Republicans Are Better Than What?

XidenRepublicans have an identity crisis. They also appear to have battered spouse syndrome. You see, they have been abused for a very long time by the Democrats and instead of actually fighting they acquiesce. Democrats lie, cheat, steal and smear and the best Republicans can do is send fund raising emails asking everyone to send money to stop the evil liberals and their sinister agenda. It is amazing, Big Dog, we need you right now to stop Nancy Pelosi and her liberal gang from [insert list of sinister things here] can you donate? Republicans also have that identity problem in that they talk a really tough game but when push comes to shove they can’t dig deep enough holes to hide in.

Donald Trump is no choir boy and the truth be told, we did not hire him to be. We hired him to clean up a swamp that has been festering with self serving politicians who get rich off the hard work of the people. Donald Trump removed the yoke from our necks and unleashed the American spirit and we produced. Lowest unemployment, highest growth and great things for people of every stripe.

Now this did not sit well with the left and the squishy right. After all, they have a sweet gig in DC that is allowing them to launder our money through all kinds of entities so they and their families can get rich. They cannot have someone, anyone, come in and ruin that. So the Orange Man had to go. It started from the day after he was elected when the left decided he was to be impeached and set about looking for a reason. They used Hillary Clinton disinformation to start an investigation that wasted MILLIONS of your hard earned dollars only to show there was no Russian collusion and that the only people who were colluding with Russia were the Clinton folks. On the way out the door Barack Obama had Trump spied on and set people up in order to keep their corruption from being exposed.

All of this resulted in Trump being impeached for the things that then former VP Joe Biden was guilty of.

All of this failed so plan B went into effect. They rigged the election but they ran into an issue. Trump was steamrolling his way to a second term. The real collusion took place when they had vote counting stop in the battleground states at nearly the same time (places Trump was leading bigly in) and then they went to work. When things “reopened” a huge ballot dump that defies all history of election statistics gave Biden a lead that forensic analysts have said is impossible without fraud being involved. The deed was done and this is where we find that Republicans are better than no one.

Many Republicans, some of whom I think benefitted from some ballot stuffing in their favor in return for rolling over on ousting Trump, simply decided that there was nothing to see here and that Trump lost move on. They said this in light of the fact Trump had more votes than any incumbent president in history, Trump hit all but one indicators of a win, that evidence kept pouring in and that video showed the crime in progress. These spineless Republicans refused to fight.

Whether you like Donald Trump or not, the man FIGHTS.

So we fast forward to the coronation of a man compromised by his mental decline and indebtedness to China and we end up with Chairman Zhou Bai-Din.

We have a woman in Congress who has more testicular fortitude than the men in the party. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced (or will) articles of impeachment against the Chairman. I know they will go nowhere and would have preferred they be filed after Republicans take control but let’s face it, Republicans are not likely to use impeachment as a weapon like the Democrats did. They will move on with governing and trying to get along with the very people who will knife them in the back the moment they get a chance. No matter how terribly the Democrats acted (don’t forget there is a bogus second impeachment of Trump designed to keep him from ever being in office again) Republicans will say that “we are better than that.’

It is what minority leader Kevin McCarthy recently said with regard to the articles that Greene will file. McCarthy is part of the swamp. He is no different than Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, Sanders and any other swamp creature. He is willing to do anything to keep his place at the trough.

The Republican Party is always better than that because it refuses to fight. It refuses to support, protect and defend the Constitution. It rolls over and gives the Democrats what they want in exchange for $24 worth of beads. There are a few fighters, Cruz, Jordan, Gaetz and a few more but by and large the party is full of the Mitt Romney/Mitch McConnell wing of do what you need to in order to keep suckling at the teat of taxpayer money.

I hope Donald Trump is working on being a political force in 2022 and beyond. He does not need to run for the presidency again as long as he can assist in getting another fighter in office. He can also be a king maker in the 2022 primaries by recruiting worthy candidates to take on incumbent Republicans and get them out of office.

Because despite what they say, Republicans are not better than anything. The reality is they are merely a different wing of the same bird. Their inaction will get you to the same terrible place the left will get you only a little slower.

