Maybe They will Blame Bush Because These People Died

People in the Southeastern part of Texas have been evacuating since earlier this week. This, it is alleged, is because of the slow response to Katrina. This part of Texas has done this before and with good leadership, know what they are doing. Unfortunately, 24 elderly evacuees were killed in a bus fire while being evacuated:

A fire in a chartered bus filled with elderly Hurricane Rita evacuees, including some who used oxygen, has killed 24 people near Dallas Friday.

Authorities said the bus apparently caught fire due to a mechanical problem, and that oxygen tanks then started exploding on gridlocked Interstate 45.

Dallas County Sheriff’s Sgt. Don Peritz said deputies couldn’t get everyone off the flaming bus. It carried about 45 people from a nursing home in Bellaire, an upscale enclave within Houston. They had been on the road since Thursday.

Peritz said permission was given to remove the charred hulk of the bus from the northbound lane with the bodies still on board, shrouded by tarps. The crowded interstate is a primary Hurricane Rita evacuation route.

The bus was reduced to a blackened, burned-out shell, surrounded by numerous police cars and ambulances.

Peritz said the driver and arriving deputies tried to rescue as many passengers from the bus as possible but couldn’t save everybody.

He said the bus left a nursing home in the Houston suburb of Bellaire Thursday, headed for facilities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

The fire caused a 17-mile backup on a freeway that was already heavily congested with evacuees from the Gulf Coast.

State officials said northbound traffic is being diverted off of Interstate 45 onto U.S. Highway 287 at Ennis, about 30 miles southeast of Dallas.

Interstate 45 stretches more than 250 miles from Galveston through Houston to Dallas. NBC 5 Dallas

I wonder how long it will be before George Bush gets blamed for the deaths because he evacuated the people too early. If the place they were evacuated from does not get much damage we will never hear the end of it. It is a bit of irony that people heading from danger were killed.

Maryland GOP News

The Maryland GOP sent me an email with the news of the week. As anyone who reads anything but the Baltimore Sun knows, the LT Governor of our state, Michael Steele, was the victim of an illegal identity theft by some of Chuck Schumer’s people. I know there are people who will say Schumer had nothing to do with it. I say leaders are responsible for the actions of their people. Well, true leaders are responsible for the actions of their people and take responsibility when those people do something wrong. You can bet if these two idiots had found a cure for AIDS Schumer would have been there to get some of the credit. Here is what the MD GOP had to say:

In case you’ve missed it, this week brought a flurry of shame to the Democratic Party. News reports detailed the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s apparent illegal use of Lt. Governor Michael Steele’s Social Security number to fraudulently obtain Steele’s credit report and their destruction of evidence. You may have missed the coverage in the Baltimore Sun, since it was buried in Wednesday’s Metro briefs, but the national newspapers took care of the Sun’s oversight. Two senior staffers at the DSCC resigned in July after it was revealed that they have apparently committed a federal crime in their dirty political opposition research quests. The “researchers — who were identified in [a Washington] Post article as Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner — have resigned. Sources said, however, that they were initially suspended with pay while the committee conducted an internal review before resigning earlier this month, and campaign finance records show that Barge and Weiner were paid through the end of August.” (Josh Kurtz, “Data Case Rankles,” Roll Call, September 22, 2005). The Democratic Party of Maryland has gone into spin mode in trying to excuse the criminal acts. According to the Washington Post, “Derek Walker, a spokesman for the Maryland Democratic Party, said the episode had nothing to do with the party’s view of a Steele candidacy. ‘This is a one-time stupid mistake by a couple of young people who were willing to take responsibility immediately,’ Walker said. ‘That’s what this is about.’” (John Wagner, Democrats’ Scrutiny of Steele Assailed, September 22, 2005) The Sun refused to cite that the culprit was the DSCC’s Research Director. Why, as it seems like an important piece of information for the public to know? And Mr. Walker would have us believe it was a sophomoric mistake, despite the fact that it was a senior staffer at the DSCC who formerly worked for a liberal media research group. Check out other media outlets’ coverage to see the full story.

