We Need A Flu To Close The Border?

I have been wondering what the open borders crowd is saying now that swine flu is affecting a few folks and it seems to be heavily concentrated in Mexico. You see, all the ILLEGALS who walk across our border could be sick with about any disease and no one would know. They did not have to prove they were healthy to get here, they just walked in. There were cases of TB being brought in and now there is a good possibility that any ILLEGAL showing up in the US will be carrying the swine flu and that it will be transmitted to Americans.

I am not saying that we should be all worried about the flu, not yet anyway, but this is a clear example of how ILLEGAL immigration can harm us.

We have been calling for the border to be closed for a long time. Ted Kennedy pushed for amnesty two times in the past and each time he promised that ILLEGAL immigration would stop and we would not need another amnesty. He was part of the crowd that tried to pass amnesty last year

Now, a Democrat from New York is calling for the border between Mexico and the US to be closed during the flu outbreak.

Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) said the border should be closed until the threat is resolved.

“The public needs to be aware of the serious threat of swine flu, and we need to close our borders to Mexico immediately and completely until this is resolved,” Massa said in a statement.

“I am making this announcement because I see this as a serious threat to the health of the American public and I do not believe this issue is receiving the attention it needs to have in the news,” Massa said. The Hill

He is only half right. We need to close the border but we do not need to reopen it except at designated crossings where border patrol agents are stationed. We need to shut down the border NOW and we need to keep it shut down because swine flu is not the only thing ILLEGALS can bring into this country. They can bring in TB, AIDS, hepatitis, and any number of pathogens that can do us harm.

And yes, I know these diseases exist without the ILLEGALS but ILLEGALS live in the shadows which means they are less likely to be treated. This means more diseases being spread.

It should not take a flu outbreak to get our government to do its job and secure our borders.

Big Dog

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How Did Janet Napolitano Get Her Job?

It is unfortunate that many government jobs are given by appointment because Janet Napolitano, Director of Homeland Security, is unqualified to hold the position to which she was appointed. In the last two weeks she has done some amazingly stupid things.

About two weeks ago, and just before the TEA Parties, the DHS released its report on radical rightwing extremist groups which basically described all conservatives but threw in baseless accusations such as we are angry at a black man being elected president. The report targets returning veterans as potential extremists. This is a fine way to classify those who have the testicular fortitude to fight for this country.

Then, Napolitano made the statement that the 9/11 terrorists entered this country by crossing the Canadian border. This is absolutely incorrect. They flew into this country on documents issued by the State Department (and a few had MARYLAND driver’s licenses because Maryland gives them to everyone). Though she claims to have been misunderstood, it was quite clear what she said. She also tried to claim she was referring to a long debunked urban legend. She is full of bovine excrement.

The furor began when Napolitano was asked to clarify statements she had made about equal treatment for the Mexican and Canadian borders, despite the fact that a flood of illegal immigrants and a massive drug war are two serious issues on the southern border.

“Yes, Canada is not Mexico, it doesn’t have a drug war going on, it didn’t have 6,000 homicides that were drug-related last year,” she said.

“Nonetheless, to the extent that terrorists have come into our country or suspected or known terrorists have entered our country across a border, it’s been across the Canadian border. There are real issues there.”

When asked if she was referring to the 9-11 terrorists, Napolitano added: “Not just those but others as well.” [emphasis mine] CTV.ca

One would think the Director of the DHS might know the truth about the 9/11 terrorists. One might also think that she would know there is a big difference between the northern and southern borders. In the south, people sneak across illegally and stay here. They smuggle in drugs and they kill Americans. In the north, they come across, do business, and go home. They enter legally. Yes, some people have entered illegally via the northern border but nowhere near the scale that they do in the south.

The issue of the border brings us to ILLEGAL immigration. Napolitano is a little fuzzy when it comes to this topic as well. She seems to think that crossing the border illegally is not a crime. During an interview with CNN’s John King, Napolitano was discussing Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his quest to enforce the immigration laws. After she dismissed his efforts she said:

“What we have to do is target the real evil-doers in this business, the employers who consistently hire illegal labor, the human traffickers who are exploiting human misery.

“And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well.” [emphasis mine]NewsMax

As the cited article points out, crossing the border is a crime punishable with a fine, jail time, or both. I am no lawyer but I believe that once an illegal is here and is caught it is a civil issue. Crossing the border is the felony. This is the dilemma. We know they committed a felony to get here but if we do not catch them actually crossing the border, it is a civil issue.

I have equated it to a man robbing a bank. If he robs the bank and gets away and a day later the cops find him spending the money, he has dye on his hands and his admits to the robbery, he is still guilty of a felony. Imagine if it were only a felony if they caught him robbing the bank but it was a civil issue if they caught him later. This is the insanity involved in our immigration laws.

