ACLU And Gays Harass Boy Scouts

A group of homosexuals and atheists are planning to demonstrate against the Boy Scouts yet again. The group, Scouting for All, is planning to demonstrate at a San Diego Boy Scout Camp on Oct 9th. The group has added a new twist to their tired demands. In addition to demanding that homosexuals be allowed to become scout leaders and that the organization strike references to God and allow atheists in, they are now demanding that girls be allowed to join. In case they are not aware, there is an organization called the Girl Scouts. The purpose of the group is to provide scouting for, well…girls.

The Boy Scouts have their own rules and values and they follow them. They do not want homosexuals and atheists in their organization and they are entitled to that. Of course, the ACLU is involved. Never missing the opportunity to pilfer money from the taxpayer, they are on board to push their communistic agenda on the Scouts. I have an idea. If the ACLU and the rest of these organizations have problems with groups that do not include everyone then perhaps they can go sue the United Negro College Fund. This is designed to provide college money for minorities, predominantly African Americans. How about the NAACP? This organization is for the advancement of Colored People. How about the Congressional Black Caucus? Are there any white guys on that? There are countless organizations across the country that have certain requirements for one to belong. They should be entitled to allow who they want in their organization. They damn sure don’t need the leeches from the ACLU sucking money from the taxpayer in support of policy change in THEIR organizations.

In the past Scouting for All has compared the Boy Scouts to the KKK. Here is an idea. Why does not that group and the ACLU sue the KKK to allow gays and atheists in their organization? Why are they leaving a hate group like the KKK alone to practice according to its desires but bothering the hell out of the Boy Scouts? And how dare they compare the Boy Scouts, an organization that teaches values to an organization like the KKK that harasses anyone who does not agree with them? Wait, the ACLU and Scouting for All harasses everyone who does not agree with them. They are the ones who should be likened to the KKK.

I am happy the Boy Scouts are fighting this and not caving to another group who wants to spread its ideas among others who are not interested in them. The Scouts have been here since about 1909 and I don’t think they are going to cave in and placate these groups.

If there is anyone out there who honestly thinks that it is a good idea to allow boys to camp out with homosexual men or that atheism is appropriate to teach to our young? If so, then I suggest you find your own Baden Powell and start your own scouting group. You can call your group the co-ed scouts. And when your kids come home and tell you what fun they had camping out with the girls or how their gay scoutmaster taught them a neat trick called back packing, you will have only yourselves to blame.

I am sure to make someone’s quote of the week and be called a homophobe. I am far from such a thing. I believe that parents are responsible for the safety and upbringing of their children and I do not think that others have the right to impose their views on us or to compel us to do things that we are morally opposed to.

Read about it at World Net Daily.

Related Stories:
Stop The ACLU
Jack Lewis.Net
Barking Moonbat Early Warning System
Basil’s Blog
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Museum of Left Wing Lunacy
Daily Pundit

November Jackass Of The Month

As the voting winds down for the October JOTM I am taking nominations for the November JOTM to be voted on in the month of October. Please use this form to submit your nomination.


Jackass Of The Month

The voting for October’s JOTM is winding down and Mayor Ray Nagin is holding the lead with 22 votes in. Be sure to cast your vote for the next JOTM!

The poll is located in the left sidebar about half way down.

UPDATE: Sunday Humor from Stop The ACLU!

The Enemy Within, Helping The Bully

President Bush recently said the following:

“Withdrawing our troops would make the world more dangerous, and make America less safe. To leave Iraq now would be to repeat the costly mistakes of the past that led to the attacks of September the 11th, 2001. The terrorists saw our response to the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings in the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. The terrorists concluded that we lacked the courage and character to defend ourselves, and so they attacked us.” From Lost Adam

Over at Blogs for Bush there is a quote from a Marine who is serving on the front lines:

Thanks for doing this. The battlefield this weekend will be on the homefront. The only thing that truly concerns me is that the seditionist groups will succeed in causing the American people to lose their will and the enemy will win politically the victory we have denied them militarily. Let there be no mistake: we are winning here. Morale is outstanding and we are successfully taking the fight to the enemy. You will see a successful referendum in less than 3 weeks and a successfull election in less than 3 months. I see the positive resuts of our actions everyday. The MSM ignores or denigrates almost every piece of positive news, exaggerates every negative and makes the enemy and his actions out to be more than they are. They absolutely cannot defeat us militarily and have no strategic vision except the destruction of all who oppose them. A strategy based on such a negative is doomed to fail, unless we cut and run.

The anti-war protesters and the rest of the naysayers do not seem to comprehend these ideas. Whether it is from misguided ideas or the thought of short term notoriety, their positions are dangerous to our country. The war against terrorism is much like a story of a school yard bully.

The bully selects a target and threatens him. Today he wants his books carried to class under the threat of physical harm. The target has two choices, resist and face possible harm or submit and do what is demanded. After the target submits, the bully becomes emboldened and soon is demanding the person’s lunch, money, and personal property. There are others who are aware of what is going on but it does not affect them so they are not worried. They could get together and confront the bully. A show of strength that would cause him to rethink his actions. Instead they stand idly by while a select few are bullied everyday. With no one to stop him the bully begins to spread out his reign of terror and one day those who sat idly by become the next targets.

What would the outcome be if the group had confronted the bully in the first place? If they stood united against his activities? Perhaps he would get more of his bully friends and that threat would need to be challenged. Perhaps he would realize that the terror was not worth the effort. In any event, the bully would have to pay for his actions. Eventually, enough people will stand up to him to make him stop what he is doing. If however, the group decides to stop resisting the bully will become even more emboldened and they will all become targets because he will know he has broken their resolve to resist his tyranny. Even if reistance took a while and caused people harm, this approach is preferable to allowing the bully unfettered reign over others. Action will eventually produce results. Inaction NEVER WILL.

I hope the American people were watching the war protests this weekend, just long enough to realize that these people are a threat to the safety and security of our great country. It is OK to dissent but when that dissent helps the enemy then it is wrong. I believe part of John Kerry’s failure in the last Presidential election was his participation in anti-war activities during the Vietnam War.

You are either with us or against us. We will make no distinction between those who would do us harm whether they live outside our boundaries or within our borders.

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