Republicans Need To Take No Prisoners

The Republicans are in control of the House and the Senate and on the 20th they will also have the White House so I do not want to hear anything about compromise or working together or any other blather that involves appeasing Democrats.

Every time Republicans are in charge the Democrats tell us there is a mandate to work together. Bull squirt. There is no such mandate. The mandate is that Trump and the Republicans are charged with changing things from the screwed up mess the Democrats have made over the last eight years. If the mandate was more of the same Hillary would have won.

There obviously MUST be a mandate to do everything different or else a man who never held a political office would not have beaten a seasoned criminal, err politician like Clinton.

Democrats do not want to work together and when they win they make sure to let us know their mandate is to ignore us. Hell, when they lose they don’t want to work together. Take upchuck Schumer for example.

For the past ten months he has been screaming that the Senate needs to do its job and give Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court a vote. Now that Trump won Schumer is vowing not to confirm Trump’s nominee (whoever that will be).

Now it bothers me not one bit that Republicans kept Obama’s pick out off the Court and it won’t bother me that Schumer will try to do the same with Trump’s, with one small difference. I did not oppose what Republicans did, Schumer did. Now he is saying he will do that which he opposed and every liberal who screamed at what Republicans did will back Schumer 100%.

I hope the Democrats do all they can to obstruct. I want Republicans to engage in no holds barred, no prisoners taken, all out warfare. I want them to exercise the nuclear option for every one of Trump’s picks for any position. When Democrats complain they can be told to sit down and shut up because they enacted the nuclear option.

Then I want Republicans to extend the nuclear option to include Supreme Court nominees and push through all of Trump’s picks. The Democrats will squawk but they opened that door. Hell, if we are lucky Trump will be able to replace every aging POS liberal currently on the SCOTUS and keep the Court from liberal influence for a generation or two.

I also want to see the Republicans use reconciliation to get rid of Obamacare. It is true that Democrats did not use it to PASS Obamacare but they used it to get things thrown in after it was passed. They also used parliamentary procedures to get the damn thing passed in the first place. They thought they had it in the bag until Scott Brown won the seat held by Ted Kennedy. Once Brown won they decided to use the Senate bill and craft the House to match it as their reconciliation process. Hell, the bill did not even originate in the House which violates the Constitution.

Republicans should dismantle Obamacare (which has been anything but affordable) and get rid of it quickly.

There are, of course, stories about Republicans being worried that this will go away and there will be nothing to replace it and they will get blamed for taking away people’s health care. I believe this is the case because Republicans are basically cowards who are afraid of looking like the bad guy.

I would like to see it go away and NOT be replaced. Government has no business in providing or facilitating the health care of citizens. It has no Constitutional duty or authority to establish or pay for the health care of people so it should not be involved in it.

The same holds true for Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid but those were pushed in and no one challenged them. Now they are nearly impossible to get rid of even though getting rid of them would be better for people.

The Democrats knew once people got a taste of the free stuff (which is not free) they would balk at anyone trying to take it away. People feel entitled to things and they feel particularly entitled to things that others have to pay for. Bernie Sanders is an example of this mindset.

I think people should be responsible for their own health care and government’s only duty is to ensure that companies are unencumbered in pursuing the business of those who wish to purchase insurance.

In any event, the longer this monstrosity is around the harder it will be to get rid of and the more expensive it will become.

It is time to turn back all the things the liberals have done. It is time to live in accordance with the Constitution and it is time to shut little whiners like upchuck Schumer up from the get go.

Make him sit in the corner and play with his safety pin while the adults set about fixing things.

Republicans, be ruthless or we will send you packing.

In other words folks, we have them down. Time to step on their throats.

The New York Times (note how they make it seem like a bad thing when Republicans do it)

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


How Many Of Them Actually Pay Taxes?

Some chucklehead at Time Magazine (does anyone even read that thing) named Mark Weston is very unhappy that Hillary Clinton allegedly won the popular vote but did not win the presidency. He, like most liberals, is upset that we use the Electoral College system and quite honestly, from his remarks, he does not understand it. Like most liberals he does not understand what kind of nation we are and how elections work.

So this guy is calling for all Hillary supporters to NOT pay federal taxes until the nation changes to a popular vote scheme. He wants people to figure out what they would owe but to write a check to an escrow type account that would be released to the feds once they change how we elect presidents.

Weston is unhappy because he thinks Hillary won the popular vote and should be president. He wants our “democracy” restored. His statements show a complete lack of knowledge.

The first thing is we are not a democracy. In a democracy 50% plus one gets to tell everyone else how things should be. So in a true democracy 50% plus one could vote that the rest of the nation has to work and give all their money up to the majority to spend as it pleases. We have a representative form of government where people are represented by those elected officials and each state in the union has a say in the process. Weston wants the very small land mass of densely packed people that Hillary won to be able to tell the rest of us how things will be. He wants all the rest of us in the vast land mass that Trump won to be under the rule of a few places. He does not want us to have a say in the process.

