Obama Wants Courage, Pelosi Gives Cowardice

Barack Obama is out on the campaign trail community organizing support for his health care takeover because he does not have the votes to get it passed. He will be interviewed on FOX News tonight because FOX has the largest audience, the biggest number of people opposed, and because Obama’s health care takeover is on the ropes.

While Obama was trotting out sob stories and telling half truths about the medical situations of those he exploited, he called for courage. He wants the Democrats to have the courage to vote for his plan even though it will severely hamper the ability of many of them to get reelected. Courage is what the man wants.

But cowardice is what he gets. The Democrats do not have the courage of their convictions and do not want their names attached to the vote. Nancy Pelosi is considering using a procedure that will cover Democrats and allow them to claim they did not vote for the bill.

The tactic — known as a “self-executing rule” or a “deem and pass” — has been commonly used, although never to pass legislation as momentous as the $875 billion health-care bill. It is one of three options that Pelosi said she is considering for a late-week House vote, but she added that she prefers it because it would politically protect lawmakers who are reluctant to publicly support the measure. [emphasis mine] Washington Post

She likes the procedure (which is likely unconstitutional) because it provides protection for Democrats reluctant to vote for the Senate Bill. This is nothing but cowardice.

While Obama is out calling for courage his Democrats are hiding behind Pelosi’s skirt because they are a bunch of thumb-sucking pansies who do not have enough of a spine to stand up for what they believe in.

If the bill is so wonderful and does so many great things then why do they need cover? If this is the panacea that will solve our health care problems then why are they not proudly standing up and voting for it?

They are not voting for it because they know it is a crap sandwich that Obama wants them all to take a bite from.

Arms are being twisted, deals are being cut, and members of Congress are being embarrassed into doing what Obama wants them to do but what the majority of Americans do not.

Despite the rationalization by some, these Democrats are in trouble. At least 35 of them are in districts that were easily won by Republican presidential candidates and it is unlikely that those districts will put them back in office if they vote for this.

A year ago I figured that Republicans would gain seats in the midterm election because that is the historical trend. I never thought they could take back the House but now I am convinced that Republicans will win enough seats to gain the majority.

Of course things can change in eight months but if the elections were held today the Republicans would have control of the House.

Health care is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Pass or fail, a lot of Democrats will get flushed because of it and their blind loyalty to a community organizer who is hell bent on destroying this country.

Wall Street Journal

Big Dog


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Obama Goes All In

The health care takeover the Democrats have been working on for over a year is coming down to the final hours and the majority party is pulling out all the stops. They are working on unconstitutional methods to pass the bill, circumventing the normal process and lying about the bill being bipartisan in that they incorporated some Republican ideas.

They have a shell bill which is what they will pass and then when it goes to committee they will remove the items and replace them with the things they really want.

Barack Obama discusses the idea of courage and says that the time for politics is over and Congress should do what is right and put politics aside. Obama does this while playing politics because he is a product of the Chicago thug machine and he does not know what courage is and he is unaware of how to do something without involving politics. Additionally, Obama has allowed politics to get in the way because his desire NOT to fail on this issue has led to his political power play to get it passed. As for courage, if Obama had that trait he would have scrapped the bill and started over in a bipartisan fashion.

Obama delayed his working vacation for a few days to go around the country and …wait for it…engage in a political campaign for the bill. He is out there pushing hard for the bill. In essence, he is now “all in”, a term that describes a card player who throws all his money in the pot.

Obama is now all in on this like he was with the Chicago Olympic bid, the governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey and the Senate race in Massachusetts. His spin doctors worked hard to make each of these look as if they were not Obama failures but they were.

Now that he is all in on health care he has no place to hide. His spin masters will not be able to spin this in any way, shape, or form should the bill not pass.

If this bill does not pass then Obama will be seen as having failed, especially by his own party. It will look, and rightly so, as if he gave it all he had and could not get it done even with super majorities.

He will be a failure and he knows it.

Right now the votes are not there but that does not mean it will fail to pass. There are plenty of backroom deals being made and offers are flying about the halls of the Capitol to give members anything they want for a yes vote. Pelosi is twisting arms two at a time and doing everything to force people to fall in line and vote yes.

And yet she does not have the votes.

