US Has World’s Best Life Expectancy

I know it is hard to believe that the US has the best life expectancy in the world but it does and I will show how in just a moment. First, what is life expectancy?

Life expectancy is a statistical measure of how long a person will live. There are many factors like year of birth, current age, and sex but more developed nations have higher life expectancy (of course the information is only as good as the data provided).

As of 2012 the World Health Organization reports the US ranks 36th out of 193 nations with an overall expectancy of 79.8 years.

This is all wrong and the US is actually number one. No other nation can boast about having as many people alive that are over 112 years of age.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, the United States has 6.5 MILLION people who are older than 112. This is according to the federal government’s own Social Security Administration. The SSA shows that 6.5 MILLION people in this nation are over 112 and a few thousand of the people have dates of birth that are prior to the US Civil War!

These 6.5 million SS numbers are active and being used each and every day for credit cards, purchases, loans, jobs, you name it. How in the name of all that is sacred could the US be 36th in the world when nearly 2% of its population is older than 112?

Now I know what you are thinking. You think that some evil doers have stolen these numbers and are using them illegally. If that is the case why does the government not go after the people using the numbers (or report them as inactive so they can’t be used)? They can track the numbers so they must know where the people using them are located and if they know where they are but have not gone after them then those folks must be using them legally, right?

Otherwise the government would have to admit that it is incapable of running this program and it is rife with fraud. That would unravel this idea that government can do it all and should run all aspects of our lives. They would never admit that, now would they?

I am sure the numbers are being used illegally but since our government has not put an end to this it must feel confident that these people are legit.

And since this has not been corrected the government must report these numbers to the WHO so our life expectancy rate can be corrected to show us the longest living people on the planet.

To do otherwise would admit incompetency and we know government can’t do that if it wants to take over every aspect of our lives.

One final thought. These are the same people who will be running your health care…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Cops Lives Matter Too

I am skeptical of the police. I respect them as a group of people who, for the most part, do dangerous jobs to protect people. But we have continually militarized them and they have a culture that sees them remain silent when some among them do wrong. There are far too many cases of police officers beating people and violating their civil rights.

[note]When you give police agencies items that are meant for war they will act like they are going to war.[/note]

That small group causes the good among them to be viewed skeptically. I believe all agents of the government should be viewed with a bit of skepticism but the bad actions of a small minority of cops has tarnished the good work of honorable officers.

It is also true that far too often police officers are extensions of the taxing authority of a government. They write tickets for nuisance items just to generate revenue.

But no matter how one feels about what policing has become the reality is these folks are men and women who have families. Their lives matter just as much as anyone else’s. They should not be targeted. Don’t get me wrong. I believe people have the right to resist unlawful acts by any agent of the government but I do not think police officers should be targets just because some segment of society does not like them.

Last night two officers in Ferguson MO were shot. They are expected to survive but they should not have been shot in the first place. This is not an issue where police issued some no knock raid and got shot by a scared home owner. No, these police officers were monitoring yet another protest in ferguson when some jackass shot them.

We saw all the protests and riots when people believed that Michael Brown was shot with his hands up. That turned out to be a lie and he was the aggressor. Unarmed or not he ws dangerous and Officer Wilson was well within his right to shoot him.

Will there be protests in favor of these cops? The race baiting poverty pimps are already making excuses and rationalizing the shootings.

People get up in arms when they think a cop shot someone (or their dog) unnecessarily (and their anger is justified when that turns out to be the case especially when the cop is cleared of wrong doing) but they find no issue with police officers being shot while doing their jobs.

Imagine if you will a scenario where a group of people has been arrested after a long police investigation. Say they all had tons of drugs and illegal firearms when they were arrested. The cops all testify and they think this is a slam dunk. But for some reason the jury finds the defendants not guilty and they walk on all charges.

How would people respond if the police waited for them to gather someplace and then gunned them down?

The people of Ferguson were fed a false narrative and they were led to believe they would get the verdict they wanted from the Grand Jury. When they did not they burned the place to the ground. How many of them were arrested for that?

In any event, the false narrative and all the negative statements from Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and plenty of other people has resulted in this violence against these police officers.

Their lives matter too and this should not be happening. They need to catch who did this and nail him to the wall.