Weston says that the people should not pay their taxes because they are taxed without representation. His claim is that Hillary won the popular vote and these people are not represented because Trump won the presidency. First of all, he and all others are represented because they have an elected official in their Congressional District and two Senators who represent them at the federal level. The President is not your representation, your Congress critters are. Hell, if we could elect not to pay taxes based on the idea that if the person you did not vote for the presidency won half the nation would never pay taxes.

Let us look at this other claim. Hillary won the popular vote. No, she did not. Hillary won some of the popular votes and Trump won the others. You see, we do not have one great big national election. We have 51 individual elections (50 states and DC) and in nearly every state the winner of the popular vote in that state gets all the Electoral Votes for the state (some states allot them proportionally or by Congressional District). The states do not have to have elections to select the electors so there is no requirement that the people even be allowed to vote to select them. Each state is allowed to decide how the electors are selected. The states have decided on a popular vote (and that vote is PER STATE).

So it is a non argument to say Hillary won the popular vote because we do not have a popular vote nationwide. The only thing the nationwide total shows is that Hillary’s total of the number of people who voted, when ALL of the INDIVIDUAL STATE elections are added up, is more than the number of people who voted for Donald Trump. But that does not matter because Trump won enough of the popular votes in states to capture enough electors to be president.

Liberals like to keep repeating things that are not true so that they can brainwash followers into believing things that just are not so. If you listen to a Hillary supporter spout off you will hear the mindless parroting of talking points that are not true but have been repeated so often that the liberal drones believe them. This is why so many of them think we have a national popular vote, the Electoral College is outdated, that Hillary won and was robbed and that we are a democracy. They keep hearing it so they begin to believe it (this is why so many liberals think the Second Amendment only applies to the militia).

The reality is our system is set up in such a fashion that each state has a say in the matter. We are not ruled by the tyrannical majority in a few densely populated areas. We all get a say in it and we do it because each state has its OWN election. Hillary did not win the popular vote and she did not win the presidency so crying about it won’t change that. Refusing to pay your taxes will not change it either.

How many of the folks in question actually pay taxes? Her rich donors certainly figure out how to pay less and the millennials and college kids probably don’t make enough to pay anything. Add them to the welfare rolls and felons who voted and it is unlikely that we are talking about a huge amount in tax money. Hell, if we stopped paying the welfare to those who fall into the category Weston describes we might be able to have a net increase.

I know it is tough Mr. Weston but you are very wrong. Get a real book and undo the damage your college professors caused.

And get used to saying it:

President Donald Trump.

Source: WND

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Use the Stick

There is an old adage about a carrot and a stick indicating that one can be enticed or forced to do something. In the case of politics it would be wise for Donald Trump to use the stick.

Mr. Trump won the national election by winning the most electoral votes. I don’t want to discuss popular votes or any other non Constitutional issue. We use electoral votes, they are the best way for us to do things and they are not going anywhere barring an Amendment to the US Constitution in which case we will no longer be a republic,

During the campaign Mr. Trump indicated that if he won he would pursue criminal charges against Ms. Clinton for her illegal activities. After the election he softened that stance by refusing to say if he would prosecute her.

I understand how it works and it would be unwise for Trump to say he would prosecute her since that is not his job. It would be up to his DOJ, his Attorney General, to decide. Trump would need to stay out of it and let the DOJ do its job.

We now have this demand for a recount in three states. It is clear Trump won those states and it is also clear that the person asking for the recount, Jill Stein, could not possibly win no matter what a recount showed. The only person who could possibly benefit would be Hillary Clinton and her actually winning enough changed votes to matter is nearly impossible.

This is all being financed by George Soros in an effort to make Mr. Trump seem illegitimate. The goal is to have a hand recount take so long that there would not be enough EVs certified to give Trump 270 thus denying him the presidency. But Clinton would not have the 270 either so the reality is either the person with the most out of those available (the recounting states would not have theirs in in time) would win or the House and Senate would decide and Trump would still win.

However, this would tarnish him and the feeling is it would weaken him in the eyes of the public. Soros is unhappy that he could not buy this election and he is working to disrupt it in any manner he can (like paying for riots and recounts).

The Clinton campaign is now on board with the recounts. They are interested in assisting in the Soros project. Clinton knows she will not win even with the recount but she will help in the attempt to weaken Trump.

So Mr. Trump should make it clear that he expects his DOJ to go investigate and prosecute anyone who engaged in illegal activities including any co-conspirators. He should make it clear that anyone who did anything wrong will be prosecuted and sent to prison. He should make sure that all the lackeys know that they will be targets as well.

