Facebook Steps Up Assault On Freedom
Jan 17, 2021 Commentary
Facebook has been banning conservative groups and pages and the practice picked up very quickly since 6 January. Before anyone tells me they are a private company and can serve who they please and ban those they want I point to a Christian baker who was forced to pay a lot of money for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding. I also point out section 230 does not allow FB to ban people because of their beliefs. Sure, they can ban content that violates the standards or terms of service but none of these entities do. Many have been around for months or years and are suddenly deemed unworthy by the great and mighty Zuckerberg.
Looks like Facebook will crack down pretty hard on conservatives prior to the anointing of Chairman Xiden. Facebook claims that they want to curb violence (the claim that Nazi Jack Dorsey at Twitter made when he held the conservative purge). Facebook says they want to curb violence but they allowed plenty of posts from the BLM/Antifa riots all summer. They allowed violent video of BLM/Antifa assaulting people who attended events at the White House. Facebook allows terrorists and leaders of terrorist supporting nations to post vile things including the familiar “Death to America” chant. Facebook and Twitter are both guilty of the purge and they are both guilty of allowing things for their favorite groups that get conservatives banned.
It is not uncommon for violent events to be planned on these platforms. BLM/Antifa used both of them all summer to coordinate the insurrections and riots that took place over a drug addict dying of a drug overdose.
I recently got a seven day stint in the Facebook jail (right after I started pointing out that the people at the Capitol on 6 January were paid agitators, they were Antifa). I went against the narrative that peaceful Trump supporters caused the damage and assaulted the police. I appealed and they replied a few days later and said they got it wrong, no more jail time oh wait and then they gave me seven more days for something I wrote three weeks ago. I still have not figured out what the problem was. They denied that appeal. I think they wanted me and my friends to stop posting about the false flag event. You see, a number of my friends all got jail time during that time frame.
Stop using Facebook and Twitter. They need to be taken down. Right now it appears as if they are more powerful than our government and while the useful idiot Democrats in Congress might think it is OK it will not be long before the social media tyrants attack the left. You can bet that the Democrats will want to do something then…
Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg LIED to Congress during the times they were there to testify. What has been recorded and reported is quite different from what they say to Congress. They apologize, promise to do better and keep screwing people. They must be taken down. They lost a combined 51 Billion dollars in market value after banning the President. Good, maybe they can go bankrupt.
Pick a good social media company. Parler, Gab, MeWe, etc. Better yet, try blogging where Dorsey and Zuckerberg types can’t edit or block your content or suspend you from writing.
I did.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: dorsey, facebook, twitter, zuckerberg
The Advocates of Socialism
Jan 16, 2021 Commentary, Political, Tyranny
The advocates of Socialism come in four general flavors:
1. The Envious. They want what achievers have, less the effort. They see the lifestyles they want to live, but do not want to put the time, effort, or personal investment necessary to create those lifestyles. They want assets (houses or apartments, cars, phones, computers, etc.) that others saved for—right now. They see what their parents took decades to achieve, with step-by-step incremental improvement, today. No waiting. It’s their right. Or something.
2. The Underemployed. This includes those with student loan debt that far exceeds what their career field pays to support. If you got a degree at (borrowed) $50K/year to work a job that pays $25K/year, that is a tough economic reality for the next 10 years or so. These folks want student loans forgiven (taxpayer paid), even though the taxpayer did not take out the loans, choose the major, choose the school, or benefit from the education. This also includes those that were convinced they could be artists, poets, song writers, singers, dancers, whatever, but they found out there is little market for their brand of art. (If their art was in demand, they leave this group, because they can afford the student loan payments). These are also the folks that want others to pay for their health care insurance, because it is expensive.
3. The Underachievers. These are the folks that coast. Hard work, dedication to a job or company over time, and self-improvement are for others, not them. Unlike The Envious, who are materialistic but lazy, this group doesn’t need much, but still want others to provide it. They are more than happy to subsist on whatever Welfare programs are available, so long as ‘work’ isn’t involved. This group is also the most likely to bitch that their unearned income is just too low, man.
4. The Power Brokers. This group assumes that in the Socialistic world, they will be the upper crust, the policy-makers, not the downtrodden, overworked, drones necessary to keep their economy afloat. They understand that for some to receive a service without paying, others need to pay and not receive that service. They just see themselves on the receiving end. Why they see themselves in this envious role is unclear, as they are generally underperformers in any economic arrangement, so why would they be promoted and rewarded under Socialism?
Tags: socialism
Stevie Wonder Could See It Coming
Sep 19, 2018 Commentary
Brett Kavanaugh has been going through a beating on his way to confirmation to the Supreme Court. Democrats, who think people nominated by presidents of their party should be treated with the most respect, savaged Kavanaugh so much so that Kameltoe Harris and Corey Booger made absolute fools of themselves.
