Jackass of the Month February 2007
Feb 1, 2007 Uncategorized
I had the Republican politicians as the JOTM for December 2006 and was so ticked at them when the Democrats took Congress in January that I decided they deserved a two month stint. I was going to put up a poll for February but then I saw that old hag Jane Fonda on TV at yet another disgrace the troops and pray for an American loss rally so I decided to just go ahead and select that no good terrorist loving anti American maggot as the JOTM for February.
I am accepting nominations for the March JOTM. Please respond in the comments or use the contact form. Those of you who have my email may also use that. I will put up any names I get around the 15th so we have some time to vote.
Trackposted to Thought Alarm: And the Truth Shall Set You Free (If It’s Not Supressed) | Outside the Beltway | Diary of the Mad Pigeon | Perri Nelson’s Website | Faultline USA | Right Celebrity | stikNstein… has no mercy | basil’s blog | Shadowscope | Pirate’s Cove | Thought Alarm | Cao’s Blog | Conservative Cat | High Desert Wanderer | Pursuing Holiness | Sujet- Celebrities
Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
What Media Bias?
Feb 1, 2007 Political
San Fransisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has an appointments secretary who happened to be the wife of his re-election campaign manager, Alex Tourk. As if this was not enough nepotism to raise an eyebrow a new scandal has emerged as the three were part of a love triangle. Tourk’s wife, Ruby Rippey-Tourk, admitted to her husband that she and the Mayor had a sexual affair during the time the Mayor was in the process of divorcing his then wife Kimberly Guilfoyle (a Fox News babe). Tourk confronted Newsom with this and then quit his position. Rippey-Tourk says the affair was short lived.
What is interesting is that in the entire news article exposing this scandal the party affiliation of Newsom is not mentioned. I automatically assumed that he was a Democrat because the MSM rarely mentions the party affiliation of Democrats who get in trouble. This is not the case when a Republican is in hot water. Take the Mark Foley case. Nearly every story indicated that Foley was a Republican. The Herald Tribune mentions it in the second paragraph so that readers are made aware it is an evil Republican involved in the sex scandal.
One could certainly argue that the Tribune is not a San Fran newspaper so they probably have different reporting styles. However, a quick search of the San Francisco Chronicle (the same paper with the Newsom story) shows that their stories mentioned that Foley was a Republican. You can see them here and here.
It comes as no surprise to those of us who follow the news but there are still a number of Liberals who will claim that the news is biased toward the right and that they do not portray Democrats differently. Since studies show that an overwhelming number of members of the media consider themselves Liberal (and are registered as Democrats) it is easy to see why they report favorably on Democrats despite the mindless prattle from the left.
I don’t really care what Newsom did because that is between him and the involved parties. His political future is up to his constituents and I am not one. Given that he lives in San Fransisco and will be hailed as a hero for his decadent ways, it was probably not necessary for his allies in the MSM to cover his party affiliation. Except of course, to prevent the rest of the nation from seeing that scum runs across both sides of the political aisle.
UPDATEThe AP failed to mention it as well
Tags: Political
No More Troops and Give Me a Plane
Feb 1, 2007 Uncategorized
Screecher of the House Nancy Bella Pelosi has put in a request for her own military aircraft. This is a practice that started after 9/11 to allow the top House leader to travel in relative security. It would seem though, that Bella is pressing her new position into a travel agency to cater to her family and staff.
The sources, who include those in Congress and in the administration, said the Democrat is seeking regular military flights not only for herself and her staff, but also for relatives and for other members of the California delegation. A knowledgeable source called the request “carte blanche for an aircraft any time.”
It is one thing for her to say that she is the Screecher and she needs an airplane to take her around especially since a precedent has been set for that. But this idea of having it available any time she wants to fly and to allow her family and staff the same privilege is absolutely criminal. It is not cheap to fly these things and members of our military can not have a plane when ever they want. They must sign up on a space available basis which means if the plane is going there and there is a seat they can get on. It is also worthy to note that our military members do not fly in luxury. Perhaps though, this is why Bella wants a military aircraft to fly her family and friends:
U.S. Air Force travel for VIPs such as members of Congress is first-rate. The planes are staffed with stewards who serve meals and tend an open bar. Communications suites allow members to conduct business while traveling.
Such flights are one of Congress’ cherished perquisites, providing lawmakers a chance to visit foreign lands at government expense. Official duties are often mixed with sightseeing and fine dining.
This is absolutely criminal and needs to stop. We have bloggers worrying about Ney getting his pension of 29 grand a year and the screecher is going to waste who knows how much in tax dollars flying in style. In case someone did not tell her SHE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT. I think it is criminal that these pious jackasses (and I mean all of them) are treated like royalty on military aircraft when our troops sit in cargo net seats, drink water and eat MREs. [As an aside, Ney earned the pension, unlike the ILLEGALS who can be paid Social Security. Bill Clinton still gets his pension and he was guilty of a crime.]
Bella Pelosi is no one special and the President had better consider this request very carefully. If she deserves a plane based upon 9/11 precedent then fine, but there had better be some tight constraints like no family, limited staff and NO FIRST CLASS BS. Here is a woman who opposes us winning the war, who opposes sending more troops, who opposes any more money for the effort but wants to waste money having the military fly her and her family around like she is the Queen of the country. Absolutely not!
I guess it is obvious that the culture of corruption runs across the aisles, as I have said many times. First she exempts a constituent company from the minimum wage and now she wants to abuse her power and make the military her personal taxi service. It is even more obvious that the jackasses who serve in Congress think they are more important than they really are and they consider themselves the elitist class here to lead we peons around. I also assume this will lay to rest any talk about Pelosi NOT being a San Francisco Liberal elitist. She has demonstrated that she is way out of the mainstream and she definitely considers herself to be among the elite.
Shame on you Bella Pelosi, you overblown windbag. You should have stayed home keeping house because you certainly do not belong in Congress. If I had a say they would send you in a cargo plane with a parachute. If that method of leaving the plane is good enough for the troops, it is good enough for you.
Washington Times
Tags: Commentary
Perception is Reality Part II
Feb 1, 2007 Uncategorized
I wrote that Barack Obama said that the arguments of Liberals were based in reason and fact. Interestingly, this does not hold true and Obama and the MSM are a great example. During the 2004 election Dan Rather and CBS took forged documents and ran with them despite the warning signs that were present. There should have been enough red flags to make them stop and think and they did not. Their blind hatred for George Bush caused them to lose focus and run with documents that a blogger debunked in 15 minutes. Most of the Liberal world excused this behavior and indicated that even if the documents were phony the stories were real so that makes it OK. It is obvious that Dan Rather did this with malice.
Contrast this with an error that Fox made in reporting that Obama attended a Madrassa. Someone at Fox got the information from a web site and it was reportedly released from one of Hillary’s folks (that part is probably true). An on air talent aired the information before it could be vetted. Now what Fox did was wrong but it is obvious there was no malice.
Obama is giving the Fox reporters the cold shoulder and will not do interviews with them. This is an unwise move for a guy who is well behind Queen Hillary. In any event, the “reason and fact” in Obama could not allow him to see that someone had made a mistake and that he might be better off venting his anger at the source rather than the messenger especially since the messenger will be needed if he wants to win.
In the world of Liberal reason and fact Dan Rather was duped by Karl Rove who was busy helping George Bush crank up the hurricane machine and aim it at New Orleans so he could flood the blacks (who he hates you know), while simultaneously helping the Swift Boat Veterans screw over John Kerry. Fox News on the other hand is just a bunch of liars who are out to destroy Hussein Obama.
Tags: Commentary