Economy Good Despite Other Claims

The rate of illegal immigration is up despite the so called efforts to curb the flow of aliens into this country which is now easier to get into than Bette Midler. According to Breitbart:

Immigration levels closely mirror economic conditions in the United States _ as the economy improves, immigration increases _ suggesting that the lure of jobs is a strong factor in attracting people to this country, the report says. The U.S. economy appears to be a stronger factor than economic conditions in the countries sending immigrants here, the report says.

So even though it is not a good thing to have all the illegals entering our country we can at least put to rest the idea of a poor economy. Even with the back-to-back hurricanes and rising gas prices, things are fairly good as far as our economy goes.

Related Article:
LaShawn Barber’s Corner

The Donks Had A Game Plan

Most thinking people knew before the Roberts confirmation hearings that the donks were going to oppose him no matter what. He could have written the Constitution and he was going to be shot down if the “fair” guys on the other side had anything to do with it. It would seem that for all the claims of being fair and trying to work with the other side the fact is the donks don’t like being out of power and they act like spoiled little children when they are.

We all knew that there would be Senators who would not vote for Roberts and, despite their claims about waiting for the facts, they made up their minds before Roberts was selected. Chuck Schumer, former JOTM, said as much on a cell phone on the train. Hillary Clinton says it is too big of a chance to take on a guy we know little about. Barbra Mikulski says there are too many questions to give him a yes vote. Folks, these idiots had their minds made up long, long ago and I predicted right here that the two clowns from New York would vote no.

Schumer is worried that Roberts will uphold the law according to the Constitution. Perhaps that worries him since his people were the ones who broke the law in illegally obtaining Michael Steel’s Credit Report. Maybe he is worried because his people then destroyed the evidence. Better vote against the guy who might have to rule on your illegal activities.

Clinton is worried that too much about Roberts is unknown. She was happy that America chose an unknown governor to be President in 1992. She did not tell us that no one really knew her hubby so they should vote against him. I believe that she was telling us to give him a chance. Too bad she is not affording Roberts the same courtesy, especially when you consider that he is a much more decent human being than the man Hillary was hawking for.

Mikulski says she thought about it and the answer is no. She says she is worried about Roberts opinions and he did not express his beliefs. He seemed to present himself as a decent human being but that was not good enough to overcome the dementia. She could not vote for a decent man but found no problem voting for Ginsburg who had opinions out there that were very far left and bordering on scary. Babs voted for her and thought it was a wonderful vote. This should tell you the kind of values that Mikulski has.

Now we are hearing stories that Leahy felt crossed up by Harry Reid. Seems that Reid said no one on the left was to take an opinion on Roberts until after the hearings. Well, he actually told them not to express their opinions. How else can you present yourself as someone who waited and acted fairly? Then Reid came out and said he would vote against Roberts. This kind of crossed Leahy who stated that he was going to vote for Roberts. Whether he is doing that to spite Reid or not is an item of speculation. One gets the idea they wanted to appear as if they listened and then all come out against Roberts. Reid screwed that up.

Too bad these jerks have to play games while they are doing their jobs. Why can’t they do what they are supposed to and judge a nominee on his credentials? I guess it is because they are so used to saying one thing and doing another to get elected that they feel they have to worry about that in others. I hope the whole lot of them are removed from office next time around.


Michael Brown Is Right

It has been several weeks since hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf. In case you did not know it from the coverage, more areas than New Orleans were affected. When the storm hit there was a lot of finger pointing and most of them pointed up. Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco accused the Administration of all kinds of incompetence. That has eased a bit, mostly because they do not want to tick off the guy with the checkbook. Michael Brown, the former FEMA director was up on Capitol Hill today discussing the response with politicians who do not know what they are talking about. Some of them, mostly republicans because the democrats boycotted (are we paying them to boycott?) were accusing him and questioning his ability. Of course they were all concerned as to why FEMA did not rush in and make things better.

