Riding Through This World, All Alone

Anyone who watched the television show Sons of Anarchy knows it was full of violence. The show depicts a biker gang and its criminal pursuits. The “motorcycle club”, along with rival and sometimes ally biker gangs sells drugs, gets involved in pornography, traffics firearms and in the murder of people, and lots of them.

It was a television show so the world it depicted was supposed to be violent. It was supposed to push the envelope for the entertainment value.

I admit to enjoying the show. I could never live that kind of life but I enjoyed watching these truly dysfunctional people and their exploits. It was great to see these outlaw bikers killing each other each week.

I even commented to my son that the tragedy is there are really these kinds of gangs in the world.

And there are.

In Waco Texas as many as five rival biker gangs had an altercation at a restaurant that spilled outside. The fight went from fists, feet and chains to guns in real short order. When all was said and done nine bikers had been killed and nearly 200 arrested.

People who are not part of the gangs had to hide in the freezer at the restaurant to avoid the violence.

If these Sons of Anarchy wannabes have a desire to murder each other then let them have at it. However, they could have the common decency to do so in an isolated area where people who have nothing to do with them will not be in danger.

These guys let a lot of ammo fly in their fracas and many innocent people could have been killed.

These biker gangs are not a group of angels and they give motorcycle clubs in general a bad name. These guys deal drugs and weapons and they murder without a second thought. They are the true to life people I commented on to my son.

They think the rules and laws of a civil society do not apply to them.

I hope those arrested spend a very long time in jail. It is too bad more of them did not kill each other so numbers would be reduced.

There are plenty of motorcycle clubs in this country that do wonderful things for the communities in which they live. They provide for the poor, they provide for veterans and they follow laws. I have spent time with hundreds, if not thousands, of these folks at military funerals and during events in Washington DC. They are generally good folks trying to make a difference.

Cretins like those who chose to have the shootout at the Waco corral have no regard for life and do not deserve to be part of society.

Here is a clue for them. if you want to fight go pick some isolated part of the desert and have at it. When you are done gather up your survivors and leave the dead behind.

The buzzards have to eat too.

She’ll Take Hers To Go

Two police officers in Mississippi were shot and killed over the weekend. Nothing can justify the senseless murders of police officers just as nothing can justify when a police officer murders a civilian. No matter what the gripe there is no call for the unjustified shooting of a police officer (yes I think there are be times when it is justified. You always have the right to self-defense).

A worker at Subway was happy about the murder of the officers and posted to social media; “2 police officers was [sic] shot in hattiesburg [sic] tonight.! [sic]”. She then posted -GOT EM’ with a picture of three handguns.

The moron also posted her picture with her work hat on. Her message got the attention of a lot of people who made it known to Subway that they were unhappy. The worker was terminated from her position at the establishment.

She also had this to say:

We can turn this b*tch into Baltimore real quick. Police take away innocent people lives everyday now & get away w/ it, f**k them…NO MERCY [redactions are mine]

I am glad she believes in no mercy because that is what her employer showed, no mercy. She lost her job and that was a good decision for the company since she, by wearing her company hat in the photo, brought discredit upon it.

The police have made several arrests in the case and two of them are felons who, by law, are not allowed to possess firearms. As an aside, how did felons get guns if gun control laws work?

Everyone except for liberals knows the answer to that…

It is good that the people who allegedly murdered the officers are in custody and they will get their day in court. Mississippi has the death penalty so if these guys are found guilty I hope they get that punishment.

But I do wonder about something. The Subway employee said cops take innocent lives away as justification for the murders of these officers and she said there should be no mercy. So given that, how would she feel if the police adopted the same mindset and decided to go hunting people because some bad ones murder cops?

How would she feel if she were looking down the barrel of a police officer’s firearm proclaiming her innocence and being told, no mercy?

It won’t come to that and while there are problems with an increasingly militarized police force most of the officers are not bad people hell bent on harming others.

The reality that cops (and most other people) do not go on vendettas randomly shooting people with whom they have contact contrasts greatly with the attitude of the Subway employee which, unfortunately, is all too common.