Here is the key. Mutual respect. Police officers need to respect the people who pay their salaries and who they work for. They need to do their jobs with honor and dignity and without regard for ones color ar any other demographic.

The people need to obey the law and they need to respect the police.

If that happens people can work together to ensure their communities are safe.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Boehner And McConnell Are Ineffective Cowards

Give us control and we will stop Obama and his illegal orders on immigration. We will take the fight to him for you. We have the House but we need the Senate or we can’t do anything. Give us the Senate and things will be different.

Yes, the lip service John Boehner and Mitch McConnell gave us before the election was right on and they said all the right things. There were many of us who pushed for both of them to face a primary opponent to get rid of them. But folks like Ann Coulter (who I happen to love) said we can’t do that because getting control was most important and if we lost McConnell’s seat then we might not get the Senate and that is what we needed.

Well, we gave them the Senate and they are doing the same thing they did when they were in the minority. They are bending over and letting the Democrats have their way with them. The Republicans in the Senate are acting like they are in the minority by letting Reid and the Democrats run all over them and Boehner is caving to the Senate and giving them what they want.

But Big Dog, the Democrats are blocking the Senate with tactics and it is hard work.

Yes, I know the Democrats are doing all the very things they screamed and threw fits about when they were in the majority. They hated when Republicans did these things but they found ways around them. McConnell is not quite bright enough to do it the way Reid did.

So he will just bend over and take it like a jailhouse punk.

Here is what McConnell should have done. He should have changed the rules so that only 51 votes were needed to pass the legislation. Then it would pass and be sent to Obama who would have to sign it or veto it. If he vetoed it he AND HE ALONE would have been responsible for shutting down the DHS (which would not really shut down because they are mission essential). McConnell did not have the guts to do that even though Harry Reid did it and it was accepted by Democrats. They would have to accept it if McConnell did it and anyone who screamed could be reminded that they were warned that it would one day come back to bite them in their large asses.

Boehner could have slid his wretched self out of the bottom of a bourbon glass long enough to make it clear he would not change his position. He could have coached McConnell to use the Reid option and get it done. These two could have had a united front.

Instead they were both too busy worrying about what people might think of the process.

Screw how people feel. There is an out of control Executive who is ignoring the Constitution. He has become a tyrant and the supposed leaders of the Republicans in Congress are letting him get away with it.

It leads me to believe that they want this illegal action on immigration to go through. Yes, they say it is in the court but there is no guarantee the court will uphold the law. The tyrants in the black robes are as bad as the tyrant in the White House. They are all part of the downfall and they need to be stopped.

But Boehner and McConnell are not up to the job. They said they were. They begged us to give them the job. They promised they would do these things.

And in the end all we have are two ineffective cowards who are too busy applying Vasoline to do their jobs.

Obama will not stop here. He is already working on ways to use Executive Orders to raise taxes (first on corporations but it will not stop there). This will be a blatant violation of the Constitution but Boehner and McConnell have already shown they are not up to the task. They will not stop the tyrant Obama.

We will be taxed without representation. Does that sound familiar? It should. That is what led 3% of this nation to fight the Brits for Independence.

A hell of a lot more that 3% are fed up in this country and it is now quite obvious that Boehner and McConnell are impotent. We gave them a chance and they failed.

The only solution to the tyranny lies in the hands of the patriots.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security ~ from the US Declaration of Independence [emphasis added]

It is our birthright, it is our duty and it is our destiny to unshackle the bonds placed by an oppressive and tyrannical government and to form new one. Our Founders did just that and they did it over a lot less than what is going on now.

The time is coming because Obama and the rest of the lawbreakers have put us on a collision course. I pray to God that we avoid such a situation but Boehner and McConnell have shown us they are nothing more than different wings of the same bird and they do not have the interest of the American people at heart.

They are cowards who lack the ability to stand up for what is right. We need some real leadership to step forward or I fear this nation is headed for major unrest.

For now we are stuck with these two impotent twerps who have betrayed us. My friends, please do not donate to the Republican party. Screw them. Keep your money and do something useful with it. These pricks will just take you for a ride and dump you in the desert.

Starve the beast and the next time pundits tell you it is more important to gain control than to get rid of bad politicians remind them of these two and how ineffective they are even with the majority.

