Back In Time

Barack Obama is out on the campaign trail and he is still blaming everything on George Bush and his policies. Obama is blaming Republicans for all that went bad and said that we [as a nation] cannot put Republicans back in charge of the House and/or Senate because their failed policies are what got us here. Obama said that we can either go back or move forward.

One problem here is that Obama keeps going back in time to blame Bush for all that is wrong. If he wants to move forward and not go back then he should be telling America all that he has done that is so great. His regime has passed many items of his Socialist agenda and he is still spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to explain how good it all is. If it was really all that great then he would not have to keep trying to convince people. He is looking back and trying to blame George Bush for what is wrong and then equating Bush to the election that will put different members of Congress in place. In other words, Obama is comparing the president to the Congress.

If we were to be correct in all this then we should be discussing members of Congress and not presidents. That race is in 2 years. The reality of the situation is that the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007. When they took control unemployment was under 5% and the economy was doing fairly well though we had been spending way too much money.

In less than a year of Democrat control of the House we were in a recession. In fewer than two years our economy was collapsing and the players who were most at fault were Democrats. Dodd, Frank, and Waters (to name a few), played big roles in the economic collapse. The economy collapsed under the watch of Democrats in Congress. Forget about Bush being president. This election is about what members of Congress have done (some at the request of Obama) and if we compare how things are now to how they were before Democrats were in control we can easily see that the Democrats have been a miserable failure.

Two years before Obama took office his Democrats in Congress (Obama was one fo them) were ruining the economy. When he took office in 2009 they rubber stamped his agenda and they have driven our economy to the brink of total collapse. Their Stimulus has been a failure and they have spent money we do not have. Unemployment, which Obama was going to focus on like a laser beam, has not dropped below 9% in about 15 months. All of those months belong to Obama and his Congress.

Keep this in mind when the moron in chief tells you that he is moving forward. Keep in mind that the guy who does not want to go back in time continually does so in order to blame Bush.

You should also keep in mind that going back in time is not such a bad thing. Right now millions of Americans who are out of work would be happy to go back to the less than 5% unemployment the Republican Congress had.

When you think about the upcoming election do not be sidetracked and fooled by Obama’s misdirection. He is asking you to look at Bush as a reason not to vote Democrats out. What you should be looking at is the Congress and once you do it will be easy to see that we were in pretty good shape until the Democrats took control.

Obama likened things to a car and said that when you want to go forward you put it in D and when you want to go backward you put it in R. Well they put the R on a car for a very good reason, If you go the wrong way and need to correct the mistake you put your car in R.

In order to correct the bad mistake of going with D we need to put it in R and reverse the course. Sometimes D is the wrong direction.

And it is also important to note that Recovery starts with R.

It’s November or never.


Cave Canem!Big Dog


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One Response to “Back In Time”

  1. Blake says:

    That lyin’ resident talks about the Reps having no new ideas- he said the same old, tired, hackneyed speech with the “car in the ditch”, but he forgot to say that the Dems got in the car, and promptly ran it off of a freakin’ cliff.
    “Sorry- you can’t have the keys- Why? Because you TOTALED the freakin’ car, that’s why.”
    If my father was alive today, Hussein’s appearance at UT, his old University, would have made him projectile vomit his guts out.