Why I Would Not Sign The Petition

There is a petition that is circulating to allow people with concealed carry permits to carry inside the arena during the Republican Convention. The Secret Service has said no guns will be allowed and they have the authority to do that. I do not agree with their authority and think their ability to institute such a ban undermines government.

The people with permits have passed very extensive background checks that involve all sorts of government agencies. People with permits have been vetted better than any politician the secret service protects. By banning the firearms the Secret Service is basically stating that government can’t be trusted.

Perhaps they are onto something…

The Secret Service is like the rest of the government. They are not against guns they are against YOU having them. If you are SS or law enforcement (other government people) then they are fine with you carrying a firearm. Who knows, maybe they are worried they will have to work harder and have less time for booze and hookers…

So by now you are confused. If I feel this way then why would I not sign such a petition?

It is quite simple. While I believe in the absolute right to keep and bear arms, meaning that you can carry them as you see fit (assuming you are a law abiding citizen), I also know that this event is a private event and the event organizers are in charge of the security and what takes place there. They have as much right to disallow guns at their private event as law abiding citizens have to carry those guns. But it is their event and they get to make the rules.

Your neighbor has the right to say you can’t carry your firearm on his property as do private businesses across this nation.

If you do not like the rule then don’t go there. Many people with carry permits will not patronize any establishment that does not allow firearms. That is their right and they are free to do so (and it is a position with which I agree). There are plenty of firearm friendly businesses where people can spend their money.

If the Republicans do not want people carrying firearms then that is their right. If you don’t like it don’t go.

I find it strange that the people who claim to be pro Second Amendment would have a problem with law abiding people carrying firearms and perhaps that says a lot right there.

In any event maybe those who have tickets should just not show up. Sell the tickets at a profit (if that is legal) or keep them to prevent others from attending. That will push the numbers down.

The petition will not have an effect since the SS has the final say no matter what but at least the RNC could come out in support of the idea..

In the long run though, it is a private event and those running it can do as they see fit even if they do sound like the anti gun folks on the left…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Is Trump Inciting The Violence?

There has been a lot of violence lately at political events featuring Donald Trump. I know a few of his supporters have responded to thugs disrupting things with violence and Trump has said he does not condone such actions (attacking those who have not gotten physical).

The reality though is that most of the violence at these events (or in the surrounding area) is being carried out by people who do not support Trump. These are Clinton and Sanders supporters who are showing up at Trump events and causing mayhem. These people are being sent to the events by the Clinton and Sanders people as well as by former Nazi worker George Soros.

I know that the media, the Democrats and some Republicans are blaming Trump for the violence but if he were the one initiating it then wouldn’t it be taking place at the Sanders and Clinton campaign events? Why would Trump supporters be creating violence at his events (with the exceptions of those who responded to thugs) when they support the guy?

No, it is being done by people who do not support him and it is being orchestrated by the left who then blames it on Trump.

Yes, I know Trump has made statements about punching back and attacking those who attack but his statements are no worse than those made by one Barack Obama when he was running for the presidency. You remember, the statements the media thought were cute and that he was praised for by his supporters.

The people responsible for what is going on are those who are committing the violence and those who are sending them to do so.

Those people are domestic terrorists and should be locked up for their crimes.

If people want to assemble and protest in peace they are free to do so but their right to do just that ends when they infringe on the rights of others and when they break the law.

It is time to clamp down on these terrorists and make them pay for their crimes and that includes the terrorists directing them to commit violence in the first place.

Time to make Soros pay to clean up the mess he paid to happen and then throw him in jail where he belongs.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Woman Beater Urges Violence Against Trump Supporters

Woman beater and alleged musician Chris Brown is a violent thug coward who believes in violence to get what he wants. It appears as if Brown follows the Obama philosophy of a good brawl when necessary (or getting in their face or bringing a gun if they bring a knife, take your pick of Obama violence) to achieve what is desired politically.

The Chris [Brown] and black lives matter (except when they don’t) crowd see violence as a means to achieve political success, you know, like they do in third world dictatorships.

[note]He [Obama] warned that the general election campaign could get ugly. “They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’ ” he said. A donor yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!”

“I won’t but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,” Obama said.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.” Fact Check[/note]

I know Donald Trump has stated violence is appropriate when dealing with violence** but I don’t recall him ever asking people to be violent for the sake of being violent or to push an agenda. Trump said he felt it was appropriate that his supporters fought BACK.