Dear John and Mitch, my contact form is on this page. Reach out if you want some pointers on how to man up

Democrats, you are not off the hook. You criminals backed the illegal action and you put party before country. In a just world you would hang for your treason. Fear not, if the world were just many Republicans would be swinging next to you.

The Corner
My Way News

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Oscar Politics Fall Flat

The political opinions expressed by the liberal winners at the Oscars will go over big with those who are still on the liberal plantation but those opinions lack one small thing.

The Truth.

Patricia Arquette ranted about income equality for women falling back on the myth that women are paid less than men for doing the same work. Studies have shown that when all things are equal the pay is about the same. But the myth continues as liberals rebrand the issue one of equality and take up the faux fight to gin up support and voters.

I think everyone should be paid what they agree to with their employer. It is not up to the government to decide what people will be paid. If you are one of the best and brightest then you should be able to negotiate a good salary.

I do think however, that it is hard to take someone screaming about equality seriously when that person is doing so in a $20,000 wardrobe after receiving a $125,000 gift bag for nothing more than attending an award show (maybe the $250 vibrator in the bag can help ease her frustration). Arquette claimed she paid her dog walker more than she made for her work in Boyhood.

If she wants equality perhaps she should walk her own dog like the rest of us…

Then there was the duo of John Legend and rapper Common who accepted an award for the music in Selma. Legend ranted on about civil rights and claimed that the civil rights fight 50 years ago included voting rights and now voting rights are again under attack.

“We know that the voting rights that they fought for 50 years ago is being compromised in this country today,” adding, “We live in the most incarcerated country in the world. There are more black men under correctional control today than there were under slavery in 1850.” IJ Review

What planet is this moron from? Voting rights are not under attack. There is a movement to require an ID to vote and that is how it should be. You need an ID to do almost anything in society from boarding an airplane to buying tobacco or alcohol to registering your kids for little league. You even need an ID to enter government buildings and unions who oppose voter ID laws require an ID before anyone can vote in union elections.

Why is it so tough to present an ID when voting and how can that possibly equate to an attack on voting rights? The argument that people who are poor can’t get an ID is a false one. The very people who allegedly can’t get an ID seem to be able to produce one to get welfare benefits.

Voting rights are not under attack or being compromised. What is happening is people are being held accountable. After elections where more people voted than were registered in some places and where people bragged about voting more than once is it too much to ask that people show an ID?

As for the number of incarcerated black men and the claim there are more in jail than were held in slavery that might very well be correct. That does not mean that they are in jail under false pretenses though. If these guys are concerned about the number of black men in jail perhaps they should work to help communities realize that they should raise their children not to be criminals. Here is an idea, start following conservative principles and leave liberalism behind. Liberal policies have led to the breakdown of the black family and the result has been decades of men raised into crime and sent to prison. One only needs to look at the areas of the country with high crime and large numbers of blacks in trouble to notice all these areas are run by liberals.

I would also point out there are more blacks in slavery now then there were during slavery only now they are slaves to the Democrat plantation where they are held in bondage by economics rather then chains. If they step out of line they are beaten by their masters in the Democrat party until they fall back in line.

The people who stand up in these award ceremonies and spout nonsense show how stupid they really are. These are the kind of people who give us poor leaders because they vote.

Let’s face it; if voting rights were actually being compromised we would not have Obama and many others in office…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Will Obama Condemn This Act?

After three Muslims were murdered in North Carolina Barack Obama made this statement:

“No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship.” CBS

He made this statement even though evidence suggests the people were killed over a parking dispute and not because of their religion. The shooter has been involved in a number of incidents regarding parking and this case appears to be about that and nothing else.

But in Detroit a man stabbed two people because they were NOT Muslims.

A man walked to a bus stop and asked two people if they were Muslim and when they answered that they were not the man stabbed both of them.

[note]The victims have non-life threatening injuries.[/note]

The attacker stated he was a Muslim so it is obvious by his question that he attacked the two victims because of their religious belief (in that it was NOT Muslim).

Will Barack Obama make the same statement he made regarding the incident in North Carolina? That statement fits this incident whereas it did not fit with what happened in NC. This would be the time to make such a statement.

I imagine Barry will ignore the Detroit incident because the attacker was a Muslim and we all know that people who follow the religion of peace would never do anything violent…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
