Bernstein Points out the Obvious about Hillary

I recently received a contact form comment from a person who claimed to be involved heavily in politics. This person made the assertions that he (or she, I don’t know) was well connected and had been around politics for decades. This person took me to task for saying that Hillary Clinton had never really led anything. I said she did not have experience as a leader and that John McCain had more leadership experience. I am not crazy about McCain but regardless, that is the truth. The person told me to read Bernstein’s book “A Woman in Charge” and it would point out Hillary’s past episodes of leading. I was told that Bernstein is not exactly a Hillary lover so it is not like he would lie for her.

It would seem that he does not have to lie for her because she does a good job of lying for herself. A Newsmax article points out the words of Bernstein with regard to Hillary the liar and he says that it has been her history. He states that she has always had trouble telling the truth. Now this is no great revelation to those of us who have not had a drink of the Clinton Kool Aid but there are many out there who think Hillary Clinton is a truthful person.

The article gives several examples of lies as related by Bernstein himself and they depict a pattern that has been a hallmark of the Clintons (all three as it turns out) since they came to public life. So to my commenter who wrote to me in the contact form I only have this to ask of you. You told me to read the book and see what Bernstein had to say about her leadership and now he discusses he problems with the truth (as he did in the book). My question is this:

How do we know she did not lie to him about her experiences and those lies is what he based his assessment of her so called leadership skills?

Hillary is no leader. She is a tyrant who demands absolute loyalty and she crushes those who fail to follow her in such a fashion. Leadership is the ability to gain the willing cooperation of those led. Tyranny causes people to follow out of fear and that is not a willing cooperation.

I don’t think Hillary Clinton could lead a group of people out of a burning building.


Big Dog

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