WBAL Channel, Washington Times, New York Post, Newsday, Washington Post

Interestingly, Chuckie Schumer has an article on his web site telling everyone that something has to be done about identity theft! His words, “CONGRESS MUST ACT SOON TO BOLSTER PRIVACY PROTECTIONS.” The people can act soon by putting people like Schumer out on the street.

Hillary Not Doing What Is Right For The Country

Today, Senator Hillary Clinton announced that she will vote against the confirmation of John Roberts. This might be the first salvo in support of my post indicating she will turn back to the left. She wrote a very long piece detailing why she is voting against him and none of those items hold water. They are merely rhetoric to appease the idiots who will follow her blindly through the gates of hell. In fact, Hillary has made it clear that what she is doing is not good for the country. She has made it clear that she is bowing to the whims of

Those who think Hillary Clinton is a principled person who votes her conscience and not based upon politics are fooling themselves. Clinton is a big time partisan hack who would perform oral sex on a porcupine if it would get her votes. I know there are people who refuse to see the obvious and will tell me that she has always opposed Roberts and that she is doing the right thing for our country. I say you are wrong and I will use Hillary Clinton’s own words to prove it.

Here is what she said when Roberts was nominated the first time:

Senator Hillary Clinton has confided to associates that she intends to vote FOR Bush Supreme Court nominee John Roberts, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Unless some unforeseen development occurs around Roberts, Clinton will throw her support behind confirmation, says a top source.

“Look, we’re not thrilled President Bush is in office and gets to make these choices,” said a top Hillary source, “but we have to make the best of the situation until the next election!”

With her support of Roberts, Clinton ignores pressure from the reactionary-activist wing of the Democrat party.

“She is simply doing what is right for the country, not MOVEON.ORG,” the Clinton insider explained. Drudge

There have been no unforeseen developments except that Roberts was elevated to Chief Justice. Hillary did not come out at that time and express her distaste. No, she waited until all the polls were in from the Moveon folks and the rest of the radical leftist groups and, seeing how poorly she did in the Kos poll, decided, as I predicted, to tact left. But in doing so she also told us that she does what is right for Moveon, not what is right for the country. You see when you use the inverse of the original statement you can only conclude Hillary Clinton is influenced by special interests and not the American people.

This makes 2 for 2 for the Dog. I predicted very early that Schumer and Clinton would not vote for Roberts though I admitted when this article originally came out that I could be mistaken. I also pointed out that if she voted for Roberts it was to fool moderates into thinking she was one of them. I feel she would have continued on that path had the news from the left about her standings among the moonbats been better. Instead, she changed direction for political expediency. No one should be surprised. This is typical Clinton MO. What the polls say, do. Change and lie, people will not know the difference.

Well Senator, the Big Dog keeps track of these things and I am happy to point out that you are a lying hypocrite who will do anything to get elected and appease special interest groups.

Hillary Will Move Back To The Left

The Daily Kos website ran an unscientific poll about the 2008 democratic hopefuls. Hillary Clinton did not fare so well. This might be a sign that the hard left is not thrilled about her pretending to be a moderate. This is from News Max:

A new poll of left-leaning Democrats shows Hillary Clinton badly trailing her 2008 presidential rivals, with Wesley Clark, Russ Feingold and John Edwards all getting more support.

The poll of 10,000 readers to the most widely trafficked Democrat blog, the Daily Kos, shows Gen. Clark is the 2008 frontrunner, with 34 percent support.

Sen. Russ Feingold comes in second with 19 percent

Behind him – John Kerry’s former running mate John Edwards gets 10 percent.

Bringing up the rear, Hillary Clinton gets a tiny 8 percent support. And the trend shows her popularity fading – she got 10 percent in June.

“This isn’t a scientific poll of the Democratic Party rank and file,” reminds Koz. “But it’s a pretty darn accurate poll of the sentiments of the Daily Kos community. 10,000+ respondents is nothing to sneeze at.”

Hillary may still be wildly popular with Democrats at large. But it’s the types who flock to web sites like Kos who will have a huge say in the primary process. And that’s bad news for Mrs. Clinton.