Several things were discussed by Brown. He said that media reports of looting, rape, and murder kept them out of the Superdome. He pointed out that FEMA is not a law enforcement agency and they do not have guns. He also pointed out that his biggest failure was not recognizing that Louisiana was dysfunctional. He pretty much had it right in that the state and local officials dropped the ball and expected Brown and FEMA to rush in and recover. Here is what Brown told law makers:

He pushed Brown on what he and the agency he led should have done to evacuate New Orleans, restore order in the city and improve communication among law enforcement agencies.

Brown said: “Those are not FEMA roles. FEMA doesn’t evacuate communities. FEMA does not do law enforcement. FEMA does not do communications.”

There you have it. Politicians who do not know what FEMA is and is not supposed to do. They are good at accusing people of not doing their jobs, they just don’t quite know what those jobs are. These hearings also brought out another thing. FEMA did not go in where there was reported violence. Reports that have not been proven true. The MSM ran with stories of rape and murder and this prevented help from getting there earlier. They were too busy trying to one up each other to actually find out what was going on.

Read it here.

And here.

And here.

And here.

Related items:
Blogs For Bush

Senator Mikulski Opposes Roberts

Senator Barbara Mikulski stated today that she would oppose the nomination of John Roberts as Chief Justice of the Unites States. In her statement she said:

“I am left with persistent doubts about whether he will safeguard civil rights, the implicit right to privacy and equal protection of the law…What he believes is what he is, and it will shape the Supreme Court for the next 20 years.”

I would like to think Mikulski made this decision after some real soul searching but the fact is she is playing partisan politics. Mikulski has as much information on Roberts as she did on Ginsburg and she voted for Ginsburg. She is worried about a man who has strong family values and will make decisions based on the law and the Constitution but she voted for a person who believes in murdering unborn children and thinks the age of consent should be 12. The senator was worried that Roberts might be a right wing ideologue yet she voted for an extreme left wing ideologue and had no problem with that.

Senator Mikulski is a disgrace to the state of Maryland and the US Senate. John Roberts is a good man who does not have to pander to the masses to keep a job. He is opposed by a career politician who has Maryland so wrapped up the only time we see her is when she makes a few token appearances around election time. Mikulski said:

“In the end, I have too many doubts about what Judge Roberts will mean for civil rights and constitutional liberties caused by what he said – and what he didn’t say

Hey senator, what about the justice you voted for who “upheld” our rights and liberties by voting to allow government to take our property so someone else can profit from it? You are never worried about our rights and liberties when you vote for oppressive taxes and put pork into the budget. I am ashamed that you represent the state in which I live.

I have an idea. The next time Mikulski is up for reelection let us all band together and give her the same vote she is giving Roberts. She is worried about his record and hers is nothing to write home about. She talks about her newfound worry for the Constitution when she and her donk buddies wipe their butts with it every chance they get.

Just to put it in perspective, this is from Ginsburg’s biography:

While leaning towards the liberal side of the Court’s political spectrum, Ginsburg has not hesitated to vote with her conservative colleagues. Ginsburg has shown a continuing willingness to promote women’s rights from the High Court.

Saying that Ginsburg leans liberal is like saying the Tower of Pisa is a little canted but that is beside the point. Ginsburg promotes women’s rights from the bench. That is not the job of a justice. This is the job of the legislature. But Barbara Mikulski voted for her anyway. I think her real problem with Roberts is that she believes him when he says he will interpret law according to the Constitution. That scares her and the rest of the left who legislate through the bench.

You can read Senator Moonbat’s statements here.

Forsake The Troops No More

I wrote some time ago about Michael Crook and his hate filled site, Forsake the troops. He auctioned it off and some Air Force folks bought it and have put it to better use.

Crook has the distinction of being the first JOTM here in the Dog’s house.

You can see the way it is now and I know you will appreciate it and the fine folks who bought it.

I can now proudly link to Forsake The Troops.