Your People Congressman?

Democrat Congressman Luis Gutierrez of Illinois spoke at a La Raza (The Race) conference and told people that Obama said he would stop the deportation of “our people.” Gutierrez went on to say that Obama helped by not deporting the so called Dreamers but that now he needs to reunite the Dreamers with their parents. He went on to say that amnesty for 100,000 was not enough and that amnesty needed to be granted to millions of “our undocumented.”

I am confused here. Gutierrez is an elected representative of a district in Illinois. Are not the people of that district “his people”? As far as I know he was not elected to represent the illegal aliens who are coming here in direct violation of our law.

If Gutierrez thinks that the illegals are his people and that the undocumented are his people then he is not fit to serve in Congress. He is certainly unworthy of the position he holds in Illinois because he is not representing the people of his district.

This man is a traitor who advocates for the illegal invasion of our nation and amnesty for the millions who have broken the law. He should be taken into custody immediately and tried for treason. Anyone who invades a country is an enemy of that country and Gutierrez is aiding and abetting the enemy. He is in violation of the law and of his oath to the Constitution.

When the SHTF Congressman people will remember who you said were your people and treat you accordingly.

If these are truly your people then you need to lead them back across the border and stay there with them.

You are worthless and a coward. Nothing but a little puto.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maryland Governor Insults His Citizens

Anyone who has lived under the tyranny of Martin O’Malley knows his mere presence is an insult to Maryland citizens but he took things to a new low in an attack on the conservatives in the western part of the state.

O’Malley (or O’Moron as I like to call him) is a big supporter of illegal aliens. He likes them coming here and he is more than happy to ignore the law and violate his oath to get them here. He even calls them new Americans even though they are nothing of the sort.

Oh, and O’Moron wants to be the next president.

The federal government has allowed an invasion to take place on our southern border and is moving diseased people all over the nation. Democrats need to get these new Democrat voters spread out so when some sort of illegally granted amnesty or asylum takes place these folks can help get more Democrats elected.

The Obama regime was looking at an empty Reserve Center in Western Maryland as a site to house these folks. There was talk of putting them in Baltimore but that broke down. Congressman Andy Harris and local politicians in Western Maryland caught wind of the attempt to sneak illegals in and put an end to it.

O’Moron, who first expressed how we could not send these illegals back to certain death told the White House not to send these people to Western Maryland. It is not that O’moron does not want them in the state because he is certainly illegal alien friendly and his squinty little eyes look like dollar signs as he thinks of all the federal money that housing these illegals will bring.

No, he said that Western Maryland is a conservative part of the state and that it would not be an inviting (read safe) place.

While it is true they would not be welcomed there (the conservative part of the state is also law abiding so it would not want law breakers there) it is not a violent part of the state. Conservatives do not go around hurting people for the hell of it but O’Moron had to paint a picture of violent conservatives.

The reality is the people there would protest and make noise about this and call attention to the state and the illegals. This would not look good for O’Moron as he plots his path to the White House. How on Earth can this guy lead if his own people are protesting his actions? No, he wants them moved where they might be more accepted and he can avoid any embarrassment.

If he is worried about their safety then Baltimore is definitely out. In fact, most liberal parts of the state are out because they are dangerous. Remember, all the ghettos and dangerous cities in America are run by Democrats. Maryland is no different.

O’Moron insulted a large number of people living in Western Maryland and painted an unflattering picture of them.

I submit that the illegals who are coming here are dangerous and the people of Western Maryland would not be safe. These illegals are infiltrated with dangerous gang members who are recruiting from among their fellow illegals and many are carrying diseases that can cause a lot of people to get ill.

The people of Western Maryland are the ones who would be at risk not the O’Moron future voters in the illegal alien population.

Martin O’Malley is a liar (check into his bar application) and an anti Constitutional moron who infringes on the rights of the people. He is a violator of his oath and instead of a term in office as president he should get a term in a federal penitentiary.

Twenty-five years to life sounds reasonable.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


There Is A Health Threat From The Illegals

I know there are folks who think that the diseases entering the nation via the illegal aliens are no big deal and that we have diseases all across the country so it should not matter but it does matter.

Regions of the world have different disease profiles and many developed nations have eradicated or largely controlled many of the diseases common in other places. When illegals enter this nation or any nation in mass the potential for an epidemic increases and this is particularly true when large groups of people are housed in close quarters and receive little or no medical evaluation before they are secreted to other areas.

It is easy to dismiss someone who writes about it on a blog because regardless of his experience he is not there. But many doctors and nurses are there and they are reporting that there is a huge influx of diseases that could result in outbreaks of those that are currently well controlled.

