Fight For Your Right To Potty

It seems to me that if one dresses as a person of the opposite sex and acts that way and happens to use a bathroom that matches the sex the person is pretending to be, no one would notice. If a man acts and dresses like a woman and no one knows that person is a man then using a women’s restroom would likely not cause an issue (using the me’s room dressed that way, on the other hand…).

The problem comes in when policies are enacted that allow people to use a restroom according to how they identify. If a man feels like a woman then he can use the ladies room and that is not right.

Once again, if no one knows your true sex than it is not an open issue because no one knows (though I think the person has mental health issues if no one knows then there is nothing to fuss about).

These laws allowing people to use whatever restroom they like depending on how they feel oriented that day are harmful. How long before guys who feel like a woman use the women’s locker room and shower? How many women who feel like men will use the men’s restroom or locker room and how many sexual assaults or inappropriate behaviors will it take to stop the madness?

[note]How long before the sex predators use these laws to attack women and children in restrooms? Anyone who supports this madness should be held responsible for any attacks that happen.[/note]

We should have separate restrooms and locker rooms and the idea that they should be combined or for use by anyone depending on how they feel on any given day is delusional and counter to a well-functioning society.

Regardless, states have the right to decide this issue and the federal government does not belong involved in it. But we can’t let the states do what they want because that would take control away so we get morons like Springsteen canceling concerts, Michael Moore pulling movie showings (as if that is a loss), and Pay Pal rethinking business decisions. All of this is designed to force a state to comply with a perversion that it does not want to support. Goodness forbid one expresses views that run counter to those of the left.

The terrorist group al gayda and its affiliates of liberal and progressive terror groups use intimidation and threats of violence to force states to give in to their demands.

They do this because they seem to think people have the right to do what they want wherever they want regardless of who it affects. In other words, they are happy to violate the rights of others in order to exercise some perceived right and they will go to war to do it.

There is no right for people to do these things. There is no right to use whatever restroom one wishes. Private businesses can do what they want (they can have any bathroom arrangement they desire because it is their business) and states are free to do as they wish. No one has any right and fighting or threatening does not change that fact.

The right to keep and bear arms is absolutely protected by our Constitution so that is a right. It is infringed upon all the time. Do you see any of the liberal terrorists who are going after North Carolina boycotting New York or Maryland for the blatant violation of people’s Second Amendment rights?

How many companies have changed decisions regarding these states based on their unconstitutional stances on the Second Amendment?

None (except, of course, some firearms companies). The reason is these people do not care about liberty. They do not care about freedom and they do not care about the Constitution.

They only care about pushing progressive liberal views for a hedonistic society. They want more turmoil so they support the mentally ill gender challenged people. This gives them more control as they move the nation farther down the path of destruction.

Just because most liberal men sit down to pee does not mean they have the right to use the ladies room.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Let’s Punish The Deniers

Particularly those who deny that classified information went through a home brew server and ended up putting our nation at risk. Or those who deny what actually happened in Benghazi and blame it all on an internet video…

Michael E Kraft, a professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, has penned (really typed) an article advocating that fossil fuel companies be punished for denying climate change. He states that the companies denied what used to be called global warming even though their own studies showed that they were wrong. He likens this effort to the punishment tobacco companies received for denying that tobacco caused illness even though their research showed it did.

[note]The American Medical Association was not punished even though doctors at one time advertised in favor of smoking.[/note]

There is a problem with asserting that anyone is denying established science since the science is not established or settled. The claim that 90 some percent of scientists agree is extremely misleading since a large number of the scientists surveyed were not climate scientists. The reports used were flawed, data were manipulated and some items were omitted in order to present the desired outcome. In this article Kraft claims:

Those who intentionally misled the public about climate change should be held accountable.

Indeed! We should start with the climate change Chicken Littles and punish them severely for misleading the public on this issue. Remember, we should all be burning up right now, at least if they were right with their predictions. Climate change is a way for activists and scientists to get money. Researchers get more to do research and people like Al Gore get rich snookering others.

As for the fossil fuel companies, is there any evidence that their own research showed something different than what they claimed? If this is the case then perhaps they need new research. In reality Kraft discusses advocacy groups paid by fossil fuel companies to produce reports contrary to the alleged established science. So which is it? How can they be saying something different than what their research shows if they are paying for research that gives the result they want?

Kraft says governments are acting but not sufficiently and he cites the Obama regime as one of them. This would be the same Obama who uses many modes of transportation that burn huge quantities of fossil fuels and produces tons of carbon. The same Obama whose family travels the world producing tons of carbon as well.

I digress.

There is no doubt the climate changes. It has been doing that since long before man arrived on the scene and long before the period of fossil fuel use. Carbon levels were much higher long ago than they are now and somehow the planet survived. It is cyclic and influenced by the activity of the sun.

But some folks will do anything to get money.

The climate change fanatics are using the same bullying tactics many other liberal groups use. Identify what they want to be a problem, demand costly change and then attack and threaten those who do not agree. This is what you see when groups yell racist, sexist or any other “ist” to stifle debate.

The climate folks have declared that what they say is true and if you do not agree you should be punished.

I do not agree. Come and get me Mike…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Only Cowards Attack Gravesites

When people die and are buried their graves should be left alone. I would not think I would have to type that but it appears as if there are people in society who think it is perfectly OK to deface graves and markers because they did not like the person or what that person did while alive.

