Babs Streisand State Of Emergency

Barbra Streisand has declared a Global Warming Emergency. She is using the theory of global warming as fact and blaming the recent hurricanes on this theory. This pseudo-scientist should stick to singing and leave the real job to people who know what they are doing. I have another theory, but before I tell it, here is the Streisand article from Drudge:

NEW YORK — This summer’s back to back superstorms are proof positive we have entered a new period of “global warming emergency,” artist/citizen Barbra Streisand warns.

Streisand is back on the scene to promote her reunion disc with Barry Gibb.

As hellstorm “Rita” churned in the Gulf, Streisand sat down for a promotional interview with ABCNEWS’s Diane Sawyer.

“We are in a global warming emergency state, and these storms are going to become more frequent, more intense,” Streisand urgently declares.

But Sawyer did not remind Streisand that a Category 5 hurricane struck the Bahamas with 160 mph winds — when the singer was five years old, in 1947!

And when Streisand was 8 years old, a Cat 5 hurricane — named “Dog” — packing 185 mph churned-away in the Atlantic.

When she was 9, a Cat 5 storm named “Easy” ripped the seas with 160 mph sustained winds.

Streisand was 13 years old when “Janet” hit Mexico with 150 mph winds.

Streisand was celebrating her sweet sixteen as “Cleo” formed with 140 mph.

At 18, Streisand read news about “Donna” AND “Ethel” — both storms carried 140 mph winds and formed 9 days apart in 1960!

One year later, when Streisand was 19, it happened again: Two Category 5 storms scared the world: “Carla” and “Hattie!”

“Carla” maxed out at 175 mph winds the year Streisand made her television debut on “The Jack Paar Show.”

And who could forget Hurricane “Camille” — which smashed into the United States with 190 mph, just as “Funny Girl” garners eight Academy Award nominations, including one for Best Picture and one for Barbra as Best Actress.

Up next on the weather warning watch, Streisand says to ABC: “There could be more droughts, dust bowls. You know, it’s amazing to hear these facts.”

First of all we should always be aware when people are on a promotional tour because they say anything to draw attention to what they are hawking. She is trying to sell some geriatric remake of her hits or some such thing. Look closely at the item above. Look at all those nasty hurricanes that occurred before the theory of Global Warming. What we do know is that they all occurred during some significant event in Streisand’s life. At a certain age, when she was in a movie.

I think from this evidence we can conclude, with more certainty that global warming theorists, that Barbra Streisand is the cause of violent hurricanes. The Global Warming bunch said we needed to eliminate fossil fuels because they were the cause. Since we now know Streisand is the cause, we need to eliminate her.

Sorry Babs, nothing personal, just business. And I know you would want to do your little part for the environment.

Side note. Notice that it says Sawyer did not make Babs aware of these things. Goodness forbid you throw the truth on a moonbat. Babs would have to go see a therapist, oy.

China And Hillary Favor Internet Restrictions?

On Sunday China imposed restrictions on what news content and how much can be accessed by its people. In a free society this is not necessary and by doing so the free will of people is impeded. Could that ever happen here? It depends on what way the wind blows but Hillary Clinton, the senator who can not vote for John Roberts because she is not sure how he feels about our rights, blah, blah, blah, talked about restricting our rights of access. Or at least she hinted that way in a 1998 interview. It seems she was upset with all the Internet chat about hubby Bill’s sexual woes. She said:

“We are all going to have to rethink how we deal with this, because there are all these competing values … Without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function, what does it mean to have the right to defend your reputation?” she said.
“I don’t have any clue about what we’re going to do legally, regulatorily, technologically — I don’t have a clue. But I do think we always have to keep competing interests in balance. I’m a big pro-balance person. That’s why I love the founders — checks and balances; accountable power. Anytime an individual or an institution or an invention leaps so far out ahead of that balance and throws a system, whatever it might be — political, economic, technological –out of balance, you’ve got a problem, because then it can lead to the oppression people’s rights, it can lead to the manipulation of information, it can lead to all kinds of bad outcomes which we have seen historically. So we’re going to have to deal with that. And I hope a lot of smart people are going to –”

Yeah, she is a big balance person so long as the balance is closer to her end. I want to know where she was when Dan Rather was smearing Bush with phony papers. How come she did not jump up, big balance person that she is, and say wait, that is wrong. We need to regulate what you say.

Sounds to me like Hillary Clinton is in favor of people’s rights and free speech unless it affects her. And this is the jackass who will vote against Roberts because she thinks he will not uphold our rights.

Can’t Understand Normal Thinking.

Read it here.

Louisiana, Epitome Of Entitlement

I have written, as have many others, about the entitlement environment that existed in New Orleans and how it contributed to the catastrophe. One has to wonder why the exodus from Texas cities went much smoother. Were there some snags, sure but that will happen when you evacuate 3 million people. But they got out, the buses ran, the elderly were taken care of and now the emergency workers are spending little time rescuing and more time getting things back in order. There are those who will say that Texas and the feds learned from Katrina. They would be wrong. While there certainly were some lessons learned the fact is they could not possibly learn major lessons and put them into practice in two weeks. In addition to all this, the feds had a very small role. The difference of course is leadership. Louisiana lacks it and Texas showed it.