Donald Trump did not lose to a basement dwelling demented child molester who people had no enthusiasm for. He was cheated but Republicans refused to fight for the truth (fight the steal) because, apparently, they are better than that.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What If…

If you are like me, and you probably sometimes are, you go thru life with many preconceived notions and assumptions.  Introduced by friends and family, reinforced by school, TV, movies, and our own experiences, we have certain ‘givens’ in life that we rely upon to try to understand a very complicated world.  But what if they are all or mostly wrong?  Let’s dig.

What we are taught in elementary school is likely our bedrock for more assumptions.  Our history, how current events impact us, the roles of many people in society, all have the opportunity to be learned here.  What do police do?  Firemen?  Doctors?  Congressmen and Presidents?  Judges?  Lawyers?  While some of these may be discussed at home (depending upon the home), most are introduced in school, in one form or another.  If your teacher or teachers were pro-cop, you would get entirely different views than if your instructor(s) were anti-cop.  And so on.

Some of my assumptions were about how systems work in the US:  police, law, courts, elections, military, Congress, virtually everyone in elected or appointed roles in US society.  Speaking entirely for myself, I always assumed that checks and balances were in place in ALL of these systems to prevent criminal behavior by those folks in those roles.  Sure, some folks of every position stretched the rules, and benefited personally by those stretches.  But I always assumed that the overwhelming majority were honorable people, doing their part in society to keep things running.  But what if ALL of those assumptions are flat-out wrong?  What if the systems are inherently broken, by the past and present office holders, and because of their control over those systems, they will NEVER be fixed?

What if Congress has nothing to do with representing ANYONE but Congressmen?  The rest is pure marketing.  What if the courts are so complicit in the malfeasance, that they rule however they want, to protect the entire elected and appointed class?  Boat rockers and folks with integrity are shooed away, or absorbed into the cabal.  Once elected, they are shown the REAL deal:  do it our way, or you will be an army of one, with zero assistance from anyone in the system.  What if the police only superficially enforce the law, and only how and where their chain of command dictates?  The same may hold true for the military, just on a much larger scale. What if wars are fought just to advance the fortunes of the defense contracting companies, with appropriate kickbacks to those elected folks again?

You may ask:  Dude, what makes you think so negatively about these things?  The riots and mayhem over the Summer started the crack in my mental veneer.  Then, the recent elections process, coupled by the omnibus spending bill, made me think that no systems appear to be working as advertised—certainly not to the benefit of the taxpaying citizen.

Crazy Times

Are you a ‘normal, red-blooded American’?  Are you tired of every single problem, real or imagined, in the country blamed on you?  Are you up-to-here with being called racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, patriarchic, deplorable, or whatever the Liberals decide is an appropriate description of you (even though they don’t know you at all)?  Have you had enough of ‘learning’ that the United States of America was not only BUILT upon slavery, but slavery is the only reason for its existence?  Or maybe your ears will bleed if you hear one more time that rich, White, European business tycoons get wealthy or extend their current wealth on the backs of the poor and destitute of all races here?  Have you been told that everything from math to proper English, to Climate Change, is the result of racism?  I may have an answer to all of the above!  Let’s dig.

First, please understand that I am aware that what I am about to propose is an insane idea.  That, had I not been mentally abused by the nonsense in the first paragraph for literally decades, I wouldn’t have ever entertained such nutty policy suggestions.  I hail as a Constitutional Conservative, very much right-of-center politically.  I’m normally a live-and-let live guy—almost Libertarian in thought.  Other than protecting children, I think most people should have the opportunity to screw up their lives in whatever method they choose, so long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights or property of others.  On the other hand, I feel very strongly that, if I’m going to be constantly accused of some crime, regardless of lack of evidence of said crime—or even if I have exculpatory evidence that I absolutely did NOT do the crime, I am going to DO THE CRIME!  If I’m guilty and will incur punishment either way, might as well!  So, I have a radical idea:  take the Liberals’ accusations to heart.

Therefore, effective immediately, we should turn the US into the country the Liberals think we already are.  Pendulums swing, and it is time to swing that bad boy in the opposite direction than its current path!  As stated above, the US is accused of being so many awful things, so it is time to implement that which we are already guilty of, by our critics!