Napolitano is one of the people who is supposed to protect the country but she is more interested in going after a law enforcement officer who is trying to uphold the law than the criminals who are breaking it (regardless of her “tough” rhetoric).

She thinks people who have conservative beliefs are rightwing extremists, that the 9/11 terrorists entered through Canada, and that crossing our border illegally is not a crime.

Like I said, it is unfortunate that these positions are political appointments because she has demonstrated that she is incompetent.

She should be relieved of her duties and replaced with someone who knows what he is doing.

Then again, she is what Obama wants. Someone who will be an advocate for the illegals.

Obama wants them as Democratic voters.

Big Dog

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Obama Cuts Defense and Adds Illegals

I have had a go around with several people who claim that Resident Obama is actually increasing Defense spending. It is true that Obama has increased the budget 4% but he took the war funding, which was not part of the Defense budget (it was funded from other sources) and placed it under Defense but the money did not go with it. This means that The DOD will have a budget cut.

As has been reported, the 4% increase in defense spending proposed by Secretary Gates is actually 4% less than what the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted; and, if taken alongside the fact that this budget attempts to fold in spending previously funded by supplemental war budgets, the supposed 4% increase is actually a $8 billion cut in defense spending. The Army is worst hit by folding supplemental spending into the base budget, as it was receiving the most ad-hoc funding for Iraq and Afghanistan. Ace of Spades

Ace goes on to explain this for those who care to look at it. It is easy to understand but in DC math this is considered a budget increase. It definitely is NOT.

While all the grenades are being lobbed around by the bumbler in chief, he continues to throw so many things at the public that it cannot keep up. On top of the economy, the omnibus, the trillions in spending, the 90% taxes to punish people whose contracts were honored, Iranian rockets, North Korean missilesm bows to kings, ACORN and the census, shooting pollution into the sky to cool the planet and all the other distractions, Obama is now ready to make millions of ILLEGALS into citizens.

Drudge is reporting that the New York Times will have a page 1 story tomorrow on Obama’s plan:

IMMIGRATION BILL THIS YEAR: Obama to begin looking for illegal immigrants to become legal, NY TIMES planning to lead in Page Ones on Thursday, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE… Developing…

It is time to gear up for a big fight. We cannot allow millions of lawbreakers to become citizens. They broke the law and we need to get rid of them when we find them. We cannot afford to have these blood sucking leeches be rewarded for breaking the law. You get more of what you reward and if we reward these people with citizenship then we will get more and more ILLEGALS coming here expecting the same deal. The amnesty that was provided two times before was billed as necessary to take care of the problem and it would never have to happen again. Now we are looking at millions more becoming citizens, being rewarded for breaking the law.

I read somewhere that immigrant groups (the ones that work hard to help illegals) had John McCain at some meeting looking for his help on this issue. I remember that they all left without a warm and fuzzy feeling because McCain indicated they were on their own. I believe he told them that they made their choice by picking Obama and they needed to go to him for what they wanted.

If I am not mistaken, McCain was basically telling them that he put his neck out for them during the last amnesty debate and bucked his own party which ended up costing him political capital. His message was, I was there for you and in the election you overwhelmingly supported Obama so go ask him for help, don’t come to me.

If that is true then maybe McCain finally got the message. We need to be tough on this. Pay close attention because this is all about politics. Democrats want to increase the number of votes they receive and they can do that by rewarding ILLEGALS with citizenship. Any member who votes for this needs to be voted out of office in 2010. They need to know that is what their vote will cost them.

We will see how this pans out when the NYT publishes the article.

Flopping Aces

Big Dog

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Obama Will Give Amnesty And You Will Pay For It

Not to long ago nearly the entire Congress, John McCain included, tried to ram an amnesty package down our throats. That package would have given million of illegals a path to citizenship by largely ignoring the fact that they committed a crime to get here. The country went nuts and flooded the switchboards at the Capitol and the legislation went down in defeat.

More than 80% of this country opposed the idea of allowing illegals a pathway to citizenship that amounted to nothing more than amnesty. Now, a large portion of that opposition is prepared to elect a man who has stated that he wants to give the illegals a pathway to citizenship. Barack Obama is in favor of allowing millions of people to become citizens and thus gaining the right to vote. Obama will put politics ahead of country and allow millions of Democratic supporters to infiltrate our voter rolls and change the dynamics of politics for generations to come.

Under Barack Obama these new “citizens” will turn Texas into a deep blue state and it will take many of the other southern states with it. Traditional Republican strongholds will be infiltrated by millions of people eager to keep the party that gives away taxpayer money in power. This will spell disaster for the Republican party but more importantly, it will spell disaster for our country. Millions of people will flood government offices for Social Security benefits, medical care, and any number of other taxpayer funded social programs thus evaporating already scarce resources.