If they happen to pass this then America will be outraged with those who sold their votes, and that is the only way they change, just as they were with Ben Nelson. That anger will show on election day and despite what the pseudo intellectual pundits say, Democrats will lose big. The Democrats know this and it is a major reason that many are hesitant to vote yes.

This is a lose lose situation for the Democrats because they will lose if this fails and lose bigger if it passes.

Obama has put them between Barack and a hard place and now he too, is all in.

But he does not have to worry about being reelected this year.

He has three years to recover. His Democrats in the House do not have that luxury and they know they are being hung out to dry.

Big Dog


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I Know The Feeling

I have read where a bunch of musicians are upset that their “music” was used for torture, or to “enhance” torture. REM , Nine Inch Nails, Roseanne Cash, and Bonnie Raitt have all protested the use of music in this way. But there’s a problem- what is the definition of “music”?

I mean, some of what I hear these days sounds like some people whipping cats- and that is, I would guess  the “good stuff”, or at least the stuff that radio stations play. It is really hard to tell the good music from the dreck- perhaps they manicure the fingernails that are dragged across the chalkboard. Regardless, the minstrels are pissed.

A coalition of high-profile musicians has endorsed a Freedom of Information Act request to learn which songs the U.S. military and security agencies used during interrogations and torture of detainees, theWashington Post reportedThursday. The group includes Rosanne Cash, Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor, former Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello, and members of Pearl Jam, R.E.M. and the Roots.

“I think every musician should be involved,” Cash said. “It seems so obvious. Music should never be used as torture.” She said she felt “absolute disgust” when she heard that military personnel had blasted songs for hours and days on end to “enhance” interrogations. “It’s beyond the pale. It’s hard to even think about.”


Oh gosh, I know- it’s just disgusting that these people should be called musicians- after all, their true calling has caused these terrorists real pain. So obviously they are talented at doing that at least- causing pain, that is- music, maybe not so much.

Let’s face it Roseanne, if music was soothing and pleasant, it would not be any good for torture, so we really have to thank all of you punk, grunge, heavy metal and other “alternative” musicians for providing the means to make these scumbags scream and weep, until they tell all. Now that’s cool.

After all, providing pleasure for people, well, that’s boring, but pain? You musicians may have stumbled into a new niche- “Pain/Rock”. Just what I needed.

In a statement, REM said: “We have spent the past 30 years supporting causes related to peace and justice. To now learn that some of our friends’ music may have been used as part of the torture tactics without their consent or knowledge, is horrific. It’s anti-American, period.”

Other artists to sign up to the coalition include Jackson Browne, Steve Earle, Roseanne Cash, Billy Bragg, Bonnie Raitt and Rage Against The Machine.

On behalf of the campaign, the National Security Archive in Washington is filing a Freedom of Information Act request seeking classified records that detail the use of loud music as an interrogation device.


Yo, Trent, Bonnie- newsflash- it’s not just your friend’s music that has been used- it is also yours. Because let’s face it- you pretty much suck as musicians. I know, because when I come home (and I live in a rural section of Texas) I still have to listen all too often to your music, and those of the people mentioned above, and believe me, I know why they picked your “music” to enhance the torture experience- they have  little else to do but put the CD on and walk away. 

Even through five acres of woods, the horrible screeching sounds of your noise come through, disturbing the wildlife, as my drunken (and quite possibly meth- addicted ) neighbor turns the volume up to 11 to cover his lasting disappointment after yet another day of  beating his old lady and changing tires at the local tire shop.

So I know why they use the noise- I can no longer bring myself to call what you do music- it is not- but apparently CD sales are brisk at Camp Delta.

Thank your lucky stars that somebody’s buying what you are shoveling-

Or you’d be back asking if someone wanted fries with that.

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Group- Think

I have wondered for some time if there is a bunker somewhere in an undisclosed location (let’s ask Joe Biden- he knows), where there are troll- like little liberal roaches, failed Dungeons & Dragons web users who ravenously consume potato chips and power bars, all while parroting the lastest talking points disseminated by Emanual & co. It seems there are perhaps ten of them, all out of shape, with acne and other skin problems related to a lack of sunshine- I think Rimbo and friends keep their little Computer attack dogs in shackles, or perhaps have them on mind- altering drugs- how else to explain the blind adherence to illogical and unworkable talking points.

The first key to understanding the cadre of mindless drones the WH has on computers, is the limited language they use.

