An Election Changes Everything
by Big Dog on Jun 8, 2010 at 13:01 Political
The Democrats have been spending like there is no tomorrow and they, along with Barack Obama, are getting us close to the point where our debt will surpass our GDP. This did not bother them as they were forcing things down our throats because they mistakenly believed they had a mandate to do the things they wanted. When they saw the resistance from the American people they still went balls to the walls and forced their agenda on us anyway.
But now that November is approaching and the polls show they could lose a lot of seats (some say they will lose both chambers of Congress), they are curtailing their prolific spending. The Democrats, with tacit approval from Obama, have shelved agenda items that will add huge amounts to the debt. They are even neglecting their duty to have a budget because they are worried about how voting on a big budget will harm them in November.
They did not listen to us before but they are listening now because their jobs are on the line. If they get voted back into office they will go right back to their out of control spending. In fact, if they win they will spend even more because they will believe that they were given a mandate for their past spending.
We need to vote this scum out of office and replace them with people, Republican or Democrat, who will show some fiscal sanity. We need people who will put the brakes on the radical Obama agenda.
Progressives are also on the attack but they are upset because they want even more spending. They are mad that Obama and his Democrats have not spent even more money to give the base, the non producers in society, more of what the hard workers earn. Progressives want more seats in Congress so they can push for more and more redistribution of wealth.
These cretins are jealous of those who have achieved something in life and want to take it away. They want Obama and his jack boots to redistribute OUR money.
It is time to end this insanity and put an end to liberals, the progressive movement, and the radical Obama agenda.
We can do that by throwing all these bums out in November.
About 146 days left and I can see November from my home.
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: debt, Democrats, november, Obama, spending, taxpayers
It’s hard to tell how the election will go. One month the GOP will have big gains in the generic congressional vote polling then the Dems will be up again. GOP is up again now.
Fortunately for the Dems the GOP infighting in places like Nevada could cost your side precious seats that looked like easy wins just a few months back. For instance the GOP primary for Reid’s challenger has become a nightmare for your side and Reid actually has crept back into the race somehow despite just weeks ago being in the hole to pretty much any name they floated to run against him in the state.
Either way it all still hinges on the economy I believe. The more miserable folks are the more they’ll vote out the incumbents by the dozens. What the Democrats for some reason aren’t seeing is that jobs are by far the biggest concern ahead of national debt. If the Democrats appear to be doing well on the job front then it will look better than anything they can pretend to be doing about the deficit. Instead they’ve let your side convince them that looking tough on the debt means anything to folks without a job and with dwindling unemployment benefits.
Adam, I agree that the Dems just don’t get it- it IS all about jobs- but they thought that while they had a scared electorate, they would push through a few pet “enslavement” projects before they got around to jobs- now they have lost their chance.