A Tale Of Two Slut Victims

Sandra Fluke, the 30 year old activist masquerading as a student, was labeled a slut by Rush Limbaugh. She claimed (even said “as you know”) that birth control costs $3000 for three years and that women in school could not afford it. I have already done the math and she would have to have sex 28 times a day to use that much money worth of condoms and she could buy pills for 28 years with that much money, so she lied. I would say she was misinformed but she is an activist. If she told people what it really cost then they would laugh her out of the place. She needed to make it a great number to excuse the violation of the First Amendment.

Limbaugh simply pointed out that we have names for women who want to be paid for sex or who would have sex as many times as required to use $3000 in birth control (in three years).

The left has come unhinged and is calling for Limbaugh’s sponsors to pull their ads. Some of them have and the left is pushing for the rest of them to do so. The reason has nothing to do with the so called war on women. The left couldn’t care less about Fluke. The real issue is the desire to get Limbaugh off the air. The left has been working to drive him off the air for years and now it is all ginned up over a phony issue.

Phony? How dare you Big Dog? Well, it is phony. The left has plenty of figures who call women all kinds of names. They are called c*nts, bitches, sluts, bimbos, and who knows what else? Bill Maher, David Letterman, and Ed Schultz have all used such language toward women and have suffered no ill effects. At least one of Limbaugh’s sponsors (Carbonite) still runs ads on Schultz’s show. Of course, the guy running it is a supporter of the left. He donates to liberals and to organizations run by George Soros, the same Soros who wants Limbaugh off the air.

Have you heard about any boycotts? Have you heard anyone call for companies to remove ads from these shows? Have you heard the left get its collective pink panties in a bunch about any of this?

No and you won’t because the women who were attacked are conservatives. Like I said, they don’t care about women, just ideology.

Laura Ingram even tells us that while the gaggle at The View is apoplectic over the words Limbaugh used Barbara Walters laughed off the same word used against Ingram. Ha, ha. It would seem Schultz’s apology, which was accepted by Ingram, was good enough for the hens at The View but Limbaugh (who apologized) is not sincere and needs to go.

This is a war on conservative talk. Limbaugh is the big target and the left is employing Saul Alinsky’s tactics from Rules for Radicals in order to get him.

Perhaps it will work, perhaps not. But so far Limbaugh seems to be doing OK.

And Carbonite’s stock is down 8% as of this writing.

Further more, we should be focused on Obama’s record and the needs of the country.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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13 Responses to “A Tale Of Two Slut Victims”

  1. Macker says:

    I call “The View” Vagina TV….

  2. victoria says:

    Marxism in America by Lt. Gen. WG Boykin

    What is being done to Rush is very much a part of this, also. “Silencing the opposition.”

  3. Adam says:

    You bring up all these other people as if every sexist slur is equal in scope or offensiveness. Limbaugh gets in trouble because he has a history of attacks on women and because this was a three long day attack on Fluke who in no way brought her own sexuality into the story. To top it off his apology isn’t even an apology. He’s not sorry. He makes a living being offensive. Only when that living gets endangered does he pretend to regret what he said.

    In the end it just doesn’t make sense. Attacking Fluke for her sexuality makes about as much sense as attacking someone for being a bum and a freeloader simply for testifying about homelessness in her community. But Limbaugh’s attacks were deeply personal and insulting to Fluke and her family.

    It’s sad how many folks like yourself and on places like American Family Radio have taken up this attack. I heard a host on AFR Talk the other night saying he didn’t understand why Obama would say Fluke’s parents should be proud. Because, what father would be proud of a daughter having so much sex she can’t afford her own birth control? There’s another man who didn’t read the transcript before defending Limbaugh.

    • Ferd Berfel says:

      Excuse me but “freedom of speech” isn’t a law of the land to protect accepted speech. Kinda and sweet and non-controversial speech.
      That like to talk doesn’t need to be protected. It is the bold, often grating and difficult to hear kind of speech that must be protected.

      The exact kind that Limbaugh (and may talk-show hosts) indulges in. That he is heard by millions isn’t the point. That he spoke for three days is not the point.

      That Fluke, aside from being about as moral as a liver fluke, isn’t even the point.

      The point is Limbaugh has a constitutional right to say anything he wants. It is the same right that liberals invoke when they dunk a crucifix in piss, or when the scream-down public speakers at a conservative rally. That is, prior to throwing food at them, which IS illegal.