Dr. Elaina George reports that there is a large incidence of TB in those coming in and many folks who are not showing symptoms are infected and contagious. Drug resistant TB is a major issue and carriers could be moving about the nation infecting those with whom they come in contact. Public transportation, schools, and households that take in the illegals are all at risk for an outbreak.

There are plenty of other diseases that will spike as a result of the invasion and they will have a huge impact on our health and our economy.

The costs of treating a TB outbreak alone would be staggering and the toll on the health of our citizens will be great.

Consider huge numbers of school children infected with TB, lice, scabies and how that would affect communities. Consider still, diseases that affect those in our country who are immunocompromised or have yet to be vaccinated. These populations could see a spike in mortality.

This whole mess is the result of failed leadership in Washington. The failure has been occurring for decades and involves both political parties. The current crisis falls squarely on Obama but the issue has been festering under many politicians who have refused to enforce our laws.

How many people need to become ill before the nation responds in mass and the so called leaders get off their ample rear ends and do the right thing?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Illegals Can’t Be Refugees In The US

The federal government tried to move a large number of illegals from the border states to a vacant Reserve Center in Western Maryland. Congressman Andy Harris (who represents some of the area but not the area of the Reserve Center) and local residents caught wind of the clandestine attempt and put an end to it. The governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley is itching to show his progressive stripes by letting as many of these folks in Maryland as possible. His policies favoring these kinds of shenanigans have resulted in a budget explosion, dozens of tax increases and a downturn in the state economy but he presses on.

O’Malley said these folks should be granted asylum. The UN is working to declare these illegals refugees in an effort to force the US to take them in. They technically do not meet the definition of a refugee but when has the law ever stopped the UN or other progressives?

[note]An asylum seeker is someone who is seeking status as a refugee If asylum is granted by the host state then the person would become a refugee and be entitled to legal protections.[/note]

These word plays are nothing more than games designed to get tens of thousands of illegals in the US and give them some kind of legal status. However, the plan should never work (though in this world it might) because any court reviewing the petitions would see a glaring problem.

Mexico has granted the illegals free passage through their country so they can get to the US. In other words, Mexico gave them safe refuge.

The International Justice Resource Center states that the following people are not refugees (therefore cannot be granted asylum):

Individuals who voluntarily avail themselves of the protection of their country of nationality or habitual residence or individuals who have received protection in a third country are also not considered refugees. See 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. 1(C). [emphasis mine]

All of these individuals have received protection in a third country because Mexico granted them protection to make their way to the US therefore they cannot be refugees. They can’t seek asylum in the US because they received protection (from their alleged persecution) in the country of Mexico and Mexico is a signatory of the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol. Since Mexico granted them protection they need to be the ones to grant them asylum.

I certainly pray that the court system beats back any attempt by the UN or misguided politicians (like Martin O’Malley) to grant a status to these illegals that they are not legally entitled to in the US.

If they want asylum then send them back to Mexico and let the Mexican government take care of them.

I am not opposed to legal immigration. We welcome those who come here legally with open arms and are happy to call them friend. Those who come here illegally are making their first act in this nation an intentional violation of our law. We cannot trust nor should we support those who disregard our laws while at the same time attempting to use our legal system and generosity against us.

We do not need to send them home. If the UN and others want to make them refugees then send them to Mexico, the country that granted them safe entry.

Perhaps the easiest way to end all of this and to ensure they leave and that a wall is built to keep people out would be to convince Democrats that these people have all indicated they will vote Republican.

The wall would be up in a week and these folks would be someplace else very quickly…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Remarkably Healthy? And They Run Health Care…

The Department of Health and Human Services (the agency that is lead on Obamacare) says that the children illegally entering our country under Obama’s manufactured crisis are remarkably healthy.

These kids are bringing in lice, scabies, chicken pox, and who knows how many other diseases and HHS says they are remarkably healthy.

As I warned, there is another dimension that threatens the US and that is drug resistant tuberculosis. The illegals are bringing TB into the country and it is spreading among the close quartered population. These people are being transported all over the country and the diseases they carry are going along for the ride.

This puts unsuspecting Americans at risk as the sick people spread across the nation and infect people everywhere they go.

Nurses are reporting TB cases even as others downplay it and say it is not as bad as the nurses claim. Given the secrecy, lies, and gag orders as well as threats of arrest for speaking out I think the nurses are a more credible source of information.

As you see the reports and the denials from the HHS keep in mind that the HHS denied there were any cases of scabies…

This is the same agency that is responsible for implementing Obamacare.

Does it make you feel safer knowing that the agency in charge of your health care is denying that there are very sick children crossing our borders?

Does it make you feel any better knowing that HHS is allowing these sick people to be filtered into our general population?

When push comes to shove the HHS is a government agency that cares not one iota about your health or the care you receive.

Unless it is for abortifacients. Then it goes balls to the walls…

Be prepared America because the epidemics are one the way.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
