Obama: Israeli Interference Unprecedented
Aug 10, 2015 Commentary, Political
Barack Obama is fighting to get his half-baked deal with Iran approved by the US Congress. The fix is generally in and it will pass while giving some members cover. Chuck Schumer is opposed (he is up to lead Democrats when Reid retires) but that is OK because other Democrats will rescue the deal. It gets passed, is veto proof and folks like Schumer can tell low information voters he was against it.
[note]It will pass in the sense that the Congress will vote it down and Obama will veto it. Congress will not have enough votes to override the veto which is what Democrats are looking to ensure right now. It gives Schumer cover but gets Obama what he wants.[/note]
Israel is involved in the lobby efforts to nix the entire thing and Obama says this kind of involvement is unprecedented. I am unsure if he means Israeli involvement is unprecedented for Israelis or if he means unprecedented in general. In other words, is he saying it is unprecedented for Israel to do this by standards of what it has done in the past or is it unprecedented in that no country is ever this involved?
In any event, why is Obama so concerned about it? Why is he worried that the Israelis are expressing their concern and trying to get members of Congress to stop a bad deal?
Obama was not concerned when he and his State Department were involved in the Israeli election so much so that they tried to influence the election.
This is the rub. If Obama means it is unprecedented in the history of Israel for it to be so involved then perhaps they finally have an issue to rally around.
But, if he means it is unprecedented for one country to involve itself so heavily in another country’s business then I think he is sadly mistaken.
One only need look at how involved Obama and his State Department were in the last Israeli election. They worked very hard to defeat Netanyahu.
I have to believe that Obama is referring to the latter since he discusses not being able to recall a similar episode of outside intervention.
So, like I wrote earlier, he should look at what he and the State Department did because that was a very good example of outside intervention.
I guess if Obama is working to intervene in another country it is OK but when that country turns around and does it Obama is not happy.
Don’t worry Barry the fix is in and you will get what you want.
I only wish that everyone who supports this would be held personally accountable should Iran develop and use nuclear weapons. It would be nice to see politicians held accountable for a change…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: iran deal, Israel, nuclear weapons, Obama
Kenyans To Obama; Don’t Discuss Your Love Life
Jul 8, 2015 Commentary
The folks in Obama’s homeland have a message for him. They want him to avoid the topic of homosexuality. I know it might be tough for Obama after he has worked so hard to promote the sodomites and since he thinks everyone should just do what he says but his homeland is having none of it.
It should surprise no one that Obama is a big supporter because he has always led from the rear…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: homsexuality, kenya, Obama
John Roberts: The Umpire Strikes Out
Jun 25, 2015 Commentary, Political, SCOTUScare
There is no doubt Chief Justice John Roberts is an intelligent man. He can cite and discuss legal cases without notes and he is well versed. These fact make his two decisions in the Affordable Care Act (previously known as Obamacare but now to be known as SCOTUScare) quite perplexing. Roberts basically rewrote the law and twisted logic as well as stepping out of his area of responsibility to ensure that the law formerly known as Obamacare survived.
When the ACA was being forced on us the Obama Regime said that the fee for not getting insurance was a penalty and NOT a tax. Obama chided George Stephanopoulos when George said the penalty seemed to fit the dictionary definition of a tax. Of course Obama was lying then because he knew it was actually a tax.
But the Regime called it a penalty and defended it as such to the public. The Democrats called it a penalty in the law and told their constituents that it was not a tax. Mr. Gruber, the POS who helped with this said it had to be called a penalty or it would have never passed and that the Regime depended on the stupidity of the public to get it passed.
When the Regime went to court it argued that the penalty was really a tax for the purpose of arguing in court and that anything to the contrary was just silly.
Despite overwhelming evidence John Roberts sided with the left wing of the court and rewrote the legislation to make the penalty a tax and within the authority of Congress. He upheld the law by legislating from the bench.
Fast forward to now. There is a portion of the ACA that says subsidies will only be available to those who get insurance from exchanges established by the state. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this sentence means the individual states. This is how it was intended and the Democrats along with Goebbels Gruber even told us that it would be in the best interest of the people if states set up exchanges so that the people could get subsidies. Given the straight forward language and what they said there is no doubt what it was supposed to be. This sentence was the subject of a Supreme Court case and once again Roberts sided with the liberal wing and rewrote the legislation. Roberts read the minds of those in Congress (Democrats only) and concluded that they really meant that state and federal government.
