Wendy Davis Aborted The Truth

Wendy, Wendy what went wrong, oh so wrong….[lyrics from Beach Boys song Wendy]

Looks like Wendy Davis from Texas has added to her Democrat resume by lying about her past. The Texas legislator is already a hero because she filibustered for abortion so much so that she is now running for governor of the state.

Recently Davis admitted that she lied about her past including when she was divorced and she might have broken the law by laying under oath. Given that Barack Obama lied about his past and lied about his mother being denied cancer treatment and given that Bill Clinton lied about his childhood and given the fact that both are held up as liberal icons it looks like Davis might have made herself even more desirable to the liberal left.

Liberals love liars. They love when people change history to give an account of struggle overcome by the liberal hero. They love this because they love to show that big government being there for the little guy is all that saves mankind. Davis is just following the lead of the liberals throughout history who change the story to fit their needs.

I can’t imagine Texas would put this liar in office because the state is reliably conservative but liberals have been relocating there to escape the tyranny of liberalism. The problem is when liberals relocate they don’t leave their liberalism and liberal voting patterns behind. They bring their brand of stupidity with them to infect the new place like a cancer that keeps growing.

Davis will spin this lie as a necessary evil and try to make herself look like a darling who is at a disadvantage in a misogynist backwards system in Texas that needs her liberal brand to fix it.

Reject this moron now and be done with her.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Can We Ban Guns In Movies?

Some food for though; Rambo movies did not stop violence and neither do any others where guns are used…

Harvey Weinstein will make a show that he promises will destroy the National Rifle Association. No real details on the film but it is not going to be a documentary. It will probably be something like the Al Gore global warming crap that tries to indoctrinate people into a different reality. You know, all guns are bad and people don’t need them.

Use these kinds of propaganda and some folks will be influenced. There are plenty of people who recite things based on some movie or story as fact while ignoring the reality of the situation. The faked moon landing conspiracy comes to mind.

I doubt Weinstein will be able to influence the debate as there are far too many gun owners who know that more guns equals less crime. That has been proven time and again but the left, and morons like Weinstein, think that guns are the problem.

Let me reiterate; more guns equals less crime.

As Al Gore might say, the science is settled.

Weinstein has made it clear that he does not think there should be any guns in this country except for the guns in the hands of the government. I saw a movie once about a place where the only people with guns were government and soldiers. The movie was Schindler’s List.

One would think that a Jewish guy would be wary of government confiscating firearms from its citizens considering what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany but Weinstein seems to live in the world he creates in movies. Emily Miller points out in her article that Weinstein must have watched too many of his own movies if he thinks a fully loaded gun will just pop up when he needs it.

I am willing to bet the film will do nothing to hurt the NRA.

In fact, I bet they get even more members.

I also think that we should ban guns in all movies. We should make it illegal for Hollywood and the rest to possess prop guns and there should be a fine if a gun is used or displayed in a movie. Hell, if, as Weinstein says, we do not need guns in society then we do not need guns in movies in society…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Get Ready To Bailout The Insurance Companies

It looks like Barack Obama made sure to take care of the insurance companies with regard to Obamacare and the money they will receive as part of a bailout will come from taxpayers. Obama’s vocabulary has different words and meanings from the rest of us. To Obama the definition of illegal alien is new Democrat voter and the definition of citizen is ATM. We are ATMs because we are constantly having our money withdrawn to pay for government’s largesse.

There were problems with the health insurance industry prior to Obamacare but many of the issues were because there is no true free market available. The government regulates the industry to death which creates problems that government then wants to “fix”.

Obama took an expensive part of the economy and made it more expensive. He took a part that many had trouble affording and made it more unaffordable. He took an insurance industry that was making money and created a system that loses money and then uses taxpayer money to pay the insurance companies for their losses. How can anyone in his right mind say this is better?

To top it off, the Obamacare scheme relies heavily on the young signing up and paying a lot while not using much insurance so that the money they pay in can be used to pay for the elderly and the unhealthy and the young are NOT signing on.

If they do not sign up in sufficient numbers the entire scheme will collapse and the taxpayer will be on the hook for even more money.

The liberals, particularly the young, believe that insurance companies are evil and that they should be forced out of business in favor of a single payer system. These young liberals hate it when insurance companies make money (which is what a business is supposed to do). I wonder how they will take the news that their Imperial Leader has ensured the evil insurers will still be profitable but this time at the expense of the taxpayer (and premiums will skyrocket).

