Equal Justice Under The Law

Rapper L’il Kim has entered jail to begin serving her 366 day sentence for lying under oath. Yes, Kim is being put in jail for a year for lying under oath. I realize, after watching the news that there are people willing to excuse this behavior. I heard at least three people say, A year, she only lied. As if this is something that can be dismissed because it is a small matter. I do share half the sentiment. I do not believe she should necessarily have gone to jail for a year. I do think that a big fine and public service would be appropriate. The important thing is that the charges were filed and she was made to answer for her crime. There was one thing that bothered me and that is most people who were lamenting Kim’s sentence said “look at Martha Stewart.” I guess the inference is that Martha only got six months for lying.

Lets us look at a few things. Why do people pick Stewart and neglect to mention Clinton who got absolutely no jail time for lying under oath? Stewart did not lie under oath. She is accused of lying to the police officers who were investigating the issue. They did not tape what she said and the only record was the officer’s note pad. I do not care for Stewart but she was railroaded. Clinton on the other hand was captured on video tape lying under oath. He did the same thing L’il Kim did and he was allowed to go without any sanction.

I would ask where the ACLU and the rest of the drum beaters are? Why are they not fighting for the injustice that two women were subjected to while a white politician was allowed to go free? To top it off, Kim is a black woman. Where are the Jacksons, Sharptons, Farrakahns, and Wests now? Why are they not saying that Bill Clinton got special treatment because he is a white male and that Stewart got screwed because she is a powerful woman and we need to keep her in her place? Why not insist that Kim got screwed because she is a black woman, a rapper at that, and she does not deserve to be treated in the same manner as a white male President, especially a democrat.

For all of you out there who still have trouble seeing that the Clinton issue was about lying under oath and not about sex then why are you not defending Kim. She did not lie under oath, she was protecting a friend. Hogwash, she broke the law and she paid for it. The same punishment should be given to all who lie under oath and get caught. You can bet Clinton has done it more than once, he just got caught once.

I guess it is easy to see that the democrats are concerned with equal rights when they can accuse a republican of the bias. When they do not actually have to put into practice what they are preaching to everyone else then they are OK. When they can score political points by using a republican as their target of racism charges they are in their glory. But when it comes to leveling charges of racism and disparity that occurs and involves one of their own precious donks, they are disturbingly silent.

More Howard Dean

He is at it again:

Bush, in his dealing with what was left behind by – the devastating Hurricane Katrina, which revealed to the entire world the great helplessness in dealing with the destruction caused by this hurricane, because of the tremendous attrition of the American army’s resources in Iraq and Afghanistan. This hurricane has once again brought to mind the manifestations of racial discrimination among the American people, and has exposed the fragility of the foundations upon which it is structured. The acts of assault and killings have spread, as well as robbery and looting, and what is still to come will be even more terrible

That Howard Dean is just so full of horse crap. I mean, this just sounds like the kind of vile crap that he spews all the time. But I left a few words out and that might not be fair. So let me put the complete quote in here:

Bush, in his dealing with what was left behind by one of Allah’s soldiers – the devastating Hurricane Katrina, which revealed to the entire world the great helplessness in dealing with the destruction caused by this hurricane, because of the tremendous attrition of the American army’s resources in Iraq and Afghanistan. This hurricane has once again brought to mind the manifestations of racial discrimination among the American people, and has exposed the fragility of the foundations upon which it is structured. The acts of assault and killings have spread, as well as robbery and looting, and what is still to come will be even more terrible, Allah willing. emphasis added

Notice the parts that were originally left out. But Dean would say God, not Allah (well, he might not but we assume so). You are right, this quote, that sounded so much like Dean and his parrots actually came from: |inline

Howard Dean Double Talk

Here is what Howie had to say:

“To bring genuine relief to the residents of the Gulf Coast, President Bush needs to put aside partisan politics and put the needs of Katrina’s survivors front and center, by protecting their freedoms and giving them access to the tools they need to recover and rebuild. Democrats understand that the American people are counting on their leaders to unite this country and rebuild our sense of community in the face of this national tragedy. emphasis added

So Howie, is the President the only one or should we all put aside partisan politics? I think you want to attack the President and his initiative and make it sound like you are non partisan while accusing him of the same. Here are a few of your recent comments:

  • “Finally, the American people deserve answers to the tough questions about why the federal government was so grossly unprepared to respond to this national disaster. Sure Howie, and the local government was prepared. The feds were way too slow. Shut up Jackass
  • But when Katrina hit, President Bush couldn’t be bothered to change his schedule…To do what Jackass, fly in and stop the hurricane.
  • …even though officials on the ground were waiting for help. No, they were running around screwing things up. Quit lying you piece of horse dung.
  • And while Louisiana’s Democratic governor tried repeatedly to reach President Bush, he called Mississippi’s Republican governor repeatedly. Wrong again Jackass. The President contacted her on a number of occasions asking her to let him help. She kept refusing. Get your facts straight dumb ass.

So much for this talk of non partisanship. I guess it is OK for you to run around lying to the people who are stupid enough to listen and then accuse the President. I am tired of your stupidity but you are great for the republican party. I will say this, the only thing you know about being President is that you are not qualified. The same people you pander to decided you were not qualified to be President. The picked that loser Kerry over you. But then, some genius put you at the DNC.

I just wish you would at least get your facts straight before you ran off at the mouth. I could tolerate you if you did not lie like a rug. You might think that lying crap will get the White House back, you will only be sorry.

Dean quotes from here.

I Already Told You

Recently, I wrote a post about where the government can get the money to pay to rebuild New Orleans. It seems that the politicians in this country, especially the left, do not want to look at reality. First we had Bill Clinton talking about the tax cut he got and it was not fair to all the poor people. I have said it before and I will say it again, people who pay taxes get money back when taxes are refunded. It is beyond me how dense some people are. Joe Biden, using his own words, said:

“Where is he going to find roughly half a trillion dollars over the next several years for Iraq and for Katrina?” Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., asked on “Late Edition” on CNN. “I think we’re not leveling with the American people.” Associated Press

The funny thing is Joe Biden complaining about not leveling with the people. He has never done this so how can he complain about others? Besides, I already told you where we can get it. Citizens Against Government Waste showed where we can have $232 Billion in a year and $2 Trillion in 5 years. This will more than pay for everything without raising taxes. Now I know this will not sit well with the left because they believe that taxes should always go up no matter what. They think that people should not have a choice in where the money is spent.

As sad as the damage from Katrina is, the cold hard fact is that I, and most people in this country, did not live in New Orleans and there is no law requiring the federal government to pay for all these homes and stores and God knows what else. The fact is insurance and Louisiana should pay most of it. I have no problem with the feds paying for it so long as they cut pork and waste. If they decide to raise our taxes to pay for this then I will be vehemently opposed to any further money going to the Gulf and I will not give a red cent to any more charities or any political campaigns. I will offset a tax increase by cutting my charitable contributions.

The left in this country needs to learn what a budget is. They can not keep adding programs and expect to pay for them on the backs of the taxpayers. They need to learn that if you add something you have to cut something else. This idea that everybody deserves something for nothing is what got New Orleans in that mess in the first place. It is about time taxpayers said NO and made their elected representatives start cutting waste and pork and stop extorting money from the rest of us.

The idea that you can take from those who are successful and give it to others has failed every time it has been tried. You get more of what you subsidize and pretty soon people will decide it is easier to live off others than to work and pay taxes.

Do The Bushes want to be Kennedys?

A new post, Do they want to be Kennedys has been posted at Big Dog’s Weblog