Illegal Road Trip

Geraldo Rivera was on Bill O’Reilly’s show this past week and they were discussing a drunk driving incident where an ILLEGAL hit a vehicle and killed a couple of teens. O’Reilly was making the point that this guy had been caught before for DUI and other crimes and that the government knew his status and yet, he was not deported. O’Reilly maintained that if they had deported him the accident would not have happened. Rivera was all the way on the opposite side of this one. He maintained that the incident was a drunk driving accident, of which there are many, and this is the one people are making noise about. These two got into a mine is bigger shouting match that had them pointing fingers and screaming. I am surprised fists did not fly. Rivera said that talk like O’Reilly’s incited violence against the immigrants.

I have to say that Rivera is wrong on nearly all counts of this one. This is not just a drunk driving accident. If a man robs a bank and his gun accidentally discharges and kills a teller they don’t say it was an accidental discharge, they get him for the shooting. This ILLEGAL broke the law to get here and he broke it several other times after and those who previously captured him were derelict in their duties. He should have been put in jail, charged and then after he served his time, deported. Unfortunately, America is so environmentally friendly we have a catch and release program so as not to upset the gentle balance of people who are exploited as cheap labor doing jobs Americans won’t do.

Logic tells me that Rivera is correct in the sense that it is really a drunk driving incident and a lot of them happen. True enough but when a person who broke the law to get here is involved it reinforces the impotence of our government with regard to securing our border. It also reminds us that our government has put people on the streets who should not be there and who could very well hurt us. We get up in arms when they put child molesters back on the streets but for some reason ILLEGALS are allowed to roam free. Contrary to what Rivera said on the show, there are a lot of ILLEGAL aliens in jail, so they are here breaking our laws (or should I say continuing to break our laws?). I also know that there are 10-20 million people here ILLEGALLY and most happen to be Hispanic. Yes Geraldo, there are plenty of DUIs but if our government did its primary job our borders would be safe and we would not have to worry about ILLEGAL aliens doing bad things. They did not care about the law when they broke in what makes anyone think they care about it once they are here. Maybe that is why they get liquored up and go for a drive.

Here is a link to the story about movie director Bob Clark (A Christmas Story) who, along with his son, was killed in an accident where an ILLEGAL hit them. The ILLEGAL was drunk and had no license. He did not care about the law when he sneaked in and he does not care about it now.

At the bottom of the article that is linked you will find a list of drunk driving incidents where an ILLEGAL was involved. Perhaps Rivera should read the list before he maintains it is just a DUI problem.

Big Dog

Talk Show Hosts Infuriate Illegals

A couple of New Jersey radio show hosts have infuriated the Hispanic community because they told their listening audience to report any ILLEGALS that they know. Even the elected Hispanic leaders are upset at this request and say it is “dehumanizing,” “poisonous” and “idiotic.” The Hispanic elected officials went on to say that this was nothing more than scapegoating the Latinos and they called for an apology.

The show hosts were having none of that but they held a press conference and invited all the Hispanic reporters. Those who showed up expecting an apology were disappointed because the two hosts, Craig Carton and Ray Rossi, were anything but apologetic. Instead, they had this to say:

After calling Assemblyman Caraballo a “pathetic liar,” Mr. Carton repeated his call to deport every illegal immigrant in the country. “If you’re here illegally, you are breaking the law — no better, no worse than the guy who robs the liquor store or the guy who waits to case your house out and robs you of your belongings,” he said. “You are a criminal.”

He went on to blame illegal immigrants for the state’s high property taxes, problems with uninsured drivers and violent crime. He also hinted that illegal immigrants were more likely to become terrorists. “Our country is at war right now, and it’s very important that we protect our kids, and one of the ways you can protect them is to not let undocumented immigrants into this country,” he said. NYT

I am with the hosts on this one. They did not ask that all immigrants be sent home, just those who are here ILLEGALLY. They made valid points about the criminality of ILLEGAL entry and the amount of money it costs. The problem is that whenever the issue of ILLEGALS is raised the defense from those who support the lawbreakers is to lump all immigrants together. The fact is, we who demand tighter border security and and end to ILLEGAL entry are fed up with ILLEGALS. If people came here legally, welcome to America.

If not, you have the right to remain silent…….

In Florida Alien is Offensive; Breaking the Law is Not

A Democrat in Florida, Sen. Frederica Wilson from Miami has introduced legislation to remove the word “Alien” from Illegal Alien on state documents. She thinks of an alien as something from outer space (though we have yet to contact such a being). Wilson said she finds the word alien offensive, especially when it is applied to children because with the Democrats it is all about the children.

Wilson indicated that she can live with the word “illegal” but prefers undocumented. This is typical liberal prattle and it is designed to soften the attack on America. We have ILLEGALS coming in all the time but calling them that might make Americans take a tougher stance on ILLEGALS. So, Wilson likes the softened verbiage so that she can condition Americans to feel that these folks are victims of circumstance and, OK they broke the law, but they are nice people who do jobs that no American wants to do.

