The left has never needed facts to advance a position.

It did not take them long to jump on the DeLay lynch mob and use the indictment to pander for money. It does not surprise me because they used hurricane Katrina to raise raise campaign money. If they would stoop that low, why not take a chance with this. Here is what the DNC sent me:

House Republican Leader Tom DeLay and two associates were indicted today for criminal conspiracy.

Specifically, the charge is conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws. The indictment is another stark reminder that Republicans have a lucrative money-for-influence machine that will do anything — including breaking the law — to funnel corporate and special interest money into their party in huge amounts.

People ask what the difference is between the two parties, and this indictment gives one clear answer.

Republicans are committed to pushing the legal limits to collect checks from special interests who want to use government for their own narrow purposes. Democrats are committed to funding our party with contributions from ordinary Americans so that when we take power, the government will represent the people.

You can make your personal commitment to changing the culture of corruption by getting your Democracy Bond — a monthly commitment to contribute to the Democratic Party.

They want people to believe that only the republicans have rich donors. Hell, they want you to believe that all of the donors the republicans have are rich while they, the poor donks, solicit money from the average Joe, just like me. The pathetic thing is that they actually have idiots that will believe that and hand over their money. Does the name George Soros ring a bell? Anyone remember that he spent more money on democrats than the budget of some countries. He was not an average Joe. He gave millions and still does. Almost all of the Hollywood elite do the same thing and none of them are poor.

So let the sane among us wait for the legal system to proceed. The moonbats, on the other hand, can have a kool-aid party.

My Way News

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