Dissenting opinions will be tolerated—once.  You get your say, as our 1st Amendment allows for.  But once stated, anything further is just agitation.  We, as a country, don’t want it, don’t need it, and it serves no positive purpose.  So, such opinions are now reason for the Ejection Clause below.

Calls for ‘racial equity’ end NOW.  This is a meritocracy, and will continue to be so.  Anyone wishing to give preferential treatment to any particular race will be subject to the Ejection Clause below.  Note that all minorities are still welcome in the US—as are all productive people.  Those that make a living by perpetuating the sins of the distant and near past are no longer welcome.  Take that particular show on the road.  Anywhere but here.

All history textbooks that depict the US as a country founded upon racism and genocide are GONE.  No problem telling the story of the US as a factual presentation, but adding the author’s opinions, based on current modes of morality and society, is not only erroneous, it paints the US in a poor, incorrect light.  It stops now.  Authors of said view will be subject to the Ejection Clause below.

The US has carried able, non-productive people for decades, via our Social Safety Net.  This ends now.  While we will continue to provide assistance for people in-between jobs, it will no longer be a lifestyle.  If you are able to work, you will work—or be assigned work.  Don’t like the assigned work?  Get a job in a role you like.  All Welfare and unemployment compensation will have an end date.  Unemployment will be issued based upon real attempts to become employed.  Past that date, person will be subject to Ejection Clause below.  Note that this section does not cover mentally or physically disabled people.  We will use funds recovered from the idle able to implement true care facilities for those that simply cannot function well in society alone.  And we will continue to honor our promises of Social Security to those that paid into the system.  We will provide food for children and those that need—not money.  We will distribute basic foods, relieving our surpluses.  Do not like the food available?  Get a job.  Anyone else, see Ejection Clause below.


Congress will return to its original boundaries and intentions.  All spending will only be allowed under Constitutional enumerated powers.  The position of Congressman will pay zero salary, with an appropriate expense account that is subject to audit by a citizen committee.  Violation of oath of office is terms for immediate office loss, and subject to criminal prosecution.  Income taxes will be replaced by a national sales tax.  Changing the sales tax rate requires a super-majority of States to ratify.  There is no longer a reason to field an IRS, other than to audit sales tax collections, and prevent black market avoidance of sales taxes.  There will no longer be a yearly tax filing for individuals—such private information is no longer shared with government.  Corporate income taxes, that are currently passed on to consumers, go away completely.  Since the ‘progressive income tax’ and ‘corporate income tax’ are gone, Congress no longer can play favorites with the tax code, also removing their ‘fundraising’ hammer.  Lobbyists will continue to be legal, via 1st Amendment, but the first dollar that changes hands between lobbyist and Congressman is grounds for criminal prosecution of both parties.  ‘Redress of grievances’ will no longer be a monetary transaction.  Don’t like the new rules?  Don’t run for Congress.  Note:  voting will be with verifiable ID, in person.  The ONLY exceptions are deployed military and hospital patients.  Voting will occur from 7am to 7pm, local time zones, only on Election Day.  If it isn’t a priority to go to the polls, stay home.  Voting machines, if used, will only tabulate votes.  Any other function is an attempt to defraud that election, and will not be tolerated.  Every voting machine will pass an audit, and must retain all pertinent information for future analysis.

College professors will teach their subject matter.  Period.  Any attempt to insert political views where unwarranted will be grounds for Eject Clause below.  College degree programs will be indexed by anticipated income potential for each specialty.  Pre-med, pre-law, IT, engineering, etc. will be full tuition cost, but teaching degrees, and most degrees ending in ‘Studies’ will cost less, in anticipation of the degree holder’s ability to pay.  The entire Student Loan program will be reevaluated, top to bottom, every 10 years.

Public sector unions will disappear, effective immediately.  With no one representing the funder (taxpayer) at the bargaining table, these negotiations were always political stimulus.  Pay will be based upon performance, like any other job in the US.  Anyone attempting to change that environment will be subject to the Ejection Clause below.