All that did not work so the Democrats pulled out a golden oldie from their playbook. They found a woman to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual impropriety. The alleged misconduct took place nearly four decades ago in a place and at a time she could not remember. She also cannot remember how she got to the party. They only thing she remembers is that a 17 year old high school student named Brett Kavanaugh attacked her and tried to rape her.
This is BS. She might have been attacked but it was not by Kavanaugh. The woman claims she wanted to remain anonymous but retained a lawyer and took a polygraph in August. That does not seem like the actions of someone looking for anonymity.
Kavanaugh and two other boys named or identified by the woman have all stated that it did not take place or that they were not at a party like the one described. This matters not to Democrats who have trotted this woman out to stall the process. Let us not forget that this party trots out women ALL THE TIME. Every time there is a Republican candidate or nominee they do not like they find some woman to make claims of sexual impropriety. This is a no brainer and still Democrats, you know the folks with no brains, are acting as if this shady allegation is rock solid with audio and video to back it up.
Bill Clinton left a blue dress and a number of women gave credible accounts (with witnesses to the aftermath) of Bill’s attacks on them. Hillary, who says Kavanaough’s accuser deserves the benefit of the doubt, organized a war room to deal with Bill’s “bimbo eruptions” and ruined any woman who dared to lay claim to an assault by him. Keith Ellison, a Democrat, assaulted several girlfriends. One of them released medical and psychological records to prove she reported it and there are 911 audio recordings not to mention it being witnessed by her son. Democrats have remained silent on Ellison.
Democrats do not care about women. This is all about politics. Dianne Feinstein has had the letter written by the accuser since July. She could have addressed it with Kavanaugh and the committee then. She could have turned it over. She could have done a number of things. She claims the writer wanted to remain anonymous so of course DiFi started leaking info about her after the hearings for Kavanaugh’s confirmation closed. It was not long before she was identified and politicians and the drones of the left were up in arms. They had to address this.
So there is supposed to be another hearing on Monday but the accuser says she will not be there. She is demanding an FBI investigation before she appears. The FBI has no jurisdiction and has refused to investigate. The reality is she has received her instructions from the Dems. She must do whatever she can to get things delayed. It is possible she does not want to be under oath because she might get tripped up.
Kavanaugh will be confirmed unless some spineless Republican(s) decide not to vote for him. If that happens we should unload on them the next time they are up for reelection. Kavanaugh is a fine man and is not guilty of what he has been accused.
Let’s move on and get him confirmed. If the Democrats delay again have the vote without them. If this woman is found out to be lying put her in jail and put anyone who conspired with her in jail as well.
As for DiFi, she should be drummed out of the Senate. She is a worthless brain dead moron who should be in a nursing home babbling in a corner.
How long before they piss off the wrong part of the country enough to get a response? They won’t like it when that happens.
BTW, it is time to harass the hell out of every Democrat you know or who serves in office. And when they get one for President we owe that person as much hell as we can unleash.
Time to end the BS.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Hogg Wild
Apr 2, 2018 Commentary
In the aftermath of the school shooting in Florida a young man named David Hogg has emerged as the newest pawn for the left wing in America. He is a typical victim in that he is allowed to say and do as he pleases and anyone who dares to speak out in opposition to him is immediately attacked.
Hogg is a vile, vulgar, obscene foul mouthed little punk. There, I said it all and I don’t really care if the left wing, Hogg or anyone else likes it. Piss on them. This is my site and I don’t have sponsors to boycott and even if I did I would say what I wanted. That is, after all, what Hogg is doing, eh?
Hogg has been calling out anyone who disagrees with his call for more gun control approaching the downright confiscation of firearms. Disagree with that and the little Nazi will claim that you want children to die and have blood on your hands.
Laura Ingraham of Fox News dared to tweet something unflattering about little Boss Hogg and he immediately called for a boycott of her sponsors until they pulled their ads from her show. This is how the left wing works. It will seek to destroy you and deny you YOUR rights while whining when it feels its rights have been infringed.
David Hogg is a little terrorist who involves himself in an adult debate but whines that he is a mere child when the going gets rough. Then his media partners and enablers in the Soros clan are the first ones to cry out how terrible it is to attack a child. Here is a clue for little Hogg, if you involve yourself in adult things then you will be treated like an adult. If you don’t like this and think a “child” should be left alone then sit down and shut up until an adult tells you to speak, got it little fella?
The reality is David Hogg is the kind of kid who deserves to get his rear end kicked regularly.
