As If They Were Not Already Doing This

There is a group, Crash The Party, that is publicly announcing that it wants to crash TEA Parties and exaggerate the stereotype the MSM has painted for the group. The group wants to infiltrate and make the TEA Party look “more” racist and “more” ignorant.

This group is acting like this is new. Plenty of Democrat/liberal/progressive operatives have been in the TEA Party protests and have acted ignorant to portray the Party as bad. This has been going on for quite some time because the left knows that if a person screams a bad word or shows up with a racist sign, the MSM will say that this is a Party member and paint the entire party as having the same views.

Remember, it was the left that beat up a black TEA Party member and called him the N word. This was basically ignored by the MSM. It was actual violence and actual racism and it was ignored because the left’s goons in SEIU were the ones doing it. When TEA Party members started legally carrying firearms to the events the physical attacks stopped. The attacks by media did not as those with guns were called racists. The MSM cropped out the person carrying a gun to show the world the racist there.

Turns out he was a black guy…

This propaganda from state run media is what we are up against with this regime in office.

So Crash The Party can act like it is doing something new but the left and its sock puppets in the media have been doing this all along.

But now there is proof that people are doing it.

How convenient. From now on, any ignorant stuff at a TEA Party event can be blamed on a Crash The Party member. Just say it was one of those guys.

It has been one of those types all along but now we have it in writing.

I wonder if stimulus money from the regime was used to fund the group or if it came from their lord and master, George Soros…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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24 Responses to “As If They Were Not Already Doing This”

  1. “There is a group, Crash The Party, that is publicly announcing that it wants to crash TEA Parties and exaggerate the stereotype the MSM has painted for the group. The group wants to infiltrate and make the TEA Party look “more” racist and “more” ignorant.”

    This is only the logical development of the Left in power. They have Washington; they have the Old Media; they have the unions, the schools, Wall Street, and just about every other institutionalized political asset around…and they’re still losing the battle for public opinion. They have to silence those who dare to speak against them; ultimately, given their anti-freedom, anti-capitalism, anti-American agenda, nothing else will suffice.

    We can only carry on and hope it won’t work.

  2. victoria says:

    This is a quote from an article about what this Crash Party wants to do…”to further distance them (Tea Party) from mainstream America and damage the public’s opinion of them.”

    They are morons because the Tea Party IS A HUGE CHUNK OF MAINSTREAM AMERICA AND THE PUBLIC.

  3. victoria says:

    “This April 15 will be the largest network of events across the country that I believe we’ve seen in a long time,” FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe said in a conference call. “As far as we can tell, we count somewhere between 800 and 900 tea parties across the country. We expect millions of people to show up across the country protesting a government that is out of control, a government that does not listen to the American people. We want to take our country back.”

  4. Adam says:

    “Plenty of Democrat/liberal/progressive operatives have been in the TEA Party protests and have acted ignorant to portray the Party as bad. This has been going on for quite some time…”

    Plenty? That surely means you can present several examples of this happening.

    I like how you once again casually group these SEIU members in with the “left” the same way you group the NBPP members in as if any folks attacking conservatives are doing so with the consent of the Democrats or this great unified (sarcasm) left in America.

    And of course let’s talk more about the hyped story of Kenneth Gladney who’s own account of the event doesn’t match the video evidence…

    • Big Dog says:

      SEIU supports Democrats and its president, Andy Stern, has visited the WH more than anyone else. SEIU does get mentioned in the same breath with Democrats because they are all part of the same group.

      Townhall meetings, SEIU goons brought in to disrupt and prevent.

      The video clearly shows them beating him up and he was called the N word. It is amazing that you dismiss a black guy getting attacked because he is not a liberal but believe the members of the CBC when they say they were spat upon and called the N word even though there is no evidence of this.

      In your world it is OK to beat up black people and call them racist names if they are not on the liberal plantation. Yes Massa Adam, Ise be a good un and stays on da plantation.