As for John Kerry, they like him even less. He got just 3 percent in the Kos poll. News Max

It will not be long before the “pro-defense” Hillary Clinton starts to waffle on that issue. She will now turn back to the left where she has spent all of her life until she saw the prize. She knows that she can not win as a radical lefty so she moved to the center and tried to appease the moderate vote. This upset her base who loves her for the lib that she is. So what is a girl to do? She will move back to that base. She never intended to abandon her beliefs, just fool others into voting for her.

Watch and see.

John Roberts No Votes Shows Partisanship

The idea that the people on the Senate Judicial Committee were voting based upon facts and not as a political statement is a joke. There are those out there who will tell us that these senators have real feelings and their dissent does not make them bad people. They are free to dissent but I call attention to former jackass of the Month, Chuck Schumer, as an example of a person who had his mind made up before the proceeding began. He was going to vote against the Bush nominee no matter what and he was proud of that. He can afford to play politics because he is not up for reelection. Remember this story from Drudge:

Senate Judiciary Committee member Chuck Schumer got busy plotting away on the cellphone aboard a Washington, DC-New York Amtrak — plotting Democrat strategy for the upcoming Supreme Court battle.

Schumer, promised a fight over whoever the President?s nominee was: ?It’s not about an individual judge? It’s about how it affects the overall makeup of the court.?

Schumer was overheard on a long cellphone conversation with an unknown political ally, and the DRUDGE REPORT was there!

Schumer, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, proudly declared, ?We are contemplating how we are going to go to war over this.?

Schumer went on to say how hard it was to predict how a Supreme Court justice would turn out: ?Even William Rehnquist is more moderate than they expected. The only ones that resulted how they predicted were [Antonin] Scalia and [Ruth Bader] Ginsburg. So most of the time they’ve gotten their picks wrong, and that’s what we want to do to them again.?

Schumer later went on to mock the ?Gang of 14? judicial filibuster deal and said it wasn?t relevant in the Supreme Court debate.

?A Priscilla Owen or Janice Rogers Brown style appointment may not have been extraordinary to the appellate court but may be extraordinary to the Supreme Court.?

By the time the train hit New Jersey, Schumer shifted gears and called his friend and ?Gang of 14? member, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham. The two talked in a very friendly manner about doing an event sometime this week together. Drudge, July 2005

Chuck made it clear he would not be a part of the process he would obstruct it so the claims that calling the nay-sayers (pun intended) obstructionists is wrong, are foolish. If senators had good reasons to vote against him they should but making your mind up before the process is not a good reason. Partisan politics is not a good reason. Chuckie wants us to believe he is worried that an ideologue would be voted to the bench and he openly named Thomas and Scalia as two people he did not want Roberts to turn out like.

He neglected to mention Ruth Ginsburg because to him and many of the liberals she is viewed as main stream. She is nothing of the kind. She is a far left wing ideologue and Schumer likes her. Fine. She was confirmed 97-3 so it is evident that republicans did not play games. I know it was not because they agree with her. No one in his right mind would actually believe that this many republicans agree with the far left views of Ruth “Buzzy” (as Rush calls her) Ginsburg. The fact is the republicans voted for the person the president nominated knowing that you can never really know how a justice will turn out but well aware that however she did it would be far left.

Liberals can not get over the idea that the judiciary interprets the law. They do not make law. They do not social engineer. They do not make up for past injustice in this country. They look at cases and determine if they are legal according to our Constitution. I think that there will be a few senators that vote against Roberts and they are entitled. If a large number vote against him it will be nothing more than partisan politics. If they can not see a brilliant legal mind, they are in trouble.

Wait! They did see a brilliant legal mind and they are scared. They know that their BS agenda will not be legislated from the bench in a Roberts court. They know that they can not play games with social engineering and they can not pass their illegal ideas and push them down our throats. The left went out of its way to smear a good man. Why on Earth he would even put himself through that when he could be making millions in the real world is beyond me. Perhaps, he actually feels he can be a part of history in getting the judiciary back to interpreting law and not legislating it.