      Here, we can quote endless slurs liberals made and are still making against Palin, her daughters and her entire family. Or calling Tea Party members “Tea-baggers.” Odam, that is much worse than calling Fuke a slut.
      The list is long and studded with the worst accusations say-able or printable.

      BD is absolutely correct; the liberal media give liberals slurs a bye, and tries to nail Rush to the cross. That is a fact, not an opinion. It is living proof the media in USA in liberal biased.

      What is sad is a man like you defends it. Educated and articulate, yet you are, for lack of a better way to say it, “Part of the Problem.”
      If you really were interested in a better country and world as you claim, you would renounce liberalism now. Absolutely on this second, this spot and this blog. Renounce it.

      Or you can stick to “reading the transcript,” and be a part of the problem.
      Simple. Yes or no. In or out.

  4. Big Dog says:

    Yeah, God knows Bill Maher only said bad things about Palin ONE time. On what planet are you living?

    I did not read the transcript because I heard it when he said it. I know what he did and a lot of it was absurd and sarcastic.

    You on the left will defend any attack on a liberal and obscure the facts about what they said (in this case her lies about the costs) and keep defending.

    You were missing when they attacked Palin, Malkin, Bachman, Ingram, Rice and many others.

    You were missing because the true attack on women us on conservative women.

    And his job or sponsors are not threatened. Only about 7 stopped advertising on his show. The numbers reported by the MSM deal with local affiliates and the adverts might not even be during his time on the air. He has 3 new sponsors and two are begging to get back on the ad schedule. I know one is Carbonite. Its stock is down 12% since they pulled out.

  5. victoria says:

    Adam, this is not and never was about birth control, women, Limbaugh, or Fluke. It’s Democrats trotting out another “victim”– although Rush was making the point that that term could be used really loosely in this case–to gain more power and trample on Religous liberty delineated in the first amendment + Democrats are going to use anything to detract from the seriousness of things in our country at this time and the fact that this country is slowly disintigrating before our eyes.(I guess apparently Democrat strategists thought contraception was going to fool people) I was so thankful to see Newt take a reporter out behind the woodshed the other day for asking about Rush at the beginning of the interview. We have serious problems in this country and we need someone serious who actually cares about this country and not just gaining the title of POTUS. I don’t even know why the Republicans bother interviewing with the MSM because they don’t want honest answers to anything and neither do you by the way.

  6. Adam says:

    For the record, since when have I ever defended Bill Maher anyway? I can’t stand that guy. A continuous stream of “he did it too” arguments can’t make up for Limbaugh’s overly aggressive and hateful three day rant againt Fluke and his sad little apology.

    I’m not asking these folks to read the Limbaugh transcript but the transcript of the Fluke’s testimony where she does nothing to make this about her own sexuality.

    • Big Dog says:

      No one said you defended him, you never condemned him for what he said about the afore mentioned women. So, in reality, you defended him by not saying anything but saying something about Limbaugh. If you had been as vocal about Maher then you would have credibility. By attacking Limbaugh and having remained silent in the past about maher you are saying that what he did was Ok but what Limbaugh did was not.

      I watched what she said and i read the transcript. What she did was discuss a phony cost for birth control while trying to convince people that the violation of the Church’s First Amendment right was OK. She is no expert, has no qualifications, she is an activist with an agenda. She put herself out there and discussed birth control. Sure, it has other uses (but there are alternative medications available for what she described) but the undeniable fact is that this is about an avtivist supporting the violation of the Church’s right in order to protect what she views as a woman’s reproductive right.

      Funny, they want us to stay out of their bedroom and their womb but they ask us to pay for their birth control and their abortions…

    • Ferd Berfel says:

      Hate? Limbaugh love America! That doesn’t mean he hates liberals. It is the liberals who hate America. Just as gays hate straights.

    • Blake says:

      Adam, if a conservative had fudged the facts as blatantly as Fluke did, you and every other liberal socialist would be howling like rabid dogs at the lies, but you give her a pass?
      C’mon, at least let’s be honest here- she lied- I could say she “hyped the facts”, or some other, softer way of saying it, but the plain truth is, she LIED. You take us to task when you perceive that we are “fast and furious” with our facts, so why not at least be honest in your critiques?