Mr. Trump does not appear to be a wallflower. He demonstrated that he can take a punch and return one quite effectively. He did not wither under the unrelenting attacks.

Now is not the time for Trump to go easy on opponents particularly those who are working to undermine him.

Mr. Trump needs to put the carrots away and wield a very big stick.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


From Watergate To Water Under The Bridge

[note]I have not posted in a month. In late September my father died and 12 days later my brother died as well. It has been a tough time for our family and I ask you to pray for us[/note]

The Washington Post went after Richard Nixon and the cover up of the Watergate break in. Reporters Woodward and Bernstein were relentless and they finally got the goods. Their pursuit of the truth led to the resignation of Richard Nixon.

While there is evidence to indicate Nixon was not the one doing the bad things the reality is the blame fell on him and he ended up resigning. This never would have happened if The Post had not investigated. They, if you are to believe them, looked to expose government corruption.

If Nixon had not been forced to resign under threat of impeachment it is hard to imagine The WaPo would have ignored all of it and endorsed him for office (he was in his second term and could not run again but if he could it is hard to imagine The WaPo would ignore it and endorse him).

The WaPo though is no longer interested in government corruption. Truth is The WaPo was never interested in it when it involved a Democrat. Can you recall any in depth investigation into Bill Clinton’s sexcapades?

Hillary is corrupt. She has a long history of lying, doing illegal things, lying some more and then getting away with her misdeeds. There is no doubt about this and one only need look as far as her server and email issue to see it. She set up the server to avoid having her emails archived per the LAW. She did it for one reason, to skirt the law. Then when she got caught she deleted over 30 thousand emails that had been subpoenaed. That was also a violation of the law.

Hillary supporters will tell you that she was cleared of any wrong doing but that too is a lie. She was not prosecuted for her wrong doing. The FBI director laid out a case of point by point issues where Hillary Clinton broke the law. He also showed where she had lied about classified information and it has been shown that she lied to Congress. Amazingly, the FBI director decided not to push for charges claiming no reasonable prosecutor would indict such a case.

Maybe in his world that is true. It also helped that the Attorney General met with Hillary’s hubby and that these folks are all liberals. The fix was in and the reasonable prosecutor claim was the nothing more than the No True Scotsman fallacy. Plenty of prosecutors would have taken the case.

In any event, The WaPo has ignored all of the evidence of corruption and endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Hillary made Nixon look like a piker and the very same newspaper that relentlessly pursued Nixon over government corruption is ignoring the mountains of evidence showing the corruption of Clinton and endorsing her.

They toppled Nixon.

They want to elect Clinton.

And this folks, is why most people do not take them seriously and why newspapers are going the way of the Dodo.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Float Like A Butterfly Run Like A Coward

This week the world is mourning the death of Mohammad Ali (aka Cassius Clay) the former heavyweight boxer who converted to Islam and then refused to be conscripted during the Viet Nam War.

There are many stories about Ali being played over and over on the sports shows and there is no doubt the man was a great boxer and an entertaining person. He was also an advocate for several causes and he did a number of good deeds, as outlined in these stories, throughout his life.

All of this is well and good but he refused to serve his nation, the very nation that allowed him to enjoy success. He claimed to be a conscientious objector (but not until the standards were changed and he was eligible to be drafted – he was originally classified as too dumb) and that he would not violate his religious beliefs (anyone who sees Islam on a daily basis knows that fighting is right up their alley).

First off, there are plenty of jobs that CO’s can do in the military that will allow them to serve and remain true to their faith, if indeed their faith is at issue. Ali was first classified as not smart enough to serve but when the standards were lowered and he was inducted he chose not to participate at all, he disobeyed the law and he let better men than he go off and do the nation’s bidding while he stayed home and made money boxing.

Well, for a time anyway. The government would not let him box for a period of time because of his refusal.

The second point deals with the idea that he can’t go to war and fight people. He beat people up for a living. Boxing is not a peaceful sport and engaging in it causes harm (as evidenced by Ali in his later years) so claiming to be non-violent to avoid war rings kind of hollow. Then again, his objections were that he could not fight Christian wars or wars of unbelievers and could only fight a war declared by Allah or his messenger.

[note]Ali was also quite the racist. Read some of his quotes from the time and it is easy to see. Hell, people call Trump a racist (Mexican is a nationality not a race) for remarks about one judge. Ali made remarks about whites in general or other black folks being used by the white man. Hell, look at what he said about Frazier…[/note]

Rocky Marciano was a heavyweight boxer in the 1950s. He served in WWII and boxed for the Army IN ADDITION to his regular Army job.

While many folks have changed their views on Ali and his draft dodging over the years I am not one of them. He turned his back on the nation and ignored the law.

For me that act defines him more than anything else he did.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
