Legal Aliens are not Citizens
Feb 21, 2007 Uncategorized
A group of aliens who are here legally are trying to get the right to vote in New York. Activists are pushing hard to give non citizens the right to vote claiming that the poor aliens are disenfranchised. They are not disenfranchised because they are not legally allowed to vote so a right is not being denied.
“More than 50,000 adult noncitizen taxpayers in those two districts are disenfranchised by citizenship voting laws,” said Cheryl Wertz, of New Immigrant Community Empowerment, referring to today’s special election for council seats in Brooklyn and Staten Island. NYP
Let me try to clear this up for these ingrates. You pay taxes here because you have a job here. Paying taxes does not give you the right to vote being a citizen does. You are paying taxes because we were nice enough to let you come here and earn a living. If you would like, you are free to leave here and go back to whatever third world crap hole you came from and earn 50 cents a day selling your sister in peep shows.
The US Constitution discusses voting in several places and each of the places starts with the words “The right of citizens of the United States…” Understand? Citizens have the right to vote and non citizens do not. It is really quite simple and if you were not so busy trying to get something to which you are not entitled then you might have a bit more time to study for a citizenship test so you can become a citizen.
I really am tired of groups of people who are not citizens of this country telling us what they want and making demands. I am tired of ILLEGALS sneaking across the border and then demanding health care, schooling and a million other things that taxpayers foot the bill for. I am now tired of people who are here legally making demands. Just who the hell do these people think they are? They are not entitled to vote in this country and we should not let them. Any politician who passes a law allowing non citizen aliens to vote should be fed through a meat grinder feet first and fed to pigs.
Here is an idea for the aliens. The Big Dog says you have three choices. You can stop making demands and give up your silly idea about voting here, you can become a citizen and earn the right to vote, or you can go the hell home and vote in your own country. Either way I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to, Are we clear? I said are we clear? Just thought I would throw a little Jack Nicholson in there…
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Reagan’s Last Words
Feb 20, 2007 Uncategorized
I don’t know whether or not you watched the memorial service for Ronald Reagan, but if you did, you probably noticed that Bill and Hillary were both dozing off.

President Ronald Reagan, who never missed a chance for a good one-liner, raised his head out of his casket and said…

Big Dog Salute to MF
Tags: Humor
Americans Hate a Loser
Feb 20, 2007 Political
In the opening of Patton starring George C Scott, General Patton is addressing the troops. He says this at one point in his speech:
Men, all this stuff you’ve heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans, traditionally, love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.
When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. Now, I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war***. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.
This is absolutely true. Americans can not stand a loser. The Democrats do not seem to understand this. They believe that the election results last November were some sort of mandate for them to stop the war and retreat in defeat. Iraq might have played some small part in the results but Americans did not vote to lose the war. A new poll out illuminates just that and should cause the Democrats to take a step back and think about what they are doing.
♦ By a 53 percent – 46 percent margin, respondents surveyed said that Democrats are going too far, too fast in pressing the President to withdraw troops from Iraq.
♦ By identical 57 percent – 41 percent margins, voters agreed with these statements: I support finishing the job in Iraq, that is, keeping the troops there until the Iraqi government can maintain control and provide security and the Iraqi war is a key part of the global war on terrorism.
♦ Also, by a 56 percent – 43 percent margin, voters agreed that even if they have concerns about his war policies, Americans should stand behind the President in Iraq because we are at war.
♦ While the survey shows voters believe (60 percent- 34 percent) that Iraq will never become a stable democracy, they still disagree that victory in Iraq (creating a young, but stable democracy and reducing the threat of terrorism at home) is no longer possible. Fifty-three percent say it’s still possible, while 43 percent disagree.
♦ By a wide 74 percent – 25 percent margin, voters disagree with the notion that “I don’t really care what happens in Iraq after the U.S. leaves, I just want the troops brought home.”
When asked which statement best describes their position on the Iraq War, voters are evenly divided (50 percent – 49 percent) between positions of “doing whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to their country,” and positions that call for immediate withdrawal or a strict timetable.
♦ 27 percent said “the Iraq war is the front line in the battle against terrorism and our troops should stay there and do whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to their country.”
♦ 23 percent said “while I don’t agree that the U.S. should be in the war, our troops should stay there and do whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to their country.”
♦ 32 percent said “whether Iraq is stable or not, the U.S. should set and hold to a strict timetable for withdrawing troops.”
♦ 17 percent said “the U.S. should immediately withdraw its troops from Iraq.”
