American Jews Betrayed Israel

I have always been a friend of Israel and a strong supporter of the Jewish religion. I have also expressed how I am mystified by the support Jews give the Democratic party here in America. Democrats are not friendly to Jews and only court them around election time. I can’t understand how such a fairly well educated group of successful people can be so willing to back people who care little about them or their country of origin.

Barack Obama is no friend of Israel. The video the LA Times refuses to release would show Obama blaming Israel for genocide and saying that it has no right to some claimed land. Obama has aligned himself with people who are anti Semitic like Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright as well as Hymietown Jackson. And yet, American Jews overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama for president.

Looks like Jews in Israel did not support the idea of a president Obama and now they are quite worried about his victory. Given recent statements by Iran about an Obama victory meaning the end of the Zionists one can readily understand the apprehension of those Jews who live in Israel:

Then Israel warned last night that the new U.S. Commander-in-Chief’s campaign claim that he was ready to open talks with Iran could be seen in the Middle East as a sign of weakness.


In a step that will further increase Israel’s anxiety about Obama, Tehran announced last night that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had broken a 29-year tradition and sent his congratulations to the President-elect – the first time an Iranian leader has offered such wishes since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Ahmadinejad congratulated the Democrat on ‘attracting the majority of voters in the election’.

He said he hoped Obama will ‘use the opportunity to serve the (American) people and leave a good name for history’ during his term in office. Daily Mail UK

The tell tale signs were present all along and yet the Jews in America refused to heed them. In Hitler’s Germany there were tell tale signs and non Jews around the world ignored them until millions of Jews had been murdered by Hitler and his henchmen.

In our time the people ignoring the dangers to Israel’s Jews are the Jews who have made a good life for themselves in America. They voted overwhelmingly to put a man who poses a threat to millions of Jews in Israel in charge of America. The overwhelming support for Obama by American Jews has placed Israel in grave danger and guaranteed that it will have no peace for quite some time. The acts of American Jews have further emboldened murderous tyrants like Ahmadinejad.

Jews selling out other Jews. That was the scenario that sent Jesus to the cross and it might be the scenario that sends Israel a lot of death and destruction.

I wonder if these American Jews got their 30 pieces of silver?

Big Dog

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2 Responses to “American Jews Betrayed Israel”

  1. JL Wallace says:

    You need to listen to Benjamin Freedman’s speech on Zionism. It discusses the why Jews were told to (and do) vote democrat in this country. And also discusses the Rothschild conspiracy regarding international banking and the Balfour Declaration (delivered to Lord Rothschild) that created the “state” of “Israel”. It’s all part of the Zionist agenda…

  2. Patsy says:

    Big Dog, I’ve read several items about the American Jewish votes for Obama. It’s always quoted in percentages. Do you know what the total number of Jewish votes that were cast for Obama? Is it a significant number? I mean if it is 77% of 15 million votes, that’s over 10 million votes and that would have made a difference in the outcome, depending on the states involved. But if it’s 77% of 1 million votes, it’s statistically insignificant.

    I cede your point, though, that it doesn’t make sense for Jewish voters to support Democrats. They’re in the tank for the Palestinians and they treat Israelis terribly.