As for Brown, he wants retaliation for an incident in which a man at a Trump rally sucker punched a protester in the face [an act Trump did not condone] as he is being led out by police. Brown thinks this is getting out of hand and he wants blacks to show up 40 and 50 deep to Trump rallies and then dare people to punch. If the guy punched without provocation then he deserves to be prosecuted but if Brown’s response is deemed appropriate then we need to relook at all of it.

How many anti Trump folks have committed violence toward Trump supporters? Should Trump supporters line up 40 or 50 deep and inflict violence on those people? Look at how the anti Trump morons acted in Chicago. Their threats of violence and assaults on Trump supporters led to the event being cancelled and those who attended to see Trump fearing for their safety as Chicago’s finest kept their distance (I am sure they don’t support a guy like Trump either so they won’t protect his supporters).

Brown is a coward who beats up women for kicks. That is about the only fight this coward could ever hope to win, unless of course he had others, 40 or 50 deep, in front of him for protection. Did you notice how Brown, like most liberal pukes, wants others to commit violence in his name? Funny thing though, liberals like to talk about the violent people on the right when all the mass shootings and riots are done (or incited) by liberal dindu nuffins like Brown.

The only way Brown would lead the way is if he were attacking women, because you know, it makes gangstas tough if they can beat up a female. Guys like Brown don’t like to attack folks who might punch back.

So follow Brown if you want but keep in mind that most people are not going to stand around and let you attack them.

In other words, be careful what you ask for.

**The Blaze is owned by Glenn Beck so the take will be anti Trump even though the actions show nothing that would appear to be inappropriate.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Establishment Republicans Do Not Keep Their Word

When Donald Trump entered the presidential race there was a lot of worry that if he did not win the nomination he would run third party which would guarantee a Democrat win. This was such a bone of contention the establishment made a big show of asking during the first debate if anyone would not support the winner if it were someone else. Trump indicated he would not depending on how he was treated.

He eventually capitulated and said he would support the nominee if he were not the winner. This made everyone happy.

The establishment Republicans made a big show out of telling everyone how they would support the winner no matter who it was. This was when they all thought Trump had no chance to win and when their only concern was him going third party if he lost. They could not afford to lose the kingdom.

Fast forward and Trump is in the lead. There is a very good chance he will be the nominee and all of the sudden those establishment Republicans who swore they would back the winner are backing out of their promises.

The latest to do so is Mitt Romney. I admit I voted for Romney in 2012. He was not the best Republican we could have put forth but he won and he was a heck of a lot better than Obama. In fact much of what he said would happen (and for that matter much of what Palin said four years earlier) has actually happened. All those smug liberals, including Obama, have said nary a word about the things they were wrong about, the things they ridiculed Romney over and there have been many.

My support of Romney then does not mean I will support what he says now. I have not made up my mind on a candidate but if Trump wins I will vote for him over the Democrat because both of them are Socialist/progressive thugs who will be worse than Obama. They will strike the finishing blow to our once great nation.

Romney, a man who begged Donald Trump for his endorsement in 2012, has blasted Trump and stated he would be bad for the party. Romney said many bad things about a guy who he praised when he wanted an endorsement. Romney is an establishment Republican who will say or do anything in the name of the party and at the expense of the nation.

It is a shame because Romney had a chance to keep his word and back the winner even if that winner happens to be Trump as he stated he would and as he expected from Trump.

You can’t trust the establishment. They are awakening to the reality that Trump might just win and they do not know what to do.

Unfortunately, they will not hold themselves to the same standards they demanded of Trump when they thought he could never win.

If they screw this up they can rest assured there will be a Democrat in the White House and a new party of people who finally figure out that the Republicans have abandoned them will form.

CNBC (video)
The American Mirror

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Imagine If It Was About Hillary Or Bernie?

An allegedly conservative writer at the NY Times sent out a tweet that he had figured how Donald Trump’s run for the presidency would end. The tweet had a video that showed an assassination attempt from a movie.

I realize the guy is reported to be a conservative so imagine if he had tweeted this about Hillary or Bernie.

I can understand if some liberal had sent it because they always get a pass from the media when advocating violence against others. But how would the left act if this alleged conservative had tweeted this about the sainted liberals running for the presidency?

The reality is no one pays attention to these kinds of things unless they are directed at liberals. Libs can talk about murdering people all day (they support murder in the womb) and no one bats an eye. Let someone discuss harming a liberal and they go bat crap crazy.

Imagine how this would have played out if it were about Obama 8 years ago?

Do you think it would go unnoticed or would there be an uproar?

And you know there would be a visit from the Secret Service…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