Now there are reports that the politicians from Louisiana, from both parties, are greasing up the pork barrel in their requests for our money. They put in a request for money to fix the levee that is 10 times the annual budget of the Corps of Engineers! The COE estimates it would cost 2.5 billion to upgrade the levees. This makes one wonder exactly what the politicians are trying to do with our money. Here are some things that they want to spend taxpayer money on, money that is a gift because they are not entitled to it:

  • Louisiana’s congressional delegation has requested $40 billion for Army Corps of Engineers projects in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, about 10 times the annual Corps budget for the entire nation, or 16 times the amount the Corps has said it would need to protect New Orleans from a Category 5 hurricane.
    Louisiana Sens. David Vitter (R) and Mary Landrieu (D) tucked the request into their $250 billion Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief and Economic Recovery Act, the state’s opening salvo in the scramble for federal dollars.
  • The bill directs the Pelican (Protecting Essential Louisiana Infrastructure, Citizens and Nature) Commission to study several key flood-protection projects, as well as a $14 billion ecosystem restoration for Louisiana’s vanishing coastal marshes, which help protect vulnerable communities against storm surges.
  • The 440-page bill also includes $50 billion in open-ended grants for storm-ravaged communities
  • $13 billion for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
  • mortgage assistance
  • health care
  • substance abuse treatment and other services for hurricane victims
  • But the list of potential projects also includes a 50-year-old plan for a $750 million lock for the New Orleans Industrial Canal, a project rated the fifth-worst Corps boondoggle in the country by an alliance of taxpayer advocates and environmentalists.

These are just some of the items that they want to spend money on. Some of them are worthy but others are not part of the damage from Katrina and I do not think any politician from Louisiana should get an open ended anything. They need oversight. There needs to be a close eye on how every penny is spent or it will be in someone’s pet project or sending somebody to Vegas for vacation.

The reason the entitlement attitude is pervasive there is because that is how the politicians feel. Here is what they said about your money.

  • “We’re going to fight hard for every dollar,” Landrieu said. “We wanted to tell people the truth: It’s going to be an expensive recovery, but worth the investment.”
  • The governor yesterday asked for $31.7 billion in federal funds for her state’s infrastructure, including $20 billion for hurricane protections — which aides described as a down payment on the larger sum.

They are going to fight hard for every last dollar of your money for their pet projects and they look at the smaller sum as a down payment. As if we are thrilled about buying into this. A down payment is what we put on a home, for ourselves, not the money for pork projects.

I really believe that Louisiana should have no say in how the money is spent. The feds should go in and make sure that items that are needed are built and that there are no, and I mean NO, projects that are undertaken that have nothing to do with the storm. Louisiana officials are telling us how much of our money they are going after and on what kind of pork they are going to spend it. We need to make sure they are kept in line and if they don’t like it we can take our checkbook and go home.

Here is a quote that tells it all:
“This bill boggles the mind,” said Steve Ellis, a water resources expert at Taxpayers for Common Sense. “Brazen doesn’t begin to describe it. The Louisiana delegation is using Katrina as an excuse to resurrect a laundry list of pork projects.”

Read it here.

Moonbat Delight

I recently wrote a post about the ACLU and the atheist/gay groups trying to force the Boy Scouts to allow girls, gays, and atheists into their organization. I posted at the time that someone would say I was a homophobe because of my views. I was not exactly correct. I was actually called a “stupid biggot”[sic].

You see, when a parent decides what is moral and how he wants those morals applied to his child’s upbringing the left can not stand it The moonbats come out in full force and try to lay their Hillary Clinton Village crap on you. You see, I am stupid, or unenlightened, because I do not wish for my children to be influenced by atheists or gays and because I think the Girl Scouts is for girls and the Boy Scouts is for boys. I am the stupid one because I want to decide what my children are exposed to. I want to, and here is a novel idea for the left, raise them with my wife not with the community, or the village. While I realize the community has an influence on my children I also know that I and my wife have sole responsibility and the village has only the say we allow in their lives.

Now here is where it gets hairy. You see, the particular person who said I was a bigot for deciding how I wanted my children raised does not have any children. He is still in college having his mind molded by the liberal professors. He is being raised by the village. Unfortunately, when he leaves the village will miss its idiot. I have raised two children who are now adults. They are not bigots and they do not discriminate. They believe in God and they think that homosexuality is wrong but that people are free to do what they want in their own bedrooms.

I guess I must be a bigot. I have no tolerance for stupidity, can’t stand criminals, think pimps are a waste of human flesh, believe that rapists should be hanged by their testicles, hate terrorists and think they should all die a horrible death, and I think that any person or group that tries to impose its will upon me and my family will suffer dearly. I also feel that private organizations have the right to do as they please and if the left or anyone else does not like it they can all go straight to hell. So I guess I am a bigot after all.

I know this much. My wife and I had a good upbringing and our parents had the same. We gave as much and more to our children. And we did it without others telling us what we did and did not have to allow. I also know that I do not have to have forced upon me what I do not agree with and if that makes me a bigot fine, but I am a free one.

Day By Day, Today

I’ve changed this post to remove the Day by Day cartoon from it and place it in the sidebar where it should change about daily.