Our immigration policy is now quite simple:  enter thru designated areas.  Folks who desire entry will be assessed physically for disease—those failing are denied entry.  They will be assessed for their work habits, desire to assimilate, and skill sets.  If there are unsatisfactory answers to those queries, they will be denied entry.  The US is not responsible for anyone outside of its borders, and we will decide who can come in.  Period.  Another new rule:  new immigrants will be put on a new database, with the sole purpose of verification of good citizenship.  In addition, new immigrants will NOT be eligible for any Welfare programs for 5 years, and will not be eligible to vote for 10 years.  Our Border Wall will be complete, and our temporary VISAs will be monitored.  Overstays and those that avoid proper procedure for entry will be subject to the Ejection Clause below.

The penal system will work into this process.  Career felons, with emphasis on those dangerous to society, will serve their sentences as prescribed.  Repeat offenders will be subject to the Ejection Clause below.  Minor offenses will not be dealt with as severely, but will be tracked for repetition.  Those that decide that rioting, looting, arson, and mayhem are appropriate methods of political protests will be immediately subject to the Ejection Clause below.

The Ejection Clause.  Mentioned many times above, this is the centerpiece of the new US, that will be run as heartless as it has been accused for decades.  Simply put, anyone subject to the Ejection Clause will have six months to get their affairs in order, then will be escorted out of the US.  Part of the six-month window will be to pick the country the person wishes to land in.  Paperwork to make that happen will be attempted.  If their first choice of country isn’t available (or doesn’t want them), the next available country will be chosen for them.  Once ejected, the person is forbidden to re-enter the US for 10 years, and even then, it is by application only.  All who are ejected get added to a new database.  Attempt to re-entry prior to or without application will put that person on a ‘do not allow’ list.  This entire process should make everyone happy.  The gist of the issue:  you don’t like the US, and how it is run; we don’t want you here.  Those here will contribute to the economy and advance the history and traditions of the US.  So, now we are the mean, whatever-phobic country that everyone accuses us of.  Except we will gladly allow anyone productive, of any physical or minority status, to prosper here.


Limited Government?

When what became known as the Constitutional Convention ended, the resulting document was an astounding piece of work.  The experiment of self-governance, not via family nobility, nor military might, began.  The US Constitution describes the structure of our government—three co-equal branches (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial)—and most of the details of those branches.  How many of each Legislative office, length of terms, and so on.  But, IMHO, the most amazing aspect of that document is the attempt to limit the scope of the Federal government.  Let’s dig.

Article 1 of the Constitution defines the Congress—the Senate and the House of Representatives—and the rules under which each house operates.  Section 8 of Article 1 specifically delineates the powers of Congress:

“The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

To establish post offices and post roads;

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;

To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;

To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

To provide and maintain a navy;

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;–And

To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.”

Now, several of these clauses have been ‘adjusted’ over time:  we now have standing Army, Navy, and other military branches, rather than calling forth a new militia as needed.

The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. Every one of those Amendments limits what Congress can do—not the States, not the People.  Notice the form of each: “Congress shall make no law…”, “shall not be infringed’, “shall not be violated”.  That is specific language, expressly limiting what laws Congress can pass.

Note: The Constitutional Convention happened because of the complete failure of the Articles of Confederation, which allowed for a VERY weak Federal government. So the balancing act was between State autonomy and a Federal governing presence. The Federalist vs Anti-Federalist battle was a real conflict. It slept a bit during Washington’s term as President, but re-ignited during the 1800 election. And it really hasn’t gone away, although the Civil War seemed to cement the Federalist position.


Second Note: Note that I am not mentioning the States at all. States should be free to experiment with whatever level of taxation and benefits that the citizens of that State wish to pursue. If I live in a State that does not align with my values, I am free to decide for myself if I stay or leave. But the size and scope of the FEDERAL government has exploded exponentially, since 1913 (Income Tax), thru 1930s (New Deal), thru 1964 (Medicare/Medicaid), all the way thru 2010 (Obamacare). Don’t like it? You’d need to leave the entire country. And I think a legal case could be made for ALL of these programs exceed Congressional authority.

Now for the direct question of this writing:  how much power do we WANT Congress to have?  By everything referenced above, Congress was to be limited to writing laws within the specific ‘enumerated powers’.  Yet today, Congress routinely writes laws far outside of that original scope.  Social Security, Welfare (part of the Social Security Act), Obamacare, minimum wage laws, any law regarding commerce within a State, are all laws written by Congress that exceed the original limits of Article 1.  And most of the Bill of Rights is under stress by current or proposed legislation, be it ‘hate speech’, restrictions on gun ownership, or stretching ‘search and seizure’ rules.  But is this what the People want?  Be careful here.  As the famous quote states, “Any government that can give you anything you want can take anything you have.”