I do think what happened to all the gun control kiddies (Hitler used children to push his agenda as well Mr. Soros) is kind of funny. You see, they are allowed back in school now but will all be issued clear, see-through backpacks. Hogg lost his mind over this saying his rights were being violated and one of his fellow snowflakes whined that all the students should not be punished because one crazy guy did something bad.
Really? I bet the irony is lost on them. These little Social Justice Warriors have been running around demanding that the Second Amendment rights of all law abiding citizens be infringed upon because of the acts of ONE crazed moron (whose actions occurred solely because government failed at all levels)!
Hogg is getting a lot of attention right now but soon his light will fizzle and his 15 minutes will be up (remember Cindy Sheehan) and when he is just a bad fading memory all those companies that decided to pull ads from Ingraham’s show will be stuck holding the bag. Those companies capitulated to a school kid playing adult dress up, a kid who likely does not spend much money patronizing any of them. Ingraham’s audience, on the other hand, is full of hard working people who make and spend money and some of it is on their products.
From the messages I have seen there will be a number of companies that will be feeling the pain on the bottom line long after David Hogg is a footnote in the encyclopedia of liberal failures.
Hogg should take a very long walk on a very short pier. But I hope he waits until November. His moronic work will fire up a number of people who vehemently disagree with him.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: david hogg, liberals, lies, morons, victims
Hillary Takes A Trip
Mar 13, 2018 2016 Election, Commentary, Political
Hillary Clinton took a trip to India on her never ending quest to try and convince people that her loss was a fluke and to fix blame on something, anything. She also took a trip down a set of steps not once but twice and if not for the help of a few men she would have bounced all over the place. Maybe what happened (the name of her book and the tour to explain her loss) is she got drunk. Or perhaps she has a brain disease and loses her balance. No matter what, her trip down the steps is a good reminder of how lucky we are that what happened is she lost. The fall video is at the linked site.
Hillary went out of her way with this explanation to tell us she won the coasts and Trump won the middle and if you look she won the parts that generate two thirds of the GDP. She, according to her own words, won the progressive forward thinking producers while Trump won the racists who are upset blacks and women have advanced in society.
Hillary Clinton suggested that people who supported President Trump in 2016 did so because they “didn’t like black people getting rights,” or women getting jobs, during a discussion at the India Today Conclave on Sunday.
“If you look at the map of the United States, there’s all that red in the middle where Trump won. I win the coasts, I win Illinois, I win Minnesota, places like that,” Clinton said.
“What the map doesn’t show you is that I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product,” Clinton explained. “So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards.” ~The American Mirror
Hillary won some places on the coasts and Trump won some places in the middle. Trump won a huge area in the middle while Clinton had a few little pockets of blue. Hillary won some densely packed areas of blue on the coasts and Trump picked up outlying areas.
What Hillary won was areas where Democrats are packed in. There are huge numbers of Democrats that pack into these cities so she gets a little blue area while the rest of the entire area is red. Democrats pack into cities run by other Democrats so they can all live in liberal misery. There is a map to demonstrate this dispersion of votes. It is important to note that a lot of the area that is in the middle is sparsely populated. Trump had to win a lot of areas to match her and to get the electoral votes needed to win.
This map shows the genius of the Founders. LA County has 10 million people in it. That is more than the population of ten states added together (the linked map lists them). That is why we do not have a single election or an election decided by popular vote. If we did LA County could cancel out 10 entire states. Hillary did not win the popular vote because we do not have a popular vote. She had more votes when you add up all 51 elections but in each individual election she did not win. To be clear, we have 51 individual elections, one in each state, and one in DC. Those are all counted as INDIVIDUAL elections and the results are INDIVIDUAL results and are reported INDIVIDUALLY. Trump won more of the individual elections than Hillary did and won more electoral votes.
The Electoral College system is genius and it keeps us from having densely populated areas deciding the elections for the rest of us. We all have a better playing field because of it.
As for Hillary, she can scream racism and all the other BS about why she lost and Trump supporters living in the past but the reality is those supporters are hardworking people who produce the GDP she lays claim to. They are people who do not care about color or sex or sexual orientation. It was, after all, Democrats who held the slaves and refused to free them.
Yes, Hillary is on her whine a lot tour. This is the never ending saga where she keeps saying things and giving excuses as to why she lost. It is, in some small part, for the benefit of the mind numbed who voted for her but in a major way it is nothing more than Hillary trying to convince herself that she was not the problem and there must have been some other reason that she lost.
What happened? You lost because no one likes you. You are a thief, a liar and you broke the laws of our nation while mishandling classified information. You should be rotting in a jail cell right now.
No matter what Trump does I wake up every day knowing that Hillary is NOT the president.
And that is OK with me.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.