The survey also found that voters thought it would hurt American prestige more to pull out of Iraq immediately (59 percent) than it would to stay there for the long term (35 percent). Public Opinion Strategies “scored the best win-loss record among the major polling and media firms in the 2004 election” and was named Pollster of the Year in 2002. Drudge
***When this speech took place it was true. Americans lost Vietnam because we had Democrats who did not care to win. They lost and laughed (or consorted with the enemy in violation of the Constitution)
Tags: Political
It Is Time to Redeploy
Feb 20, 2007 Uncategorized
I have put it off for as long as I can and I have given it every chance to be successful. I have believed the government when it told me that things would be better, that more money would help, and that people’s lives would be better. There are near daily killings and the demolished surroundings will likely never be repaired. The police are not helping and the bad guys seem to be running the place. It is terrible to learn that mothers are sending their children to kill. I am afraid that I must concede that I was wrong and we need to redeploy, we need to pull out, we need to end it all.
That is, we need to pull out of New Orleans. Sectarian violence (one group of criminals killing another group of criminals) has gotten so bad down there that they are on a pace to have 235 murders this year in a city that has less than half the population it had before the hurricane. With 200,000 people back in the city the murder rate will be 117.5 per 100k, if the present rate continues. We need to pull all the federal money out of there, Congress needs to cut off any additional money, we need to bring home any of our forces (Red Cross, Guardsmen from other states, FEMA officials, federal workers, etc.), and we need to do it quickly. The American public does not like the idea of its citizens being murdered while trying to help a group of people who do not appreciate the effort. The people of New Orleans are going to have to do this on their own.
Where are Clinton, Murtha, Obama, Edwards, Kerry, Kennedy, Reid, and Pelosi on this one? They are right here watching this unfold before their eyes and yet they have refused to act. They are placing our people in harm’s way and they will not do anything about it. I know they have that silly argument that if we do not stay there the criminals will branch out and possibly go to other states. This is ridiculous and it needs to end now. The violence has to stop. The voters made that clear during the last election and the Democrats need to do something.
Here is another interesting item. There are people in New Orleans who admit that this is a social problem but they fail to see the real problem and the real solution. They believe the problem is in the educational system and will require more government. I believe this passage tells us all we need to know:
The larger problem is that New Orleans has too many social problems – drugs, poverty, broken families, poor education – all present before Katrina.
A recent murder encapsulated the difficulties. After a 17-year-old was beaten up, his mother gave him a gun and told him to get revenge, and he killed the boy he fought with.
When police went to his home to investigate, they found the mother with cocaine and a family photo on display of the son with a gun in one hand and a fistful of cash in the other.
“For us to correct this, we have to look at the root of the problem. The root of the problem is our education system,” Police Superintendent Warren Riley said in an interview.
It is not difficult to see that the real problem is the family. Social ills have caused problems but the whole issue boils down to the family. Single parent families, unwed mothers, drugs, lack of love and parents who are criminals are major problems. The event depicted in the passage above had nothing to do with education. A drug addicted parent gave a kid a gun to get revenge. This is a failure of the family and it is likely due to the fact that government has been mommy and daddy for way too long.
Wake up America and demand that we pull out of New Orleans NOW. It is a dangerous place and we should not be there. Demand that your politicians cut off the money going there and to immediately redeploy our workers before more people end up dead.
Tags: Commentary
Abortion; Its Just a Product of Deception
Feb 20, 2007 Uncategorized
Those who justify the murder of unborn children have a number of things they refer to the unborn child as so as to dehumanize the murder. Fetus (which is technically correct), product of conception, and glob of cells are just some of the things words people use to justify the barbaric act of abortion. Unless, of course, a pregnant woman is murdered. Then she and her unborn child were victims of the murder. I guess under the woman’s right to choose, if she chooses to abort it is a product of conception and if she chooses to have it, it is an unborn child. While there are still many people who believe it is OK to abort right up until seconds before birth (partial birth abortion), a lot of abortion advocates think that it is OK if the [fill in euphemism here] can not survive outside the womb. This is ridiculous because the whole process is designed so that the child is dependant on the mother to grow and be born. In any event, there is a child who survived being born earlier than any other.
A premature baby that doctors say spent less time in the womb than any other surviving infant is to be released from a Florida hospital Tuesday.
Amillia Sonja Taylor was just 9 1/2 inches long and weighed less than 10 ounces when she was born Oct. 24. She was delivered 21 weeks and six days after conception. Full-term births come after 37 to 40 weeks.“We weren’t too optimistic,” Dr. William Smalling said Monday. “But she proved us all wrong.”
Neonatologists who cared for Amillia say she is the first baby known to survive after a gestation period of fewer than 23 weeks. A database run by the University of Iowa’s Department of Pediatrics lists seven babies born at 23 weeks between 1994 and 2003.
Amillia has experienced respiratory problems, a very mild brain hemorrhage and some digestive problems, but none of the health concerns are expected to pose long-term problems, her doctors said. Breitbart
This little girl seems to be more than a product of conception or a glob of cells and she sure looks very much like a human being. Maybe her birth will shed light on those who think it is OK to murder the unborn.
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