They remind me of high school freshmen, so eager to fit in that they all eagerly use the same  words, as if they are the keys to the secret club that they so desperately want to belong to. This is truly an echo chamber, and it doesn’t seem to be a big deal to these little lilliputian minds that they all parrot the same words- “Howler” is one biggie- everyone on the left uses this word as if- (maybe Barry used this word at one time- lets do the same)- this word carries some magical connotation. (“This word renders conservatives powerless- use this one as much as possible.”)

It doesn’t seem to matter what publication one reads- if it is liberal, it will have these words “liberally” sprinkled throughout.

Or, “Roasted”- perhaps these liberal critics of logic once worked at a Quiznos, and can’t get that word out of their mind- now, that word bounces around the echo chamber that is their collective mind. I can’t wait for one of them to slip and ask if we want fries with that lack of logic, or we want to supersize that argument.

And then there are the biggest echo words- “racist” and “bigot”- if you poke one of these invertebrates with a stick, it will automatically bark one of these two words, like a trained seal without the cuteness ( more like a six foot leech that feeds off of taxpayer money).

At this “Undisclosed” location, like the whacko scientists Holdren and Emanual are, they are developing a new lifeform- a computer supergeek, capable of writing illogical party talking points at super speed. They then plug them in and let them counter the conservative blogs using limited language, groupthink, and fueled by massive infusions of gummy worms and Jolt Cola or Red Bull.

Logic is useless against them- it just bounces off of their misshapen heads, covered with the  electrodes that Holdren and Zekie boy have surgically implanted. They even give these poor life forms names and a false history. Perhaps they allow some of them to believe they can actually tune a piano and herd goats- a rather dubious duo of talents, but then if that’s what it takes to keep them complacent, oh well. For others, the implanted memories need not be that complicated.

I fear for our Republic when there are so many captive mind slaves employed by the WH- I mean, how can one stand against the combined mind power of these people when they equal a 100 watt bulb? Can we fight these masters of illogic? Will we withstand the blind adherence of party line propaganda? The total verboseness of their writings? A dysentery of nouns and adjectives?

Will we simply lay on the floor, gasping  from laughing at their weak arguments? I know I will.

Because now I can tell, the opposition is few, but vocal.

And I can handle vocal- I can use the humor.

Bring it on, mindless drones.
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The Nobel Appease Prize

Smokin' O

Barack Obama was the “surprise” winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. As my co-writer Blake points out, he has not done anything to earn it. I have to agree, what has Obama done to earn the award? He has been in office for only nine months and nothing he has done has resulted in any kind of peace.

Even those except his most ardent supporters would have to ask what he has done to get this award.

As far as I am concerned the award means little. It has been given to people who have had little to do with peace including Al Gore (who received his for something that was supposed to be science) and Yasser Arafat (who was anything but peaceful). The award is basically a political award and is used to push an agenda, to give some credibility to the people who espouse the same views of the committee regardless of accomplishment.

The nomination of Obama was made just before the 1 February deadline and only 2 weeks after he took office. What was he nominated for? His acts up to that point certainly did not warrant the prize. If the nomination is for past deeds then he certainly did not qualify.

If it was for the deeds of the past nine months then one has to ask what he has done to earn it. What did he do that made him more deserving than the other nominees who actually have accomplishments in the area of peace? Obama has not brought peace to the Middle East. His relationship with Israel is strained and he has coddled terrorists as well as others who wish to do us harm. He has talked a good game but that is not worthy of the award.

This was purely a political move designed to bolster a man who was hurt by the IOCC and by his continual missteps on the world stage.

I am not saying that Obama would not have a term in office (or work after he is out of office) that eventually led to him actually deserving the award, that is something we cannot know. However, it is clear that he has done nothing, up to this point, to deserve it.

The award has always meant little as far as I am concerned because of some of the folks who received it and more importantly, those who did not. Reagan never received one and he certainly had more to do with peace than Carter, Gore or Obama. But the award has been made political and that tarnishes it, in my view.

If Obama has done anything to earn this award it was his appeasement of our enemies and the rogues around the world who would do us harm.

Perhaps the committee thought they were voting on an Appease Prize*…

*Thanks to my friend Doug Ross for this term.

Absurd Decision (Times UK)
Mixed Reviews, Embarrassing Joke (al-Reuters)

Big Dog

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