Maybe Baltimore Students Should Protest At Home

Mayor Pugh of Baltimore has been busy wasting taxpayer money for things like removing Civil War Statues. Of course she, like all criminals, did the dirty work in the middle of the night under cover of darkness. She is now working on wasting one-hundred thousand dollars of hard earned taxpayer money. Read on to see how she plans to accomplish this.

This mayor is as inept as the others and is one in a long line of alleged leaders who is helping Baltimore completely transform into the crap hole it has been destined to become for so long.

This is what Democrat Leadership (an oxymoron no doubt) does to any place. It sucks the life out and leaves mind numbed zombies shackled to the teat of government.

So the mayor is working on another way to waste a lot of taxpayer money. She has decided to get dozens of buses to take school children to Washington DC so they can protest at an anti-gun rally. Yes, the mayor is WASTING tax dollars, the money government forces you, at the point of a gun, to give to it, to send a bunch of kids to DC so they can protest against firearms.

Let us keep in mind that a number of these kids have records that involve illegal firearms, come from broken homes where firearms are illegally kept and they live in a violent city that is violent because they and the other residents use firearms ILLEGALLY.

These children who are going to DC to protest firearms and violence are the same children who left class not long ago and rioted in the City. The riot left police cars damaged, buildings and businesses burned to the ground and a number of police officers injured. Yet, these Tide Pod eating morons are going to protest violence.

Perhaps Mayor crap for brains should save the 100 thousand dollars it will cost to bus these kids and work on the heating systems in the schools. Let us not forget that the city could not keep kids warm this winter because it could not afford to keep the heaters in good repair. One-hundred thousand dollars will fix a lot of heaters.

It is also important to remember that the city is full of gun crime. These crimes are committed by people who are not legally allowed to have a firearm with firearms that are obtained ILLEGALLY. Hell, just this week a man was shot to death by a few Baltimore thugs while he was driving his car in a funeral procession.

Maybe the mayor should stay in Baltimore and protest the way she and her administration is running the City. Maybe she should have them protest Democrat policies that reward single parent houses and enslave people to the government. Perhaps she should work on getting her own failures under control before spending OUR damned money on this nonsense.

I demand that the state investigate this misuse of taxpayer money and prosecute those who spent it in this fashion. If that does not happen then we should all seriously work on removing the idiots from office (we should be doing that anyway) and lowering our own tax burdens. The less you pay the less they can waste.

This summer when all these little protesters are sitting in summer school and the air conditioning does not work I don’t want to hear them, their parents or the politicians tell us how horrible it is and that they need more money to fix it. You tell them I said they spent the money for the AC on a bus trip to DC. Then tell them to shut up and get back to work.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Oh My, Already Gay? Blame It On The Russians

It appears that liberals were ok with sexual harassment, rape and other inappropriate behavior from other liberals until they were not. But in some cases they still tolerate it.

In the case of any Republican accused liberals have no tolerance. The Republican is immediately guilty even when the claims turn out to be false. In fact, this is a tactic of the left. When someone is running for office they trot out some woman to claim that [insert Republican candidate’s name here] grabbed, touched, harassed, or otherwise acted inappropriately, Gloria Allred shows up out of nowhere (and usually digs up a few more accusers along the way) to represent this downtrodden and forgotten soul who was abused by said Republican, there are calls for that person to exit the race, assuming he does, then the woman making the claims slithers back from whence she came and the issue is not brought up again. Herman Cain had that happen to him. The left tried it with Donald Trump but he said it was not true and he was going to sue the accuser. She and her lawyer probably realized Trump has more money than her DNC backers so that claim went nowhere real fast.

[note]I looked to see how Allred spells her name and there is a news story that she is holding a press conference with another person making accusations about Roy Moore. It is like they only know the same tired routine.[/note]

In any event, for years and years liberals tolerated the sexual misdeeds of other liberals. Liberal women still tolerate what Bill Clinton did. Women offered to give him the same thing Monica did as long as he kept abortion legal. Liberal women routinely ignore the fact that he raped a number of women. The very same liberal women who are screaming about Roy Moore and allegations about things that allegedly happened 40 years ago completely ignored what Bill Clinton did and they knew about it not long after it happened. Those women were not deemed credible so Bill got, and continues to get, a break.

Look at Anthony Weiner. It took a while for him to be put in jail and I bet that was more because he hurt Hillary’s campaign than the fact he was sending pictures of his junk to under aged women (remember, liberals are OK with that and often applaud sexual deviants).

Harvey Weinstein got away with harassment for decades as did Kevin Spacey. These liberals got away with it because people in Hollywood were more interested in making sure they had good careers than in making sure they reported bad behavior. As a result of their inaction more people were abused by these cretins.

There are some liberals who speak out when things happen but there are not many. There are far more folks still defending Polanski than are speaking out about abuses. Now it could be that many of these liberals have skeletons in their closets as well and don’t want to rush to judgment in fear that the next fingers pointed will be at them.