Roberts disgraced himself and his court and his legacy will be one of failure. I do not like the left wing right wing idea of a court. Courts are supposed to be impartial and rule on the law. Roberts made himself a legislator along with the lefties and rewrote the law to once again save Obama.
After Roberts knelt before Obama and pleased him there is no doubt now how he will vote on gay marriage. This issue should be left to the states and Roberts made a big deal of states rights when he was nominated but he will vote with the rainbow crowd and swallow hard for Obama.
It seems to me that Roberts must have been neglected as a child. His parents probably did not love him and daddy was probably never around. Roberts appears to need the approval of others and he seems to go out of his way to get the approval of Obama, his closet lover.
John Roberts once believed, or at least he said he did, that the judiciary was there to interpret not to make up the laws. Roberts basically stated that it is not his job to play the game or make the rules but to make sure those playing the game are following he rules. He did that when he compared judges to baseball umpires: “[I]t’s my job to call balls and strikes, and not to pitch or bat.”
Roberts has gone from being just the umpire to also being on the rules committee. Instead of just making sure others follow the rules he is now changing them to suit his master’s needs. Indeed, the umpire has struck out.
Justice Scalia put it most succinctly when he stated in his dissent (it is well worth your time to read the dissent. Scalia basically spells out how it should work in a legal and logical way and he holds little back with regard to how he views his colleagues in the majority):
Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved. Court Ruling
Scalia is correct. This court has a mandate and it is to protect and save the law now known as SCOTUScare. Obama put Kagan and Sotomayor on the court because they are not jurists they are activists. They do not care what the Constitution says or what is lawful or right as long as their liberal views and desires are taken care of. They are there to ensure the liberal agenda (I should call it the Communist agenda since Jarrett and Obama were raised by Commies and are commies themselves) is upheld the law and the Constitution be damned. Add those two to Buzzy Ginsburg, Breyer and wishy-washy Kennedy and you have the make up of a court that ignores the rule of law. When Roberts joins the mix it equals the downfall of society and the furtherance of communism.
God help them all when the day comes for them to be held accountable. It will be quite unpleasant indeed.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: communism, dissent, lies, pussy, roberts, scalia, scotuscare
Baltimore City Alone Should Pay For This
May 27, 2015 Commentary, Political
Baltimore City is a liberal haven and has been run by those very liberals for generations. The result is an uneducated population that lives off taxpayers. The city is in decline and has been for decades as liberal leaders continue to push policies that enslave people to government. The goal of decades of neglect is to enslave people to the liberal plantation and ensure those downtrodden people continue to vote Democrat.
You might have heard that recently the city suffered a lot of damage because of riots. A bunch of thugs rioted and destroyed property. The cost is placed at $20 MILLION.
The cost includes overtime for police and firefighters as well as money owed to jurisdictions that came to help the city. It also includes the cost of damage to city owned property. It appears as if this dollar figure does not include the damage to private property which is in the tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars.
The expenses the city owes will go before the board of estimates today so they can approve the money to pay the bills.
Where will the money come from? It is highly unlikely that any of the people who destroyed so much are taxpayers so it will not come out of their pockets. It is unlikely that the rioters have anything of value that can be confiscated to pay for their destruction. The reality is this money will have to come from the taxpayer or by cutting from other budgeted items or from a combination of the two.
This money MUST not come from the taxpayers in the state that do NOT live in Baltimore. I know Baltimore will appeal with hat in hand asking for money from the state to pay for this but it is not the responsibility of the taxpayers outside of the city to pay for this mess.
I recommend budget cuts to the City Attorney’s office and I recommend that the welfare money be redirected to pay for the damage.
Make the people who did this suffer for it.
Hell, maybe they can do what they did to fund the stadiums and make a few scratch lottery games to pay for it. At least people could decide to participate, or not and they would have a chance of winning some money.