I doubt most of them are taxpayers so it might not sink in to their mush filled heads but the fact that they are not getting free health insurance and that the plans they are forced to take are more expensive than those available prior to Obamacare while insurers continue to make money should give them pause.

Insurers are in business. no one has a right to have his health care paid for as it is that person’s responsibility. Having insurance is great but the reality is if one cannot afford it or refuses to get it then that person is the one responsible for the bills when health care is needed. We have and have had social safety nets for the truly poor among us.

The rest of society is supposed to be responsible for its own health care bills and part of that responsibility is in purchasing insurance or paying their own bills.

I understand that it is hard when there are two car payments, big screen TVs, cable bills, expensive cell phones and their accompanying plans not to mention all the fancy designer clothes.

One can’t be expected to give those things up just to buy health insurance.

Especially when they think they will get a free ride…

Get the popcorn folks. It is going to be an interesting show.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Affirmative Action For Bad behavior

I have had many issues with the way schools discipline children. Many schools jump right to suspension or expulsion for the most minor infractions when a whole host of other, more suitable, punishments are available. I have seen this applied to many children who misbehaved regardless of their skin color. Zero tolerance policies are certainly a factor in these punishments but often the school jumps to the toughest punishment when other options are available.

What does Eric Holder want to do about this? Well, one would think he might want to revamp the entire system so that children are judged on the merits of their individual case and not by a one size fits all standard but one would be wrong.

[note]I do not think the Attorney General should be involved in school issues and am not saying he has a responsibility here but since he thinks he does I address it from the point of view that if he is going to do something one might think it would be this…[/note]

Holder says that too many black kids are being suspended so he wants schools to stop doing that. He wants fairness in the punishment arena (which means being less strict on black kids) or schools might just face “strong action”.

The problem here is that the way punishment is handled in schools does not only affect black children nor are those children singled out because of color. All kids are affected by bad policy.

Eric would rather schools ignore the bad behavior of black children or treat them differently when they do something wrong. He seems to think punishing children who misbehave crates a pipeline from school to jail.

The pipeline from school to jail is created by a black community (which is what Holder is concerned about) that has a high incidence of single parent families, poverty and government dependence. The real issue is that children who are chronically bad are not being disciplined at home and Holder seems to want them not to be disciplined in school (or to have their punishments greatly reduced).

To Holder having children go unpunished for being bad is the way you teach them to be responsible adults. This seems to be a recurring theme for liberals as many engage in bad behavior and are rewarded.

There was a school district in Florida that did not punish black kids for being bad. The edict was put out to stop because too many black kids were being disciplined (like Holder claims). One young man was very bad in school and was in trouble a number of times. He was not disciplined very much because he was black and the school did not want to have bad statistics on the numbers of black kids disciplined.

That young man was named Trayvon Martin and think we all know how things turned out in his story…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Has No Clue

After a 4 million dollar vacation that was extended for his wife (at a cost to taxpayers) B. Hussein Obama, Imperial Leader, returned home to talk about how much he hated income inequality. Granted, the taxpayer footed most of the bill for his vacation but since Obama is a millionaire his words are insincere.

The Obama family has income in addition to his $400,000 a year salary and their combined income places them in the highest tax bracket. Ironically, Obama paid an effective rate of about 18% last year which is only four percent higher than Mitt Romney paid and Democrats had a field day over the Romney tax bill.

Obama is pushing for an extension of unemployment benefits to people who are out of work. He thinks that Congress should pass another extension, something they did not do in the last budget deal. Obama thinks that unemployment creates jobs and sparks the economy but he is wrong.

Many folks do not look for real work because the jobs they can get pay less than the unemployment they receive for doing nothing.

You cannot solve an unemployment problem by giving people money not to work. The Imperial Leader had an East Room event on Tuesday where he brought out unemployed people for show while he made his case.

How did they get there? Who paid for that? Seems to me they should have been looking for a job.

The economy will never recover as long as we have record numbers of people on unemployment and welfare. There is no incentive to work when there is money for nothing.

The best way for people to get money is to work for it.

Here is an idea. How about we make people take the jobs illegals are doing? We can put them to work and send the illegals back where they came from.

Might not pay as much as unemployment but who cares? The people will either have to work for the money the employer pays or get no money at all.

It is time to clean up the economy and put people to work and that means, in some cases, we will have to force them into jobs by refusing them continued unemployment.

Unfortunately, the Imperial Leader has no clue. How could he when he only cares about income inequality that does not affect his bottom line…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