These differences in attitudes separate the civil part of society from those who have no respect for others and take no responsibility for their lives.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Brady, Patriots Employees Likely Cheated

The nearly 300 page report on the investigation into the New England Patriots’ deflated footballs discovered during the AFC Championship Game was released yesterday. The evidence is circumstantial but compelling.

There are text messages and phone calls between two employees and quarterback Tom Brady that suggest that the balls were deliberately deflated and that Brady had knowledge of the practice. The report also indicates that it can link no other Patriot employees, players, or coaches to the incident.

I say incident because the only thing investigated is the AFC Championship Game but evidence indicates this practice has been going on for some time. In one text message an involved employee refers to himself as the deflator.

He did that BEFORE the beginning of the last football season.

There are stories of communications between Brady and an employee he had no electronic communication with for over 6 months and they began after the allegations were made.

There is unrefuted evidence that Brady signed football items for one of the employees involved and the appearance is that this was compensation for his assistance in deflating the balls.

It is important to note that this is not some witch hunt in which the investigators looked at things and decided these employees were probably involved and probably deflated the balls. The report includes scientific research that involved actual footballs tested in simulated situations to mimic every possible scenario present in the championship game and these tests were conducted by people who know what they are doing.

It is also noted that Brady refused to turn over his text messages or emails for review (I don’t know if I fault him for this even if he did nothing wrong) and that one employee was not allowed back for follow up interviews. This is particularly noteworthy because it was after the discovery of particularly damning evidence. Lawyers for the team set conditions and wanted questions in advance probably because they were aware of the problems presented by the new evidence.

Can they say conclusively that Brady and the employees did these things for certain? No, and absent a confession it is unlikely there is smoking gun evidence (like video of Ray Rice punching his fiancée’) that would put the thing to bed.

However, the circumstantial evidence piles up one piece at a time until one is compelled to conclude that something was amiss. One or two test messages, no big deal. Strings of them, recovered messages that point to shenanigans and lengthy phone calls suddenly taking place along with the evidence of quid pro quo paints a picture of two employees doing something shady for Brady.

They did it (whether he asked them directly or hinted at what he wanted is unknown) and he knew they did it. That much is clear.

His reputation is tarnished. The Patriots, who already have a reputation for cheating, have further damaged their already questionable reputation.

Will anyone get punished?

It is likely the two employees will lose their jobs. The Miami Herald reports that Brady could be suspended up to a season.

Will Patriots fans care? They won’t care much about the two employees but they will care about Brady. They already do not care if he cheated justifying their position by saying they would have won anyway or everyone does it.

This is what happens in a world where winning is placed above everything else.

We teach our children to play fair when they are on the field but when it involves the teams we root for we teach them that it is OK to cheat.

All is fair in love and war.

I guess fans who love football consider their teams at war with the others.

In any event, Brady’s legacy will take a hit and there will be even more suspicion every time he and his team take the field.

It is a shame because he is good enough to win without cheating.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Apply Same Sex Marriage Argument To Second Amendment

It works better there…

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments today regarding same sex marriage. Two items are at issue here. The first is whether the Court will require all states to allow same sex marriage and the second is whether states that do not have SSM will be required to honor SSM from states that do allow it. If the first one passes the second is basically moot. If the second one passes then it invalidates the first because people can travel to get married and then return to the state that does not allow it.

It appears to be an all or nothing issue.

I read some of the arguments and do not agree with a lot of the pro argument side. There is no Constitutional right to marry. This applies to any kind of marriage. No one has the right to marry period. People have to apply for a license and the state can deny that license for any number of reasons.

The reality is that marriage is something that has been defined as the union between a man and a woman for a very long time. The US even made polygamy illegal thus strengthening the issue of one man and one woman.

The other reality is that marriage has always been an issue that was decided by the individual states. Different states have different rules for who can and cannot get married. You see, there is no right because you need permission.

It is also true that marriage has been seen as a religious institution for a long time. The government got involved for a number of reasons but the basic concept has its foundation in religion.