Random Thoughts for 17 January 2021

Lost in all the bed wetting over the mayhem on 6 January was this interesting item out of Louisiana, “Amite City Councilman Emanuel Zanders had been arrested Monday and charged with eight counts of election fraud.” Zanders is a Democrat who committed fraud in the election, you know, the fraud the left tells you does not exist or is not enough to change things. Fraud is a crime and at least this person is being charged. Now, if guilty, Zanders MUST spend the maximum time in jail. If we start punishing to the maximum extent of the law people will top cheating.

Except politicians, they benefit from it and are never held accountable.

If Mitch McConnell thinks that some fraud in the election is acceptable then he is obligated to tell us in definite terms how much fraud is actually acceptable. Then, that amount must be codified by each state in its system of laws. This will help citizens accused of a crime where fraud is an element. If they did not reach the level defined by McConnell and codified in the states then they did not commit a crime. Insurance fraud, bank fraud, any fraud you are involved in is OK so long as it does not exceed the level defined by Moscow Mitch. If the people who run elections are shielded from prosecution by an acceptable level of fraud then the citizens who pay them should have that same protection.

There is a law that says you must answer questions from Congress truthfully. I saw that referenced in the document dump on the Russian collusion delusion. The witness, not under oath, was told that the law requires anyone who is asked questions by Congress to answer truthfully. Seems to me we need a law that says Congress critters are required to answer anything truthfully. It would be a great source of entertainment watching members of Congress talk if a liar’s pants actually caught on fire. I will settle for a shock collar based on lie detector technology that zaps the crap out of them when they lie. That would be a great source of entertainment.

The brother of the guy in charge of the Antifa provocateurs at the Capitol stated he has reported to the FBI that about 226 members of Antifa were involved in the mostly peaceful; protest that took place on 6 January. He is reportedly helping identify the people involved. His brother, Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan, has ben arrested for his part in the mayhem. Sullivan and others encouraged violence and indicated “we did it” when the melee took place. In logic if I can show one part of your argument is wrong then it is all wrong. When the Marxist Media propaganda wing of the Democrat party and the Democrats in DC tell (lie to) you that Antifa was not involved, this negates the assertion and renders it illogical, wrong, null and void.

There are whisperings that Nancy Pelosi pushed a rush impeachment through to distract from the declassified document dumps that will take place until Trump leaves office. I am quite sure she does not want some of it getting out. Already we are seeing that Xiden and Obama knew what was going on in the Russian collusion delusion and that it was all politically motivated and based on lies. It is what we have said and suspected for years but now the proof is out. That does not seem to directly affect her except she based the first impeachment on these lies. I am sure she has plausible deniability. So if she is anxious to distract what is coming out that will harm her?

How else do you explain this?
Pelosi rushed through an impeachment without evidence and without due process. Now she has delayed sending it to the Senate because, they don’t have any evidence. Anyone who says this was not a purely knee-jerk reaction to a person based on hatred is delusional.

It seems to me that federal employees who admit to sabotaging the president and cheerfully call their work a coup are admitting to violating many laws and should be identified and taken down hard. But with a Democrat set to take over these things will be rewarded. If you know these people do not, under any circumstances, take matters into your own hands no matter how much you would like to. Call authorities and have them arrested.

A migrant caravan, read this as a caravan of people who want to enter our country illegally and be taken care of at taxpayer expense so Pelosi and the tech giants can have cheap labor and more voters of course, is heading to the US. Shouldn’t our government be stopping them in their tracks? Do we want them to bring Covid and other diseases with them? Are the same politicians who made millions of us lock down in our homes for our own safety (really to harm Trump and the country) going to allow these people to come here? Will we hand out masks, do Covid tests and put them at the front of the vaccine line? Welcome to a world where illegals do not fear the law because Democrats are weak and always put America last.

I think this is enough randomness for now. Enjoy your Sunday.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