Vandals defaced graves belonging to people buried in the Confederate section of a North Carolina cemetery. These cowards, and make no mistake they are cowards, spray painted “KKK” and “White Supremacist” on headstones of a few high ranking Civil War officials and when they were finished their rampage over $20,000 in damage was done.

The people who did this are low life cowards. They did it under cover of darkness because they do not have the courage of their convictions to do it in broad daylight because then they could get caught and be in trouble. They are cowards.

They certainly do not have the courage that would be required to address this with the person in question had they been around in that era. No, they are cowards.

If one does not like the Confederate Flag or the Confederate soldiers or the Civil War or any of it then fine. It is a free nation and people are free to like or dislike what they want. They do not however, have the right to destroy property. This is the environment we live in today. If people don’t like something they destroy it (Ferguson, Baltimore).

Imagine if people who do not like DC and what goes on there held the same philosophy…

How about we follow a time honored tradition of leaving the dead alone. I know we can attack the dead over policies or how they lived their lives just as we praise the dead for the same. Vandalizing graves and monuments is a bit too much.

I hope they catch whoever did this and put them in jail for a while. Then I hope they get about 1000 hours of community service and they have to wash confederate grave markers and monuments the ENTIRE time.

And they should have to pay the cost to repair the damage they caused. Hell, their community service could be extended until that debt is paid off or we could confiscate all their possessions to make up for the loss.

I don’t like Barack Obama and if I outlive him I would not deface his grave and I would stop anyone I saw doing that. Respecting the burial sites of the dead is part of being in a civilized society.

The animals who defaced the graves in North Carolina should be removed from society for a while, you know, so they have time to think about what they did.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Merry Christmas 2015

My annual tradition:

To My Liberal Friends:

Please accept this with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.

I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2016, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishes.

To My Conservative Friends:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Freddie Gray Case Unravels

There is no doubt that police officers do bad things and get away with them. When these happen it erodes public confidence in the police and the public eventually strikes out at any officer for any act whether it was justified or not.

This seems to be the case with officer William Porter and the other five charged in the death of long time drug dealer and often arrested criminal Freddie Gray. Let me pause here to say that a person’s criminal history does not give the police the right to become judge, jury, and executioner. Every person is presumed innocent no matter how often that person has been in trouble. I get tired of seeing officers and those who support them write that it was good Gray died and that one more scumbag is off the street. While that applies when a criminal dies during the commission of a crime or in a direct confrontation with police there is no evidence Gray fit into that mold (what crime did he actually commit). The reality here is if Gray did something wrong he deserved his day in court but it is also a stark reality that if the judicial system had kept Gray behind bars where he belonged he might still be alive. I am not losing sleep over a dead drug dealer but the backlash of what happened has caused a lot of people restless nights to include six officers.

Porter and five others have been charged with the death of Gray. Each officer faces different charges but they are all charged with some portion of the alleged crime. The problem here is there does not appear to have been a crime committed.

It is possible that one of these officers did something to deliberately harm Gray but there is no proof that such a thing did in fact happen. Officers chased Gray, took him down and into custody. One can question if they had any reason to go after Gray in the first place but there is no evidence they harmed him once they did go after him.

[note]I am aware Gray had a knife (the legality of which is unclear) but it was not found until after they chased and caught him so it was NOT the reason they went after him and claims to the contrary are untrue.[/note]

The prosecution decided to go after Porter first because they believed it was their strongest case and that once he was found guilty he would turn on the others whose cases were not as strong. The prosecution, who rushed to judgement in the first place, had no reason to believe that it would not win a conviction. The thugs in Baltimore have been threatening to riot once again if any verdict other than guilty was returned. The prosecution was counting on fear to get the conviction.

But some brave jurors had other ideas. At least one juror was not convinced that Porter was guilty of the charges and the end result was a mistrial due to a hung jury.

This will have a domino effect. Porter now has to be the one to get convicted in order to have any hope of even trying to get the others.

You see, during his trial the prosecution claimed that Gray’s injuries happened IN THE TRANSPORT VAN. None of the officers who apprehended and arrested Gray were in that van. The prosecution cannot simply change its tune and now claim those officers harmed Gray. In reality, I can’t see how they can go forward with the prosecution of these folks in any event, with or without a Porter conviction. If the prosecution contends that Gray was harmed in the van (which is what they did and is part of the record) how can anyone who was with Gray BEFORE he got in the van be responsible for what happened to him?

The prosecution cannot have it both ways. It cannot simply change its tune and claim Gray was harmed during the arrest. I do not think they should have charged any of the officers but if they were dead set on doing so they should have charged those who had first contact with Gray and claimed he was harmed during the arrest. It would have made more sense to do it this way and then claim Porter ignored Gray’s requests for medical care.

By taking the route she did Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby ensured that in the event of a failure to convict Porter the entire case would unravel.

We are seeing that now.

Baltimore has remained calm so far as people wait to see what comes next. People are aware that Porter can be put on trial again and they are waiting to see if that is the case.

I can’t imagine the political troll Mosby will not retry the case. She wants a conviction, nothing less.

It is up to brave jurors to look at the evidence and take an informed decision. So far that evidence points to not guilty.

And then the riots will begin.

Mosby did this. She convinced the medical examiner to change the ruling on death from accidental to homicide. She has not been forthcoming with evidence and she is playing politics with the lives of six officers who, by all the evidence so far, did not harm Freddie Gray.

Facts do not matter in a mob ruled locality particularly when the desire is revenge not justice.

This is what you get when Democrats run things.

And Baltimore is getting what it deserves.

The real crime is that six officers are getting screwed over in the process.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