      Hang a noose and it is racism (even if the person who did it turns out to be black) but let a conservative black get beat up and Adam says it is a hyped story.

      Nooses = hyped stories. Beat up black guys = nothing. And you libs wonder why no one tales you seriously.

      • Adam says:

        “The video clearly shows them beating him up and he was called the N word.”

        Feel free to show me the video that verifies Gladney’s story. You won’t find one. Gladney and his lawyer are liars and the right hyped this so bad it’s pathetic.

        “It is amazing that you dismiss a black guy getting attacked because he is not a liberal but believe the members of the CBC when they say they were spat upon and called the N word even though there is no evidence of this.”

        Please point out where I said I believed members of the CBC were spat on or called the N word. Don’t make stuff up just because I called your facts into question again.

        “And you libs wonder why no one takes you seriously.”

        Do we? Because I thought passing health reform while the GOP cried and whined on the sidelines was pretty serious.

        Also I’m still waiting for your examples of “plenty” of liberal “operatives” posing as tea partiers to make the movement look bad. Surely there’s an example?

        • Big Dog says:

          I could tell you about my friends at TEA Parties who confronted people with ignorant signs and were told “we are not part of you, we are here to cause problems and make you look bad.”

        • Big Dog says:

          Why do you worry about the story? He was there and there is video evidence that he was beaten. People there said he was called the N word. Is this not enough for you or do they have to lynch him before you are convinced?

          Dismiss anything that runs contrary to your beliefs.

          People take it seriously that the Democrats want to control our lives and that they are steering us toward Socialism. That is why so many will pay on election day.

          Witness Stupak’s departure…

        • Adam says:

          “I could tell you about my friends at TEA Parties who confronted people with ignorant signs and were told “we are not part of you, we are here to cause problems and make you look bad.”

          And of course there’s no way to confirm or deny such a thing ever happened. Figures. I was hoping for once you’d have actual evidence to back up your statements. I’m such a fool.

          “He was there and there is video evidence that he was beaten.”

          I have no doubt there were punches thrown and a violent scuffle ensued worthy of investigation and charges. But feel free to review the video again and compare what you see in it to what your side says happened. It’s not that your story runs contrary to my beliefs but rather that it runs contrary to reality. Don’t mix that up.

  5. Big Dog says:

    Adam, there is evidence and Crash the Party is part of it. There have been plenty of web messages telling people to do this.

    I specifically used this particular “evidence” to get you to say that it is not evidence because there is no way to confirm or deny.

    So, just because a black Congressman says he was spat upon or that someone called him the N word does not mean it happened. Just because the head of a union says he was there and heard it does not make it so.

    Keep that in mind and make sure your buddy Darrel knows it as well. I don’t care who says it happened, without evidence, it did not.

    And there is evidence to support what I said happened to Gladney. He was attacked simply for selling Flags and he was beaten by union thugs and called the N word. That is what I said happened and it is what happened.

    If you want blown out of proportion then look at the CBC and the MSM. They have been running that N word spitting thing as if it really happened. They are the ones blowing things way out of proportion.

    There is absolutely NOTHING there to support what your side claims. Not even close.

    • Adam says:

      “Adam, there is evidence and Crash the Party is part of it. There have been plenty of web messages telling people to do this.”

      Feel free to list them and we’ll discuss them.

      “So, just because a black Congressman says he was spat upon or that someone called him the N word does not mean it happened.

      There is absolutely NOTHING there to support what your side claims. Not even close.

      He was attacked simply for selling Flags and he was beaten by union thugs and called the N word. That is what I said happened and it is what happened.”

      Strange. You see a video of a Congressman objecting to being spat on and wiping his face and you say that doesn’t mean anybody spit on him. Yet you see a video of a confrontation between Gladney and union members that clearly does not match what Gladney and his lawyer says happened but you take that as the truth. It’s funny that the examples you use to attack me as hypocritical instead just reveal how hypocritical you are yourself.

