It Didn’t Matter Until It Was China

President Donald Trump called the COVID-19 virus the China Virus or the Chinese Virus. Early on it was referred to by many entities as the Chinese Corona Virus. This did not sit well with the Chinese because they were desperately trying, through their coconspirators in the WHO, to downplay the virus and to force people to look elsewhere for its origin. The WHO still tells us that they are uncertain of the origin.

Make no mistake, the virus originated in Wuhan China, period. The Chinese let it get out of hand and they, along with the WHO, downplayed the seriousness of the virus while China bought up all the PPE available. They knew it was bad and they knew it because it started with them.

So President Trump called it the China Virus even though the WHO called it Corona Virus or COVID-19. The left in America, evidently under orders from the Chinese spies they have been working with, getting paid by or sleeping with attacked Trump for the racist and xenophobic statements in the use of the term China Virus.

Chairman Xiden has published a memorandum talking about intolerance of these things that upset Asians and Pacific Islanders. The Memo does not mention the words China Virus but based on the wording:

(b) Executive departments and agencies (agencies) shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that official actions, documents, and statements, including those that pertain to the COVID-19 pandemic, do not exhibit or contribute to racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Agencies may consult with public health experts, AAPI community leaders, or AAPI community-serving organizations, or may refer to any best practices issued pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, to ensure an understanding of the needs and challenges faced by AAPI communities. ~ White House

Anyone with a brain can figure out he will not tolerate the words China Virus because they are bad, very bad.

Now I noticed that Xiden did not add anything to his memo about disparaging the people of the United Kingdom (UK) or South Africa. There are currently two variants* of the Chinese Corona Virus and they are called the UK Variant and the South African Variant based upon where they were first discovered. Is Chairman Xiden not concerned about the intolerance displayed by these names? Does he not care about the predominantly white people in the UK or the mostly black population in South Africa?

The reality is China has bought and paid for Xiden and his family. They have recordings of Hunter Biden and probably his daddy (the Big Guy) doing disgusting things to little children. Hunter took millions of dollars from China and doled it out to his daddy. Joe is doing the bidding of China because he is their puppet.

He does not care about the naming of the variants because he is not beholden to either the UK or South Africa.

Xiden and the socialists on the left (and they are no longer liberals, they are socialists set on destroying the nation) made a big stink about the term China Virus. It is not who we are. It is wrong. It causes people to be looked upon in a bad light and leaves them open to harassment.

Really? We give a vaccine in this country called the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine and it is given for, you guessed it, Japanese Encephalitis. We also give the Rubella vaccine. Rubella is also known as German Measles (the Germans discovered it).

I do not see anyone attacking the Japanese or the Germans (both of whom were our enemies 80 years ago) because diseases bear their country’s names.

Oh Big Dog, those are one offs. We are so woke we can’t imagine using the names for places in viruses.


  1. 1. Norovirus – Norwalk Ohio
  2. 2. Marburg Virus – Marburg Germany
  3. 3. Ross River Fever – Queensland Australia
  4. 4. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever – Named after a mountain range in Idaho
  5. 5. Guinea Work – Guniea off the Coast of West Africa
  6. 6. West Nile Virus – West Nile District of Uganda
  7. 7. Omsk Fever – Omsk Russia
  8. 8. Valley Fever – San Joaquin Valley California
  9. 9. Lyme Disease – Old Lyme Connecticut
  10. 10. Middle East Respiratory Symdrome (MERS) – Linked to people who traveled to the Middle Eastern peninsula
  11. 11. Japanese Encehpalitis – Japan
  12. 12. Lassa Fever – Lassa Nigeria
  13. 13. Zika Fever – Zika Forest Uganda
  14. 14. Ebola – Ebola River in Zaire
  15. 15. German Measles – First described by German physician and chemist, Friedrich Hoffmann
  16. 16. The Spanish Flu – Actually first discovered in Kansas. The Spanish reported on it and it became associated with them

I do not condone harassing people from any country simply because a disease originated there. I am perfectly OK with our government taking their government to task if the disease or the severity of it is a result of the negligence of said country as appears to be the case with China.

