Donna Brazile Backs President Bush

Donna Brazile managed Al Gore’s campaign and worked hard to beat George Bush. 9/11 left no doubt in my mind (though honestly I had none to begin with) that Bush was the right man for the job. He was good in that crisis and we, despite claims to the contrary, are safer today.

The 2004 election saw Brazile again working hard to defeat Bush. The events surrounding 9/11 must not have changed her mind. Bush again won. Fast forward to Katrina. Now Brazile is behind the man she once wanted to defeat. Brazile makes some good observations and puts partisanship aside.

“I am not a Republican. I did not vote for George Bush – in fact, I worked pretty hard against him in 2000 and 2004,” the New Orleans native writes in a column carried by several newspapers.

“But after watching him speak from the heart, I could not have been prouder of the president and the plan he outlined to empower those who lost everything and to rebuild the Gulf Coast.”

Brazile praised Bush’s call for Americans to come together and use their industriousness, ingenuity and compassion to help those stricken by the tragedy.

“There are times when it seems that our nation is too divided ever to heal,” Brazile writes. “But we are one nation. We are a family.

“When the president asked us to pitch in, he wasn’t really asking us to do anything spectacular. He was asking us to be Americans, and to do what Americans always do. NewsMax

Maybe now Kerry and Gore can stop running their mouths and start rolling up their sleeves.

Illegal Immigrants Want Special Status

I used to tell my soldiers that it was important to do the right thing whether someone was looking or not. I impressed upon them that they might not get in immediate trouble but eventually the problem would catch up with them. This did not prevent some of them from doing the wrong thing but sure enough they eventually got caught and paid the price.

When people enter this country illegally they are rolling the dice. They are taking a chance that something will happen and they will get caught. They might be involved in a car accident or get injured at work so there is always the possibility of getting caught. In the aftermath of Katrina we are finding out that illegals have been affected and they are not seeking help because they do not have a social security number or other documentation to show they are legal. Representatives of Latin American and Caribbean communities want the illegals to be given “protected humanitarian status.”

It seems that some illegals have been held for deportation hearings or are otherwise being detained. Some people are up in arms about this because they think it is just not right to do this to people who have lost so much, even if they have broken the law. This is the chance they took when they broke the law to get here and now, as my soldiers learned, they will have to face the consequences of their actions. Why should they have a protected status for breaking the law. What if Osama bin Laden was in the group? How about all ten of the people on the FBI’s most wanted list? Would we give these folks protected status?

I believe that the people, all people, affected should get food, water, clothing and the basics to help them heal physically and emotionally. Those who are here in violation of the law should suffer the consequences of their actions. If that means deportation, then so be it.

Read the whole thing at NewsMax.

Cover Me, I’m Going In

A Chinese company is honoring former President Bill Clinton by naming a condom after him. In addition, they are naming a condom after his former girl friend, Monica Lewinski. The Clinton condom will sell for $5.00 a dozen and the Lewinski for $3.00 a dozen. I wonder if this was intentional to indicate that Lewinski is “cheap(er).”

I imagine it will not be long before some group is out there suing for equal wages, or prices in this case. In any event, here are some marketing ideas for the Chinese:

  • Welcome President Clinton with a bang!
  • Made in Bangkok so you can too!
  • Now you can sit on Clinton’s staff!
  • The Monica condom, no more blue dress mess!
  • $3.00 a dozen. That’s only 25 cents a pop!
  • The Clinton condom (cigar not included)
  • Life has its ups and downs and Clinton has you covered!
  • The Clinton missile defense system
  • Made in Bangalore, India

I wonder if Monica Lewinski will be the mouthpiece, spokesperson for the venture.

Read it where the rubber meets the Here.

How Long Before They Cry To Release Him?

The lawyer for a suspected terrorist who plotted to assassinate President Bush has asked that evidence against his client be thrown out because they claim it was given as a result of torture. After reading the account it appears to me this guy, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, was bragging that he came up with the idea and wanted to have the same honor as those who planned the 9/11 attacks:

When Abu Ali was asked, “Were you tasked to assassinate the President?” he replied, “I came up with the idea on my own, but it did not get beyond the idea stage. I wanted to be the brain, the planner, just like (reputed Sept. 11 attack masterminds) Mohammed Atta and Khalid Sheikh Mohammad.”

The people who interrogated him say he was calm and relaxed while being questioned. I think he probably felt he was a “bad dude” telling everyone of his plan. Now that he realizes he could go to jail for a long time in a not so nice place, he is claiming torture. The terrorists are not stupid. They know the hot buttons and the claim of torture is one of them.

How long will it be before Ted Kennedy demands that this man be released? How long before he tells us how bad we are and that this guy’s claim of torture should be taken as the gospel truth. We know the big bad Bush administration likes to torture everyone into confessing to things they did not do. Hell, Ted might even agree with the idea the terrorist came up with. John Kerry will not be to far back in the wings telling us that torture and a confession are not leadership.

I hope that if this guy is guilty (presumption of innocence) they lock him up for a long time and put him so far back in the jail that sunshine has to be pumped in to him. Then, after the verdict, Ted can climb back in his bottle and John into his hole.

Read it here at Breitbart.

Bush Will Get Blamed For This

The New York Times, the mouthpiece for the democrats, has announced it will cut 500 jobs, on top of the 200 it cut earlier. They say this is part of an ongoing effort to cut costs. Since newspapers around the country are suffering from low numbers of readers, it is only natural that they have more people than they need. My question is, why don’t they practice what they want the rest of the country to do?

The Times is all about taxing the “rich” and giving the money to those less fortunate. They espouse the liberal idea of a Robin Hood society and are always against tax cuts and cutting pork, programs, and waste. They would just as soon have the tax payer fork over more money to pay for widely expanded programs and to grease up the pork barrel. So why don’t all the high paid owners and executives take a pay cut and offer the money to the poor slobs who are going to get canned? They could practice what they preach on a smaller scale. Surely those rich guys can afford a few less martinis for the good of the workers.

In the overall scheme of things, somehow, George Bush will get blamed for the poor economy at the New York Times. He will shoulder the burden of people thrown out into the cold because there was not enough for them. If he would only have put those war dollars to better use subsidizing the newspaper industry. Maybe, if we are lucky, Maureen Dowd will be one of the ones out in the cold. Imagine her having to give up Perrier for tap water.

Yes, the ivory tower is crumbling piece by piece and the newspapers will start to fold (no pun intended) one by one. They can join network news anchors in the soup line.

Read it at WNBC.