This is the kind of mindless stupidity that takes place in the Democratic Party. We are worried that ILLEGALS might have some stigma attached to them for breaking the law. What will this jackass want next? Perhaps we will call bank robbers undocumented account closers, or murderers undocumented late term abortion doctors. Maybe we can start calling all the ILLEGAL guns on the streets (probably in the possession of ILLEGAL aliens, undocumented weapons.

Perhaps we should start getting tougher on ILLEGALS instead of placating them. They broke the law to get here and that is really all we need to know. As I stated before, when your first act in this country is to break the law, you do not deserve freedom and you do not deserve to be rewarded with citizenship.


Eaney Meany Miney Moe

Catch an ILLEGAL by his toe, then deport his ass.

The National Democrats wrote a letter to the Republican Committee and asked them to have college Republicans put an end to catch an ILLEGAL immigrant games that are being played out across the country. The game is like hide and seek except the hider is playing the part of an ILLEGAL. This has upset the Democrats because they do not like to see their voting base harassed. I applaud the college kids because even in a game they have done more to capture ILLEGALS than the government has. The Republican Party has condemned these acts but aside from that there is little they can do. The college Republicans are not under their control.

Even if they could do something about it I would be against such an act. The young adults in the colleges are not hurting anyone and they are not destroying any property. Now the Democrats, on the other hand, commit acts that are harmful and destructive. When conservatives put up crosses to indicate the number of abortions that have been performed liberals knock them down and destroy them. When recruiters go to campuses the liberals vandalize their vehicles and cause an uproar that forces the recruiters to pack up and leave so that someone does not get hurt. And by someone, the recruiters mean so that they are not forced to whip the asses of the thugs who are provoking them.

Since the Democrats feel it is OK to put this on the Republicans Committee I have my own request of those very Democrats. I demand that you tell those pinko liberals to stop destroying the crosses or any other displays with which the young donks disagree. I also demand that you tell your young drones to stop attacking recruiters and allow them to do their jobs. I demand that you withhold federal money from any college that violates the Solomon Act by chasing recruiters away. You can start with UC Santa Cruz.

It is amazing that the donks continually overlook criminal acts by college kids who happen to be liberal but make a big stink about Republicans who play a harmless game are ridiculed. Perhaps if the worthless politicians did something serious about ILLEGALS then the college kids would not have to resort to such tactics.

So Howard Dean and Ramona Martinez, why don’t you shut your big mouths and mind your own business. The last thing we need is for the likes of you two to tell us what we should be doing.


Mexico’s Ironic Position on Border Incursions

The Mexican Congress, position near their symbol of freedom; the Taco Bell, has condemned the crossing of its border by US workers who are erecting a wall to keep Mexicans from crossing into our country. Mexico claims that US workers and their equipment crossed over the border and violated their turf. Mexico is outraged that some US workers allegedly violated their precious land. With millions of Mexicans crossing OUR border every year and with some 11-20 million of them living here ILLEGALLY, it smacks just a bit hypocritical for them to complain.

You see Mexico, there is a big difference between the incursion you are complaining about and what your citizens do on a regular basis. That difference is that the Americans went back into their own country. I guess to the Mexican government, their people crossing our border and staying here ILLEGALLY is perfectly OK, in fact they have said as much, but when a few of our workers cross over while doing their jobs but then return back to their own country, it is a travesty. If the Mexican government watched the border and was a diligent at keeping its people home where they belong there would not be any workers on our border to begin with.

What the Mexican government seems to be missing here is that we are building the wall because Mexico can not, or more accurately, will not keep its citizens at home. Mexico sanctions its people breaking our laws and taking up roots here in America. What we need is for our President to tell them to shut the hell up. We need Bush to tell them to worry about their own people and there will be no problems. But Bush will not do that because he is in favor of granting these ILLEGALS amnesty and allowing them to become citizens of the country whose laws they so blatantly, and with the help of their government, violated.

I have an idea for border security that is sure to work and will piss of Mexico even more. Put a bunch of good ole boy hunters from the South down on the border and tell them it is open season on Mexicans who are crossing our border and that there is no limit on the number they may bag. That will decrease the number of incursion taking place and it will surely solve a problem that our own government is unwilling to do, despite their Constitutional obligation.

Remember, it is an incursion if a person building a wall that keeps Mexicans out crosses into Mexico but it is only someone looking for a better life if people from Mexico come here ILLEGALLY. It all depends upon whose ox is being gored.

BBC News

ADDENDUM: Fox News is reporting the man who abducted a Florida teen is believed to be an ILLEGAL who has been deported from the US before. How many Americans have crossed Mexico’s border and abducted its citizens? Clean up your own house, Mexico.