      • Big Dog says:

        I saw Gladney get beaten. Nowhere in the other video does one see spittle, only a reaction. Was the reaction genuine, did spit fly out when the guy spoke or did he actually spit on purpose? No one can conclude this from the video. We can however, conclude that Gladney was beaten. We need no interpretation or explanation because we can see him getting beaten. If the video only showed him lying there then we could argue whether he was actually beaten or not but since we see it we must conclude he was, in fact, beaten.

        Or did you watch a different video?

        • Adam says:

          Post your video. I’ve only seen one.

        • Adam says:

          But again I never said he didn’t get hit, just that his account of the confrontation doesn’t match the video. If there’s more than one video I’d like to see it.

          • Big Dog says:

            Of course the video starts after most of the confrontation. Gladney’s beating is ending and and someone else is on the ground when Gladney gets up he is thrown down. The police report of the incident has 3 eyewitnesses that said what happened and their official statements match what Gladney said. The video does not match all of what they said because it did not capture the entire confrontation.

            • Adam says:

              Good to know that when it’s your side taking abuse that eyewitnesses and accounts are just fine despite there being no video evidence. When the CBC suggests they were slurred of course that never happened because there’s not a video of it. Funny, this is exactly the hypocrisy you were falsely accusing me of. But of course it’s completely different I’m sure…

            • Big Dog says:

              Adam, if you care to get a police report and show me where people made official statements to authorities that those things happened then I can reconsider. There is no police report and no one swore their statements were true like those who gave witness in a police report.

              If a person swore in court that something happened should I dismiss them because there is no video evidence? A sworn statement is a valid item in our country and when three different witnesses swear to something there is a strong possibility that it is true especially when the partial video shows the man being thrown to the ground.

              I notice that none of the SEIU people who were there went to the police station to swear their buddies were not at fault…

              If these three people just said they saw it and there was no video of Gladney getting thrown to the ground then I would be cautious. You will remember that I did the same thing when Breitbart claimed that eggs were thrown at the TEA Party bus. I said that there needed to be video evidence to hold him to the same standard we demanded of the CBC. Of course, he did provide the video.

              So with video catching the tail end and showing violence toward Gladney and three SWORN statements attesting to what happened and NO sworn statements defending the attackers I have to say it is enough evidence to say it happened.

              Now, if you can find a police report and sworn statements showing that the N word was used and someone spat upon a person I would be happy to look at them. It would be more helpful if you had at least one video from the 10,000 or so cameras that were there showing any evidence to support the sworn statements.

              You get that video and Breitbart will pay you 100k…

            • Adam says:

              I’d love to see the sworn statements in the Gladney incident if you care to provide them.

            • Adam says:

              Nevermind. I found them. So the four lawmakers that heard the slurs need to swear it happened in a police report for you to believe it? I’ll remember that in the future…

            • Big Dog says:

              They would have to swear to it in court. The reality is that a lot of people there said they did NOT hear it and there is no video or audio evidence.

              Considering these members were deliberately provoking the protestors it is not beyond reason that when they did not get what they were trying to provoke they made it up. They walked there to provoke or they would have gone through the underground tunnel like they do every day.

              Lewis has not spoken about it since. Why do you suppose that is? Perhaps he knows it is not true or perhaps he knows he tried to provoke or perhaps he knows he cheapened the Civil Rights fight that he was in by playing this game.

      • Blake says:

        I never saw a congressman “wipe his face”- and I know that if the N word had been said, there would have been SOME SORT OF REACTION, instead of no reaction at all- this is a made up story, like Nannie’s story of Harvey Milk, and the “violence” she said she was witness to- which came from the LEFT- but she neglects to mention that, because that would ruin her narrative, now wouldn’t it?

  6. Big Dog says:



    Various emails have been reported from ACORN and MoveOn that request people to infiltrate. Look around.

    • Adam says:

      I’m reading those links and not really finding any evidence to back up what you’re suggesting. Please quote it for me so I’ll see what you’re seeing in it.