Constitution Party Platform
Nov 11, 2010 Opinion, Political
The other day I read the Constitution Party platform completely. I had a hard time finding things to agree with in that platform. Sure, there were one or two issues that I looked at and said, “Well, I’m not sure about that,” but there’s more I disagree with on the Republican and Democrat platform. However, I know that most people will never read that platform. And sadly, that will only be because how the platform starts:
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Tags: constitution party, platform, religion
Leave Me Alone!
Oct 14, 2010 Opinion, Political
So, I’m watching the US and world economy going down the drain. I’m seeing the globalization of America, and seeing real hard times coming. So, I’d like to prepare myself and at the same time, do what the enviro-lefties want, and reduce, reuse, and recycle. Here’s my plan:
I want to obtain some land, maybe in Montana. I’d like to build a home (think log-cabin), and then farm the land to feed myself. I might also do some work as a carpenter, and perhaps trade with some other folk in the area, maybe some vegetables for meat or furniture for animals. I won’t require anything of anyone. I won’t use force to make people do anything for me or provide me with anything. I will help people when I can, but not if they don’t want my help.
Only one problem with my plan — it will not be possible, because it would break dozens, if not hundreds of laws. I’d have to pay taxes on the purchase of the land. I’d be required to pay annual taxes simply for living on the land. I may run afoul of various federal laws if I happened to plant vegetables in “federally protected” lands. I would get in trouble if I defended my life against a wolf that was intent on killing me. I would be required to pay taxes on voluntary transactions between myself and other willing people. I would be evicted from my home by force if I didn’t receive the correct government permits before building, and would jailed or killed if I attempted to live in a house that did not meet arbitrary government standards. I would have my family taken from me, should I attempt to allow my children to help me labor on the land, or if I were to allow others to employ them to learn a useful skill. If I were to go to the bathroom without getting permits and following government regulations for connections to various government systems, I would also be jailed or killed.
In other words, in this country, once the land of the free, it is now a large number of serious crimes to simply attempt to live free. Oh, how I yearn for freedom.
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Tags: freedom, government regulation
Media Translations
Oct 13, 2010 Opinion, Political
A number of different headlines caught my attention today that pointed out the slanted media reporting. As a public service, I’d like to translate a few headlines so they actually report the truth:
#1: Obama agency busts plan to sell rifles to Americans. Translation: Obama is scared that if people are allowed to buy cheap rifles, his government will be attacked. He will do all he can to prevent private firearm ownership, but has to be careful because he knows that if he is honest about his position, he will alienate even more voters.
#2: Council on American-Islamic Relations Launches ‘Islamophobia’ Division. Translation: CAIR, an association intent on the overthrow of the American government, will be attempting to use the freedom of the government system to crush freedom of speech for anyone who disagrees with them. CAIR will continue to demand that people be jailed for saying anything they don’t like. NOTE: If you are going to claim Islam is peaceful, and its “just a few” bad apples, go back under your rock. That’s like me wearing a Nazi SS uniform and claiming I actually like Jews and the rest of Nazism is just “misunderstood.”
#3: School District Settles WebcamGate. Translation: Taxpayers screwed again as working people held responsible for fools in school district. District officials continue on their way, not concerned with reality because they’re not going to be held responsible for their actions.
#4: Biden, Obama’s Traveling Salesman, Makes Hard Sell to Voters. Translation: You’re too stupid to understand government. Vote Democrat because they’re smarter than you.
#5: Obama: 24/7 media makes it hard to focus ‘on the long term’. Translation: You’re stupid. Vote Democrat because they’re smarter than you.
#6: MTV Denies That Obama Telecast Is Political. Translation: You’re stupid. Obama campaigning for Democrats isn’t a campaign appearance because, well, shut up, you’re stupid. Just listen to Obama and vote for Democrats.
#7: The Proof Is In The Numbers: America Is Getting Poorer. Translation: Well, sometimes the headlines are just right.
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Tags: doubletalk, media
Government “By The People”
Oct 4, 2010 Opinion, Political
So, are there any of you good readers who honestly believe that the government today in America is a government “By the People and For the People?” If so, can you explain the various department of Parks and Recreations?
For example, I can go to nearly any town in America and find some kind of “Parks and Recreation” department. And, as part of that department, I can find facilities that range from parks to ball fields to swimming pools. And in nearly all of those places, I can find signs and notifications that I must pay to use these facilities — and if I do not, I can be jailed or killed.
As an aside — please note that any and all government laws, regulations, and ordinances are backed with the threat of jailing or death. Yes, from the parking ticket to violent crimes, if any government order is disobeyed, you may be killed for it. For example, if I post a sign in my yard that is against a city ordinance, I may be killed (it has happened). If I trespass on a parks and recreation field and the police are called, I may be shot and killed. So feel free to argue this point, but you will be wrong — ALL government directives are backed with the threat of death, whether you want to admit it or not. If you don’t believe me, feel free to disobey a policeman when he orders you to do, well, anything.
But wait — that facility of the department of parks and recreation was built with my money — since I am one of the minority who actually pay income, property, sales, and every other tax imaginable. So I paid for the facility, yet I cannot use it. Therefore, I must not own it. If that’s the case, then who DOES own it? The obvious answer is that the parks and recreation department owns it. That means that this is not a government “By the People,” because there’s some other layer in there separate from “The People.”
I know, many will claim things like, “Oh, but the fees go to pay for the operation of the facility,” or “The fees don’t even cover paying the salaries of the people working there.” But that’s my point. There exists today a level of government that is not part of “The People.”
Am I suggesting that there should be no “Parks and Recreation” department? Well, if the organization is going to exist outside of “The People,” then yes, it should not exist. If some government department is going to build and operate any facility with my tax dollars, then they should do so — and then I should have complete and total access to the facility without any additional charges. They could demand proof of my residency, or evidence I pay taxes, but they should not charge me more to use it. If they cannot do that, they should not use my tax money to build something that I cannot use, and in fact, will be jailed or killed if I do use it (in violation of their orders, of course).
Of course, if we had a free society, this would not be an issue. And those who would claim that nothing would get built unless the parks & rec exists simply are living in a land of fear and denial.
Oh, how I yearn for freedom.
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Tags: freedom, parks and rec, taxes
Arizona Law Is Working Already
Jun 9, 2010 Immigration, Opinion
And it is not even in effect yet.
Hispanics are leaving Arizona in droves ahead of the new Immigration Law. There is no way to determine the exact numbers but schools are reporting that Hispanic students have stopped showing up as their parents have withdrawn them in order to move to a state where they will “feel more welcome.”
There is no way of knowing whether the people leaving are legal or illegal but it is fairly safe to say that the legal aliens are not worried about having to prove they are here legally because they can do just that. The most likely scenario is that those who are here illegally and are worried about being caught are leaving.
The linked article describes such people and it only makes sense.
The Arizona law is already working because those who are breaking the immigration law are leaving before they get caught. The purpose of any law is to control behavior and make sure people are doing what is right. Since the illegals are leaving the number of lawbreakers in Arizona is decreasing then the law is working. The law is controlling illegal behavior.
I suggest that those looking for a place where they are welcome concentrate on California. That state has many sanctuary cities that are happy to have illegals there.
If the federal government were doing its job then the illegal population would decrease dramatically just as it is in Arizona.
USA Today
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: arizona, exodus, illegals, lawbreaker