Attention Mr. Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani was interviewed recently and he stuck by his belief that the government should pay for some abortions. Giuliani is running for President of the US as a Republican but there is no way in hell he is a Conservative. He is as liberal as they come, a RINO as it were. I will in no way endorse or vote for this guy. I will give my vote to a third party candidate before I vote for this putz. Here is what Giuliani said:

“Ultimately, it’s a constitutional right, and therefore if it’s a constitutional right, ultimately, even if you do it on a state by state basis, you have to make sure people are protected,” Giuliani said in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash in Florida’s capital city. CNN

First of all abortion is not a Constitutional right. I defy Giuliani or any one else to find the word abortion in the Constitution. Granted, the SCOTUS has somehow found the word abortion in there and declared that a woman has the right to murder her unborn child. Even if this is true, where does it indicate that our taxpayer dollars have to pay for the damned thing? If the SCOTUS declares they are legal then if a woman wants one she should have to pay for it, end of story. Giuliani can’t get this through the mush he calls a brain and I know I am wasting my time but I want to address a real Constitutional issue, one Giuliani thinks should be taken away.

Giuliani believes in gun control (though I am sure he is protected by armed guards) and he wants to restrict gun ownership. He foolishly believes that taking guns away from people who obey the law will somehow make criminals comply as well. Rudy, let’s get one thing straight. The Constitution of the US specifically mentions arms and protects the right of people to keep and bear them. Notice the Constitution does not give the right, it acknowledges that the right already exists and that it shall not be infringed. The gun grabbers can debate the militia issue all they want but they need look no further than what the founders wrote about the subject to see that they meant everyone when they said people. The meaning of people in this amendment is the same as in all the others.

Rudy Giuliani can not understand that. He would rather pander to women’s groups about a right that is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution than address one that is specifically mentioned. Giuliani is a liberal and he plays the same game as all the other liberals in that he picks and chooses which part of the Constitution he wants to apply and he ignores other parts for the sake of convenience.

Giuliani does not have a chance in hell with Conservatives. He is pandering for part of the Hillary/Obama (and they will be a ticket) vote by appealing to the liberals on their founding tenet of abortion. He is also playing up to their disregard for the Second Amendment. Rudy, I want you to explain to the voters how you can support abortion as a Constitutional right that the taxpayer should pay for and disregard the right to keep and bear arms which is specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

I’ll be waiting for you reply.

Big Dog

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6 Responses to “Attention Mr. Giuliani”

  1. TexasFred says:

    From my side bar promotion for Tom Tancredo:

    “And I make NO apology to anyone for this statement, if you are so desperately stupid that you would support John McCain or Rudy Giuliani in a run for POTUS, you might as well go ahead and vote Dem, you’re already supporting one, albeit indirectly…


    I realize Tom may not have a chance in hell, him, Fred Thompson or Duncan Hunter, simply because the folks that run the RNC are dumbasses, but be that as it may, Rudy Patootie won’t EVER get my vote or any support from my blog…

    Good call Dog…

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  3. Billy Joe says:

    We agree on something.

    Guiliani’s primary claim to fame is that he was caught on video walking thru the remains of the ground up victims of 9/11, making him look leader-ish at a time the President was flying all over the country like a cowardly dumbass.

    The backstory to that photo of Giuliani though is he was walking to the NYC Emergency Bunker which he foolishly placed right next door to the most targeted building in the most targeted city in America.

  4. Big Dog says:

    Flying around like a cowardly dumbass? Why don’t you just say you hate the guy and be done with it. The Secret Service did not want him landing anywhere until they knew what was going on. Are you sure you are not Michael Moore?

    As for the leaders, at least Rudy (and I am no fan) was there. Clinton never took charge or went to the ruins of the WTC (except in his lies about the day). And yes, I do not like him or his wife, though Bill is the kind of guy you could have a beer with, he was a terrible leader.

  5. Billy Joe says:

    Big Dog,

    We were being attacked with airplanes being used as missiles, right? bush had Air Force escorts. Exactly how were the terrorist going to track down Air Force One and get thru the fighter escorts to collide with Bush? He’s a cutting-and-running coward.

    I’m very open about the fact that I think Bush is the worst President we have ever had. He’s a great politician – a different thing, mind you – and he loves dressing up for the TV (as a rancher or a pilot, etc.), but I look at what he’s done and wonder how on earth anyone can support him:

    – exploding national debt (and loss of freedom to the foreigners who buy most of it)
    – breaking the military because he attacked the wrong country (!) after 9/11
    – alienating us from our traditional allies
    – Open violations of the Constitution (bypassing FISA courts to spy on Americans, etc.) and rampant criminality in his Administration.

    I’m sure these are all signs of success in your upside down world.

  6. TexasFred says:

    Wow, looks to me like Billy Joe never did the Boy Scouts, much less anything even remotely close to actual *gasp* military service…

    BJ, I happen to agree with you on the ‘bad Prez’ part, but the actions taken ON 9-11 of keeping the POTUS airborne and OUT of DC was a very wise decision…