It is strange to me that all of the sudden sexual misbehavior is popping up all over the place in Hollywood. It seems like every day some new allegation is made against some liberal entertainment big shot. I don’t find it strange that there is sexual misbehavior, I find it strange people are now reporting it.

I usually try to give the benefit of the doubt in these things. I believe in innocent until proven guilty so many years ago I was skeptical about an intern and a president until she showed up with a blue dress. I wondered if Weinstein’s engagements were consensual as he claimed but after claiming that he went into sex rehab (whatever the hell that is) so he basically admitted there was a problem. To me that is like saying you don’t have a drug problem but you are going to drug rehab anyway.

Then there is Spacey. This guy claims he does not remember, if he did do it he was drunk and oh yeah, he identifies as gay. That is supposed to be his, I’m gay so it’s OK now leave me alone, defense.

Among the people who have things to say about these abuses is the one and only ambassador to gaydom, the spokesperson for all that is homosexual, Mr. Sulu himself, George Takei, Oh my…

George has been outspoken about a number of things and he is not happy with anything that stands in the way of the gay agenda. He has made some very foolish statements in the past year (Donald Trump does that to people) but for the most part he is trying to remain relevant.

Looks like George is now in a bit of hot water of his own. He has been accused of sexually assaulting a model (a male one) many years ago. George cannot pull a Spacey and come out of the closet because that ship sashayed long ago. So he had to resort to what liberals have been using to explain Hillary’s loss.

The Russians did it.

Takei is saying that Russian bots are to blame for the story getting traction. Mr. Chekov, was that you?

I have seen no proof that Takei actually did anything. So far there is an accusation by a model. Lacking some kind of proof this will always be he said, he said.

I am sure many liberals will look at it that way though some of George’s fans are finding it tough to stick by him.

Maybe Roy Moore will get a fair shake and if there is no proof it can be chalked up to he said, she said.

Who am I kidding? I started this by saying liberals have tolerance (though now less so) for their other liberals misbehaving sexually but come prepared to hang when it is a Republican.

It will be fun watching George go through this and listen to his responses (if anything, he is entertaining). Maybe if he is real nice Mr. Trump will explain to him how to handle a Russian problem.

Phasers on stun George, it is going to be a bumpy ride.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Not Me Too

There is a campaign now (a hashtag campaign since they work so well) to have women who have suffered sexual harassment or abuse to use the hashtag #metoo to indicate they were victims. The issue with this campaign is that it includes people who were the targets of something said (disgusting but not as horrible as what physical abuse entails) and the tag gives this impression that everyone around has been physically abused. It would be helpful if there was a response that said #notme.

I am in no way minimizing the abuse that monsters like Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton have done (done rather than said you could do like the current occupant of the White House) because these abuses, whether they be on women, men or children (and that is the next big thing that will break out of Hollywood) are horrible and should not be tolerated.

Actress Alyssa Milano started this campaign to have women speak up if they have been victims and that is an issue because it relegates these folks to victim status. It is horrible that it happened but being a victim is not empowering. Having women disclose to everyone under the sun that they were victims also takes away a privacy they can never get back.

I think it is just as or maybe more important to be a survivor rather than a victim. Hashtags, if that is the way to go, should include things like #neveragain, or #notme, or #ifoughtback, or any number of other slogans that indicate that the subject is not a victim.

Speaking of being victims and empowerment how about these vocal advocates push for less stringent concealed carry laws? Imagine the outcome had one of Weinstein’s RAPE victims had a firearm. There might not have been so many victims. I will also point out that many victims remained silent about the abuse and emboldened Weinstein to continue his predatory ways. That is not to lay blame upon them but to point out that saying it happened WHEN IT DID is vital to ensure there are no other victims.

It is not enough to say you were a victim (and maybe counterproductive). You MUST indicate that you are a survivor and that you will never be a victim or never be one again. Powerful people knew of the abuse, engaged in the abuse and facilitated the abuse. Some of the abused went along in order to further careers and others stood up to the monster but remained silent.

It is not lost on me that the people who hashtag metoo are the ones who ignored the women who claimed Bill Clinton raped or otherwise sexually harassed them. I also think it is likely that if Hillary Clinton (who likens Harvey to Trump rather than her own husband) had won the presidency we would not be hearing about Harvey Weinstein, #fogeddaboudit.

The victims, of course, are not to blame for the behavior of people like those mentioned in this piece. But it is difficult to scream about the sexualization of women while dressing in clothing that, well, sexualizes you. Dressing that way is NOT an invitation to being abused or raped but it does take away any claim that Hollywood sexualizes you or that you don’t want to be thought of that way. Talking about your sex life, what you like or don’t sexually, who you have or would sleep with and your fantasies coupled with clothing that exposes more than it covers sexualizes you. That does not mean you should be attacked in any way shape or form but it removes the argument that someone else sexualized you or is at fault for people thinking that way. Your sexuality empowers you and is an important part of the human experience but it is not a reason to be attacked and certainly not an excuse to be a victim.

