Are Clintons Losing Their Appeal
by Big Dog on Oct 29, 2006 at 12:43 Political
Bill Clinton celebrated his 60th birthday in August and he was all over for gala events. He recently hosted an event to benefit his Global Initiative and raised quite a bit of money. No one can fault the man for the efforts he has made in this endeavor because he has raised money to help people. If there is one thing the Clintons have been good at it is raising money. One only needs to take a look at Hillary’s financial disclosure form to see that Bill is still a top draw earning anywhere from 125 to 500 thousand dollars each time he appears at an event.
Last night there was an event to celebrate his birthday and to raise money for his Global Initiative. The Rolling Stones were to appear and Hillary and Chelsea sent out 10,000 invitations to the elite in America asking them to pay half a million dollars for photo ops, golf, and a premier seat at the concert. The minimum price was 60 thousand and that did not include the frills the half million price brought. Unfortunately for the Clintons, they did not sell very many tickets at the half million dollar price. As the event approached there was a question as to whether the Stones would perform because Mick Jagger was ill. In addition, they had to discount the tickets or face the reality of having a lot of empty seats.
The ticket prices were reduced to 12,500 dollars for one reception and the concert and $5000 for the concert only. There has been no report yet regarding turn out or if there was any backlash from those who paid $500,000 for seats only to find people who paid significantly less sitting with them. This begs the question, have the Clintons lost their appeal?
Perhaps with the election season in full bloom many of the heavy hitters are unwilling to pony up a significant amount of money to see the Stones or have their photos taken with Bill. Maybe, people are experiencing Clinton overload. In the last few months, Hillary has made the circuit in order to raise money for her run at the White House and Bill was out raising billions for his charity. Now that faithful have paid those dues as well as their dues to the party’s candidates, perhaps they are unwilling to throw more money into the pot.
What ever the reason, it will be interesting to see what the real attendance numbers for the event were and how much he raised for charity. If the numbers are low, it will also be interesting to see how the Clinton PR machine spins the results.
Daily Mail UK
Tags: Commentary, Political
One wonders if the Clintons have worm out their welcome…
I guess that would be WORN out their welcome though worm might fit otherwise