I don’t expect Xiden to understand this because he is their sock puppet.

But I won’t play word games because some country (or Chairman Xiden) might get upset.

The Hodge Twins have it right

*There are several other strains including the Columbus Strain

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Nonsense Keeps Coming From CDC

Yesterday the director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden, made a completely nonsensical statement about Ebola. Frieden said you can’t get Ebola by sitting next to someone on the bus but if you have Ebola and use public transportation [like a BUS] you can transmit the disease to someone else.

If you have the disease and can transmit it to someone else then logically one can get the disease by sitting next to someone on the bus. Like, for instance, if you sat next to the person who has the disease and can transmit it.

This is the kind of nonsense that the CDC has been putting out. Frieden told us we had plans in place to contain the virus and then said we missed the opportunity to contain the virus.

He told us that hospitals in the US have protocols in place and are able to handle patients with the virus and then said he should have sent a team to Dallas to help with protective measures.

This guy does not seem to know what he is saying and he certainly does not instill confidence in the public. I think it is quite possible he is playing politics rather than doctor in that he is parsing words and saying anything to keep from making the Obama regime look bad instead of just telling us the facts based on his experience as a doctor.

He is an appointed director so he is playing politician rather than clinician.

Several schools in Cleveland are closed today because a school employee might have been on the plane the Ebola positive nurse flew on (but not necessarily the same flight). These kinds of knee jerk reactions will increase as people receive conflicting information from the CDC. We do not need hysteria or panic, we need facts upon which to base our daily decisions.

Unfortunately, Frieden is devoid of facts and is playing politics with the public’s health and safety.

Perhaps he should resign. Or maybe the CDC should have an actual clinician as its spokesperson. You know, pick someone who knows what he is talking about and won’t parse words or make things up to protect a political party.

The CDC is part of the government and it can’t get this right.

This is the same government that wants to run your health care…

Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Zero Chance Is A Mighty Bold Statement From CDC

The Director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden, stated that there is “zero risk of transmission [of Ebola] on the flight.” You see, they screen people for fevers and if they have a temperature of 101.5 F or greater they are not allowed to fly.

As the article points out, people can take medications like ibuprofen to get their temperatures down so they can board the flight.

So suppose a person is three days post exposure (symptoms develop in 2-21 days) and he gets a high fever, is feeling sick to his stomach and weak. He takes ibuprofen and gets his temperature down enough to board the flight. On the way he gets sicker and vomits on the people next to him or he coughs right in their faces.

These folks get the body fluids (vomitus or airborne mucous from the cough) in their eyes or on a break in the skin and they have now been exposed to the virus (assuming the virus made the person sick in the first place).

[note]There are many body fluids that could be left in the airplane lavatory that would be easily transferred.[/note]

They get home and 2-21 days later they develop symptoms.

Is this a likely scenario? Probably not but it can happen and that means the claim of zero chance is not credible.

Others in the article are taking issue with the claim and they point out that it might be possible to get Ebola in ways other than those commonly believed. They point to the possibility of mutated strains of the virus after it has passed through people and they claim to have seen these variants in non human primates.

So it might be unlikely that Ebola can be transmitted during a flight but the claim of “zero risk” is not credible. Low risk is not zero risk.

People are trying to get away and they are doing whatever they can to avoid detection or suspicion because they do not want to go to centers where people with the full blown disease are housed.

They would rather place everyone else at risk.

This is the same CDC that mistakenly shipped a dangerous strain of avian influenza to a poultry research lab, accidentally shipped live anthrax to two other labs and also shipped live botulism bacteria.

So safety might not be their forte. They might be pretty good at what they do but it appears as if they are trying to give an impression of safety about Ebola that is not exactly true.

My opinion is not that important but the opinions of the researchers cited in the article are…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