If you want to be empowered then get away from the victim mentality and fight back. But fight back when it happens, not when it is convenient or trending and make sure you hold all abusers to the same standard.

If the reaction to Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby (at the time of their actions) had been as intense as the reaction to what Trump said in a recording (not what he did but what he said you COULD do) then it is likely these men would not have abused for so many years. The same outrage Hillary [and the I’m with her liberal crowd] had for Trump when the tape was released should have been the outrage she had when her husband was diddling an intern nearly the same age as his daughter. Her response to the allegations of rape by her husband should have been as strong (or stronger) than her response to Trump. She and the movement lose credibility when the response is selective outrage.

So hang tough and be empowered. Do not be victims. Yes, you can tell us #metoo but let us know #iamstronger and #neveragain. Let us know so it is not just a #politicalstunt.

And if you have not been a victim let us know #notme. Your strength might help others.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Fat bully On The Playground

All kids know the bully. The bully is the one who makes threats, strikes (or tries to) an imposing figure and intimidates people usually without much physical contact. Anytime bullies fight they usually beat up the smallest wimpiest kid as a message to others.

Bullies usually stop bullying when one of the bullied stand up to them and beat the hell out of them, usually.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is the fat bully on the playground even though he looks like he has never been in a real fight in his life. In fact, he does not look like he can do much of anything but roll around making threats. He is also a tyrant who uses rocket propelled grenades and missiles to murder people he dislikes.

This fat kid got away with a lot over the years. He would do things that involved provoking Obama and when Obama refused to capitulate the fat kid did more.

This little fat bully from North Korea is once again raising a stink and running his mouth in order to bully other nations (particularly the US) into giving him what he wants (though it is anyone’s guess as to what that is). I assume that some of what he wants involves respect but there is no way to respect a little booger eating moron who is not fit to lead party goers in a rendition of “Happy Birthday”.

But Kim rants and raves and makes preposterous claims about how his missile program is great and he will use nuclear weapons to attack America. He has even threatened to attack a US aircraft carrier.

This little bully thinks he is still dealing with Barack Obama, a kid who can be pantsed on the playground with impunity. Kim should watch out because he is dealing with Donald Trump a man who is no stranger to the tactics of bullying and who is quite unpredictable.

If that little fat moron in North Korea attacks in any way (though honestly, his missiles blow up on launch or drop into the sea) then it is highly likely President Trump will retaliate in kind and then that fat kid will find out what the real world has evolved into while he was discovering gunpowder.

I would not be surprised if any attack included a missile landing wherever Kim happens to be. The best thing we can do would be to decapitate the power in North Korea and it would be best to do it by ending Kim and all his top advisors. I imagine the word of his demise would stop his Army from invading the South but if not we can carpet bomb the DMZ until they too are gone.

Bullies are best dealt with by attacking them and fighting them.

We should make sure we end Kim as part of any response to his bullying.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties

Several counties in Oregon have passed their own regulations regarding firearms and those regulations are in reaction to the gun control laws Oregon passed (Oregon Firearms Safety Act). The counties are basically saying they will not comply with state law and that they will do things their own way.

The state has supremacy in this issue and it will get dicey but the counties are saying they are Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties. They point out the state is a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants and if the state can ignore the law and be a sanctuary for that issue then the counties can ignore the state law and be sanctuary for firearms owners.

This seems perfectly reasonable to me and I can’t see how a state that ignores the law can be upset that a county has ignored a law. I do understand that liberals think they are the only ones who can ignore the law and that laws only apply to the other guy but that is just their senility showing.

If we are forced to accept that it is legal to have a sanctuary city or state for illegal immigrants then we must accept that sanctuary can be granted by any city or state (or county) for any reason.

In Oregon the liberals want to provide sanctuary for illegal aliens in violation of the Constitution and federal law. The counties want to provide sanctuary for firearms owners IN ACCORDANCE with the Constitution. Funny how following the Constitution is alien to liberals. They sure try to use the Constitution when they want to make their case though. Does anyone see the irony of this statement coming from a sanctuary state?

These county ordinances allow sheriffs to ignore this law – which gun advocates see as unconstitutional. KTVZ

The concern of the liberals in Oregon, who obviously do not understand the Constitution or firearms, is that people get hurt with guns. The largest number of people harmed with firearms is those who commit suicide. The linked article makes it clear that suicides account for the largest number of gun related deaths in Oregon.

The state is worried that someone might buy a gun and use it to kill himself. If a person decided to do that then he only harmed one person (physically) and that would be himself. If any person can’t get a gun then another way to commit suicide will be found.

The funny thing is Oregon has a Death with Dignity Act that allows doctor assisted suicide. So if you are terminally ill you can get a doctor to help you off yourself but if you just want to die you can’t shoot yourself. I guess the state does not want you taking money out of the hands of suicide doctors.

In any event, this Oregon case is just another in a long line of hypocrisies liberals are known for. Add the sanctuary for illegals but not gun owners up there with abortion is OK but the death penalty is murder.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