People need to wake up and see what is happening. Obama’s open secret is that he believes in Socialism. He told that to Joe the Plumber and said it in 2001 during an interview. Barack Obama believes that wealth in this country should be taken from people who earn it and given to those who do not. His idea of Utopia is wealth redistribution and no matter how Joe Biden tries to spin it and no matter how his supporters try to ignore it the plain fact is, the words came out of Barack Obama’s mouth.

If it isn’t bad enough that Obama is willing to give taxpayer money out like candy at Halloween, the government wants to confiscate more of your money in order to redistribute it to others. There is a plan being bounced around to force you to move all of your 401 (k) retirement money into government accounts. The plan will either involve putting it in a different pool or adding it to “your” Social Security fund which is a misnomer because the money goes to the general fund where Congress takes it and spends it. To top it off, government will require you to contribute 5% of you pay to the fund thus taking more of your money to redistribute.

This plan, which was discussed by some economist, involves redistribution of wealth. She said that it would give everyone an equal share (wealth redistribution). This is money that you have worked for and that you have invested in different accounts that, despite current problems, will do well for you. The government will require you to pool all the money you saved with the money of others and then the government will decide who gets how much of it. If you have $100 and someone else has $50, you both get $75. In other words, Obama and the Democrats will redistribute $25 of your money to someone else.

If Barack Obama becomes the president and allows millions of illegals to become citizens they will be standing in line with their hands out waiting for you to hand them the money you saved for your retirement.

I have said before that Social Security was a method used by the government to gain and keep control over people. They hold Social Security hostage in order to influence the lives of the elderly and the way they vote. They keep people dependent on government so that the government can control the population. Allowing them to take your retirement will ensure that instead of retiring and living the life you worked hard to achieve, you will live the life government decides you should live.

That, my friends, is nothing more than Socialism and it starts with Barack Hussein Obama.

Polling agencies have been using inaccurate methods based on unrealistic projections and Obama is continually reported to have a big lead. The race is much closer and this is evident by several things. One, Gallup used the traditional polling method in its last poll and Obama only has a 2% lead. Obama is reported to have a 10% lead in Pennsylvania and yet he and Biden are spending huge amounts of time and resources in that state. If their internal polls showed the 10 point lead the external polls show they would be campaigning in other, more closely contested states. The fact that they are spending all that time in a state they are shown as winning easily speaks volumes about how close this really is. Last night’s Rasmussen polls showed Obama with no larger than a 4% lead in any battleground state. The pollsters do not want to be wrong on this so now they are reverting back to the proven methods and those methods are showing a very tight race.

Don’t let the intentional deception of the last few weeks keep you from voting. John McCain and Sarah Palin can win this election but they will need all of us who oppose Socialism to go out and vote. No matter what the weather is like, no matter what else is going on, no matter what you hear, you must get out and vote. If all the people who oppose illegal aliens getting citizenship and those who oppose Socialism as well as gun owners (those of us who cling to them) get out and vote we can defeat Obama.

They have told us what they want to do. They want to increase taxes, make illegals citizens, spend 300 billion dollars more on a stimulus package, ban guns, and cut military spending by 25%. Barack Obama has told us he wants to spread our wealth around. We can stop that by getting out and voting.

But if you vote for Obama or if you sit this one out, don’t say you weren’t warned because they told us what they will do to us and if they control Congress and the White House that is exactly what they will do.

Your money will no longer be yours and Karl Marx will be laughing from the pits of Hell.

Related article:

Big Dog

Another Crackdown on Illegal Immigrants

Federal agents raided eight Casa Fiesta restaurants in Ohio and arrested workers who were brought here illegally to work. The feds nabbed cooks, dishwashers, and waitresses who were brought here in violation of the law. Fifty-eight illegals were arrested and will probably be deported. Of course, advocates for the law breakers reacted to the raids:

… part of larger workplace enforcement strategy that infuriates immigrant advocates, who say it brings down the hammer on hapless workers.

“These people are not criminals,” said David Leopold, a Cleveland immigration lawyer. “The worst thing you can say about them is they came here to feed their families.” The Plain Dealer

From what planet is this moron where people who break the law are NOT criminals. They are here illegally which means they broke the law which in turn means they are criminals. The fact that they only want to feed their families makes no difference whatsoever. Regardless of the motive, these people are law breakers. If a guy robs a liquor store so he will have money to feed his family he is still going to go to jail for the crime. The fact that he only wanted to feed his family is of no consequence.

The only thing I find a problem with in all this is that they did not say whether the employers would be fined. Any employer who willingly hires illegals should be fined a huge sum of money per illegal. This will provide a great incentive for them not to break the law and if they hire too many the fines can put them out of business. A suitable punishment for employers who exploit illegals and abuse our system.

We need the feds to step up these raids and start shipping the illegals out by the truckloads. We also need to fine the employers and use the money to start building the wall on our southern border.

Big Dog