Obama Warned Of High Temperatures

In November of 2013 Barack Obama signed an Executive order on Climate change. In that EO Obama said that excessively high temperatures are already harming public health nationwide.

Temperatures have been low for the past decade (or more) and now the nation is plunged into an arctic nightmare with sub zero temperatures and massive snow and ice storms. These things are causing all kinds of havoc across the nation as nearly all states suffer unusually cold temperatures.

Global warming is a hoax perpetrated on us by people using an alleged concern for the environment in order to spend taxpayer money and to get rich in the process. Global Warming nuts always look like fools. Look at how well the recent global warming adventures have played out with regard to the polar ice. The climate do-gooders went to check on the shrinking ice and got stuck in the GROWING ice. Then two ice breakers got stuck trying to rescue the fools.

Think about how much carbon was produced by this misadventure.

B. Hussein Obama, the Imperial Leader, was in toasty Hawaii over the holidays and his carbon footprint was huge. The rest of us were freezing in spite of the excessively high temperatures Obama invented…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Is Generous With Our Money

Imperial Leader B. Hussein Obama went on vacation to his alleged home of Hawaii (he has a perfectly good home in Chicago, ask Tony Rezko) and a lot of taxpayer money was spent for him and his family to bask in the warm Hawaiian sun while the folks back east suffer the cold.

OK, so leaders deserve vacations. Perhaps though, the millions of people who are looking for work would just like the guy to work on the economy so they can earn money to pay their bills much less take a vacation.

In any event, the amount of money spent and whether it was a wise use of tax dollars can be debated from both sides with little resolve.

One thing is clear though, leaving Michelle Obama back in Hawaii so she can spend her 50th birthday with friends is not appropriate use of taxpayer dollars.

The Imperial Leader gave his wife a birthday present of allowing her to stay in Hawaii. The problem is that part of the cost (her security and travel) will be borne by taxpayers. The last time she traveled separately the estimated cost was between $63,000 and $100,000.

B. Hussein Obama is very generous with OUR money. Seems to me if he took a decision like this and there is no good reason for it (some emergency where he had to leave his family behind) that the Obama family should have to reimburse the government for the additional costs.

Liberals are always generous with other people’s money.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Your Patriotic Duty?

The Chief Medical Editor for NBC says she made (read forced) her children to sign up for Obamacare because it is their patriotic duty. This is an interesting twist on a law that mandates people purchase a product and violates their Constitutional rights. I should not be surprised because liberals will scream about patriotism when they want to force something on people or need to shame people into following along.

There are a lot of people who do not like Obamacare and have voiced their opposition. Hillary Clinton once told us that dissent is patriotic (warning screeching voice) so now we have two opposites. How can it be patriotic to sign up and patriotic to disagree?

Patriotism is cultural attachment to one’s homeland and devotion to one’s country. Signing up for healthcare is not patriotic. Being forced to do so is definitely not patriotic.

One form of patriotism involves serving in the armed forces of one’s home nation. We have an all volunteer military but men are required to sign up in case a draft is ever needed. We have had drafts in the past (most recently during the Vietnam War) and there were a huge number of people opposed to it. People burned their draft cards and dodged the draft and were hailed as heroes by liberals like this Chief Medical Editor.

[note]Bill Clinton dodged the draft and he is adored by the left.[/note]

If signing up for an unpopular (and unconstitutional despite the SCOTUS) law is patriotic then signing up for and being part of the draft (were one to be instituted) must also be patriotic.

So, if the country held a draft right now do you think this Medical Editor would make sure her kids signed up or do you think she would encourage them not to?

Hell, it is patriotic to enlist in the military and that is not a popular choice (based on the small number of people who do so) so if Dr. Nancy Snyderman of NBC really wants her children to do something patriotic she should MAKE them join the military.

I won’t hold my breath.

I will also set her straight. It is patriotic to NOT sign up for Obamacare and to oppose this overreach of government. The first patriots of this nation opposed an overreaching and oppressive government and we got a great nation.

Unfortunately, idiots like Snyderman, Obama, liberals and RINOs are destroying this nation.

But hey, because of their actions they will see lots of patriotism…

One last note. If Obamacare is so great why would she need to MAKE her children sign up?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