A state has the right to define marriage so some states have SSM and others do not. It is important to note that the large number of states that have it is no indication that most favor it as many were forced to recognize it even though their citizens voted against it. Activist courts forced them to accept it.

I have read many posts about the issue. People are claiming that this is a basic right and government should not be allowed to restrict it. They claim that people should not be allowed to vote on these rights and they are being discriminated against. They further claim that most of society agrees with it so it should be made the law of the land.

I have already shown that it is not a constitutionally protected item and that states have the right to regulate it (not the federal government). But let us ignore that for a moment and assume these people are correct.

Why not use this same logic for firearms ownership and carry where it would more appropriately apply? The Second Amendment is absolutely in the Constitution and it protects the preexisting right to keep and bear arms. It further states that right shall not be infringed.

But liberals, the very same group that is saying SSM is a right and that it should apply to all states equally especially since most states already allow it (a fact that is skewed by court action) will say that people should not own or carry firearms and that states can decide what they want to do. These are the very same people who will work hard to have this protected right banned.

[note]During arguments one of the justices asked about clergy being forced to perform these marriages if they are made legal. He was assured this would not happen as there is a First Amendment right to protect them. They have ignored the Second so what makes anyone think they will obey the First? Once it is legal Obama and his DOJ will force clergy to perform them under threat of jail. Look at how florists, bakers and photographers who have religious objections are treated.[/note]

Most states allow either open or concealed carry (or both) and they do so without the court forcing them to. People in some states are discriminated against because they can’t do the same thing with regard to firearms as those in a majority of the states. A majority of the population is in favor of firearms ownership and shall issue carry permits. As an aside, I prefer must issue with no permit required. If you pass the check to get the gun you can carry it any way you want.

If the Supreme Court decides that marriage is a right and that the federal government can define it and thus allows SSM to be the law of the land in all states then it only follows that the same should hold true with regard to firearms.

The Court should immediately invalidate all state gun laws and issue an order that all states will be must issue.

The Second Amendment, unlike any kind of marriage, is a right protected by the Constitution.

Funny how liberals always call things they want rights and then say everyone has to give in and honor them while they continue to ignore the G-d given right to keep and bear arms.

I think the SCOTUS will allow SSM. They clearly have no sense of Constitutional rule as evidenced by their decision on Obamacare. Our society is on the decline and will not be around much longer. SSM is one more thing needed to ensure the demise of society.

I do wonder though why states would even obey the ruling. Just tell the feds you won’t do it. What will they do? Tell the SCOTUS you don’t agree and do your own thing.

Obama has been doing that so it is not like he could object.

He certainly has not suffered any consequences of his refusal to obey…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Rather Queer That No Charges Were Filed

The people working for the TSA are government agents who have too much power and who abuse the traveling public. Like many government agents they are protected from prosecution, not because there is some law or immunity but because other government agents refuse to go after them for doing illegal things.

A pair of TSA agents were caught in a scheme that involved the groping of male travelers by a gay TSA agent. The agent would signal a female agent, his accomplice, who would manipulate the machine to cause it to give a reason for further screening. This would allow the gay agent to grope the male he found attractive. He used the palm of his hand to grope the genitals of these men.

The scheme was reported by a whistle blower and investigated. The acts were witnessed by several people involved in the investigation. The TSA agents were fired as a result of their deeds.

The kicker though is that the prosecutor (a government agent) refused to file charges stating there was not enough evidence to get a conviction. The things were witnessed by the people investigating and there was enough evidence to fire them but they can’t be convicted?

Sounds like hogwash. You can bet your six that if you had done something at the TSA checkpoint this prosecutor would file charges no matter what the odds of getting a conviction.

TSA is a worthless agency and the entire thing should be contracted out. Private contractors would do a much better job than protected government employees who will not be prosecuted for the crimes they commit.

I know that if this had been a straight man working it out so he could group attractive ladies the news would be all over the front page with stories about how men can’t be trusted. Better not judge all gays by the acts of this one pervert though, that would be wrong.

I am glad they were fired but they should be prosecuted as well.

Perhaps the next government employee they should fire is the prosecutor who refused to file charges…

CBS Denver
The Smoking Gun

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
