Bush Did not Mention Florida Hurricanes in SOTU

During the SOTU Address last evening I noticed that George Bush did not mention the Florida hurricanes that took place several years ago. Even though a lot of people in Florida are still waiting for their properties to be repaired, after all these years, Bush failed to mention it. I noticed that the Florida Governor did not complain or say that Bush was not providing for the Floridians who were affected by this storm.

However, I also noticed in the news that Governor Kathleen Blanco, the completely inept leader of Louisiana, was very critical of Bush’s speech because he did not mention Hurricane Katrina, an event that took place in 2005. Blanco feels that her state is forgotten now and will fall by the wayside despite the fact that taxpayers were fleeced of $250 billion to rebuild the place. This is, according to Blanco, being shortchanged.

I am tired of this woman crying about the problems she is having. Here is an idea. Take your inmates and bus them to New Orleans. Make them clean up and rebuild the place like the old chain gangs of the past. Put them to work. How about we get an accurate accounting of the money that has been sent down there and find out where it is going.

I just don’t hear the Governors of Mississippi and Florida making all these complaints and Mississippi was hit worse than New Orleans and Florida has been waiting for years. Lack of leadership is the problem in Louisiana. That is what caused the problems with Nagin and Blanco when the storm hit and it continues to this day.


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4 Responses to “Bush Did not Mention Florida Hurricanes in SOTU”

  1. A Room of Your Own Thursday Roundup and OTP…

    Thursday, January 25: “A Room of Your Own Day.”
    On the theory that a blog is effectively a virtual room of your own (in cyberspace, everyone can hear you scream), I thought I’d celebrate by letting everyone else scribble on the wall…

  2. rouxdsla says:

    We in La. are tired of her too.

  3. Ray says:

    Well it’s funny you said that, Also with a growing Elder population Florida has gangs that prey on elderly and makes millions, I know, they destroyed my family, just because they could, my parents had Alzhaimers, thou the case is very well documented not a word in the media , every other city has editorials about elder abuse calling it the Epidemic of the 21st century.

    As Willie Sutton is famously known to have said, when explaining why he robbed banks: “That’s where the money is.” It seems that a number of individuals, and some organized gangs, have realized that many single elderly persons have that in common with banks: they have money, and it is all too often available for the taking.

    I have exposed a gang that does this and makes millions at it .If you can please come by and help me turn up the heat !

  4. Robert says:

    Yep and “Chocolate City” will not get a dime or minute of my time from me again, until they correct their leadership.

    I spent 9 days down in that hole after the Hurricane, we sweat and bled with the good folks there. NOW I consider it the biggest waste of vacation time I have ever had. The corruption that is NOLA’s problem had a chance to be corrected in the voting booth.. They failed their city and state.

    The victim mentality which is inherent in the Democratic party has a cause, and they won’t let it go. Libs don’t believe in picking their selves up by their bootstraps and solving problems, they believe the way to get things done is to cry about it until someone does the job for them.