A Soldier Speaks Out
by Big Dog on Nov 10, 2006 at 10:06 Uncategorized
Brendan, one of my fellow on air personalities at Wide Awakes Radio, sent me some information that I think every American needs to hear, read and digest. I will try to read the entire letter that was sent to another radio station but here is a snippet:
This week I am NOT proud to say that I am an American……….I think it is obvious why… See, we just have told the world that we are not a nation of people who are tough, and will fight for what we believe in… We have told the world that we are a giant coward that will shy away from any difficult challenge…
So, while you eat your cheetos, and sit there and watch your lazy ass get fatter, dumber and happier Joe Citizen.. Just remember this, I, and all my commrades payed a dear price to come this far and have you decide that we should fail…
Realize this, because of your action this week America…. do not expect so many men to be so willing to stand up for your next little whim just to be cut down in the middle of it all…………
You can read all of it here and I will read this on my show tonight from 9-11 pm Eastern
Tags: Commentary
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Uncooperative Talk Radio – Weekend of November 11, 2006…
Saturday 11-11-06 6pm Mountain: Special Veteran’s Day show! – Families United for Our Troops and Their Mission and Veterans will call in and share their experiences, all Veteran’s welcome!
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