And Democrats Will Be The First To Cry About Free Speech
by Big Dog on May 27, 2011 at 16:49 Political
A phony crew went out and asked liberals to sign a petition banning conservative websites. The amazing thing is that they did it.
I found it at Newsbusters.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: free speech, liberals, lies, newsbusters
Oh, give those poor Asian kids a break! They can barely speak English, and even the non-Asian ones are completely ignorant of what this slick-talker is try to convince them of.
I think a better test would be to send a crew to all those liberal politicians that want to pass that terrible “fairness doctrine,” which is anything BUT fair.
Get them on tape saying they refuse to have anything to do with a law that is so blatantly anti-constitution and free speech, then sue their shriveled testicularettes off when they vote to have such a law.
The reason they were elected is to represent the people, and if they are chasing their own agenda, that is a serious problem.
And they can be prosecuted for not acting in a fiduciary manor.