I imagine the city will raise parking fees for stadium events and other events that take place in the city. It will probably tack on some kind of tax to event tickets and to hotel rooms and parking garages in order to pay for the mess that took place because the city has leaders who allowed the destruction to happen.
Liberalism exists to allow things to happen so long as someone else pays the bill.
If the people of Maryland who do not live in Baltimore get socked with this bill they should show up in the city with bulldozers and level the place and then stake a claim to the property they bought.
Screw Baltimore and screw the politicians there who have allowed a once great city to become a skeletal ruin of decaying structures and dependent people who have no respect or life or property.
Let them all suffer.
As an aside, they all wanted the police out of their lives. Now that the police are not, shall we say, being aggressive in their duties the city is rapidly falling [farther] into anarchy with multiple shootings and murders.
You got what you wanted now shut up and enjoy it.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: anarchy, baltimore city, cost, liberalism, police, riots, taxpayer, thugs
City Riots vs Biker Gang Shootouts
May 21, 2015 Commentary, Law Enforcement
There is an article on the local CBS affiliate website that tries to draw comparisons to the way the riots in Ferguson MO and Baltimore MD have been portrayed in the media with the biker gang shootout that occurred in Waco TX.
The article discusses these events and concludes that riots that damaged property (which the author notes can be replaced) but where no one was killed received more coverage than a biker shootout where nine died. It is further noted that during the riots the police showed up in riot gear, used tear gas and made mass arrests while they were shown in their normal uniforms in Waco in what the article describes as nonchalant.
The article also points out that the riots had live media coverage whereas that did not happen in Waco.
The point seems to be that when predominantly black communities riot there is outrage and the rioters are viewed as thugs but when white bikers have a shootout there is not as much coverage and the incident is viewed as an isolated incident.
These items involve two entirely different crimes and this article only serves to further push a race narrative where one does not exist.
Yes, most of the rioters were black but the cities involved have mostly black populations. There were some white people there and they were attacked by the rioters. There is no doubt that some white folks participated in the unrest.
In Waco most of the bikers were white but there were some people of color. It was reported that there were some black and Hispanic bikers involved.
Perhaps the reason there were not cameras and live play of the gunfight is that it happened spontaneously. The police were aware that some trouble was brewing but the police do not call the media in every time there is a threat of violence. I am not sure how much media is available in Waco but the issue in Ferguson simmered for weeks giving the media plenty of time to show up and Baltimore has many major news outlets in or near the city. The media would have been present because there was unrest (read that as thugs attacking people and breaking the law) on Saturday and the riots occurred on Monday. The media had time to gather.
Since the gang shootout happened there has been word there will be some sort of retaliation. You can bet the media is there now.
As for the police. They anticipated violence in the cities and were dressed appropriately. In Waco they had information something might happen. The big difference here is that the police in Waco were involved in the shootout. They were shot at and they returned fire. They then arrested hundreds of bikers. During the riots, particularly in Baltimore, the police were continually attacked and DID NOT fight back. They were ordered to give the rioters room. Perhaps if the police in Baltimore had started attacking those who were breaking the law and arresting them in droves we would have seen pictures of police officers being nonchalant as they walked around hundreds of handcuffed protesters.
Since the police in Waco were allowed to do their jobs they had all the bikers under control and were able to be more “nonchalant” than the police in the rioting cities.
The only thing these incidents have in common is that they both involved people who were breaking the law. The idea that the rioters had a grievance so their behavior can be excused especially since no one died is ridiculous. They were breaking the law and they were destroying property. No one died but scores of police officers were injured.
The bikers felt they had a grievance as well but their actions are no more excusable than those of the rioters. The big difference is that the police responded to the violence in Waco.
And for those who think there is disparity, there is. The rioters in Baltimore who happened to get arrested complained about high bail amounts. Every biker arrested in Waco had bail set at one million dollars far above any amount reported from Baltimore.
The thugs in Waco will get what is coming to them just like the thugs in Baltimore eventually will. And yes, both groups are thugs. Despite what the author wants you to believe, the bikers were referred to that just as the rioters in Baltimore were.
When people stop trying to excuse any kind of bad behavior and start holding everyone accountable society will be better off.
And then people will have no excuse for race baiting articles…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: baltimore, biker gang, crime, ferguson, riots, shootout, waco