A Koch And A Smile

I am sure many folks have heard of the Koch brothers. They are the successful guys who use their money to support candidates they believe in and are the most hated by liberals. They are constantly attacked by the likes of Harry Reid and his ilk and made out to be demons because of who (and what) they spend their money on.

Charles and David Koch happen to support conservative candidates and causes so, to liberals, when they spend their money on these things they are evil and what is wrong in America.

The left never complains about the evil man George Soros and his money. Soros has spent millions upon millions of dollars for liberal causes and no liberal ever questions the way that money is spent or declares that Soros is what is wrong with America. George is Jewish but he pretended to be Christian and helped confiscate Jew’s property for the Nazis. He also broke the Bank of England by manipulating the currency.

He is an evil man but since he spends his money on liberal/progressive causes he is cherished among the left.

The Koch brothers, to the left, are horrible people who want to see people die so they can earn more money.

Never mind the fact that the Koch brothers employ 60,000 people and produce products that we need. I know that liberals don’t care for toilet paper (from those who say we should use one sheet to those Occupy Wall Street types who just crap where they want) but the civilized among us are happy it is available. Even liberals can’t get by the fact that Dixie cups and Brawny paper towels make life better. The funny thing is their company makes some of the parts that are used in smart phones. You know, the devices liberals take pictures with to decry capitalism…

The Koch’s produce many products that make our lives better and they employ a lot of folks who work hard, earn good money and pay taxes.

Yep, they have to be bad because they are successful.

Charles Koch recently discussed his views about being demonized in order to clear the air.

He is tired of being a villain for spending his money as he sees fit.

I don’t blame him. It is HIS money and he can spend it how he wants (and if he wants to give me a million dollars I would not be unhappy about that). I don’t care for Soros and will have a party when he finally leaves this place but he can spend his money as he wishes.

Mr. Koch’s charitable donations equal about $305,000 per day ($111 million last year). You never hear about that when he is being demonized.

The reality is America needs more people like the Kochs, who want everyone to succeed, and fewer like Soros who want to increase their wealth at the expense and misery of others.

Liberals hate the Kochs because they are the American Dream. They have succeeded and spread their wealth around while providing good paying jobs for a large number of people. They are proof that you can make it in America.

Liberals can’t have that because they want people to be slaves to the government plantation, particularly a government plantation run by liberal task masters.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Does Obamacare Cover Federal Assault?

Obamacare was passed in order for government to control more of our lives and the real reason many Republicans won’t really fight to get rid of it is because they like control as well. When government controls your health care it controls you (and when it takes away your firearms it completely controls you and you have no means to resist).

Obamacare is so wonderful that it had to have penalties built into it to force people to join. It was sold on the promise that it would not affect those who had insurance but many folks ended up losing the doctors and insurance coverage Barry Obama promised them they could keep. Those who figured it would not affect them were suddenly caught up in the mix and were subject to the rules and penalties.

Let me be clear, regardless of what Chief Justice Roberts calls it, the money paid for noncompliance is a penalty. Obama ran around the country screaming that this was not a tax and he even chided George Stephanopoulos for suggesting it was a tax at which time Obama enthusiastically informed him it absolutely was not. It is a shared responsibility penalty.

The law called it a penalty and Chief Justice Roberts and those who sided with him got it wrong. It is a penalty for not buying something government wants you to buy (even the linked article below calls this a “federal penalty”).

[note]How would liberals act if the government passed a law that forced everyone to buy a handgun (to curb crime which has a major economic impact) and then fined (oops, taxed) them if they did not?[/note]

But back on target. Those penalties are now coming into full swing (they were lower in the beginning) and many folks will be socked with a pretty big bill from the IRS if they do not have insurance.

This amount will either be added to what they owe or deducted from their refund. Either way many folks will end up losing money simply because they did not purchase something they did not want (or could not afford).

Obamacare needs to force people, even those who are young and healthy or able to pay out of pocket, to sign up in order to pay for everything it promises.

The Obama regime plans to remind people of this penalty during the upcoming enrollment season. The idea is to scare people into signing up because without those folks paying in for things they might not want or need the entire thing goes belly up.

The idea of lower costs is out the door as premiums are going up again next year. Perhaps those without insurance are causing the problem but the more likely reason is that this federal monstrosity is very bloated and expensive.

It has to be in order to make the government bigger, to control our lives and to achieve the liberal goal of wealth redistribution.

No one should be forced to buy what they do not want or to pay for things for other people. But, people should pay their own bills if they end up needing medical care (payment plans work for more than cars and cell phones).

Last year the total amount of penalties collected by the IRS was 1.5 BILLION dollars. I only hope that most of it affected liberals who supported Obamacare.

I also hope the larger penalties will affect them as well.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Little Taxes; Death By A Thousand Cuts

Socialist Bernie Sanders wants to be president and his rhetoric of promising everyone everything (to the tune of 18 TRILLION dollars) is hitting home with the “me” generation and the Gimmiedats.

They all like Bernie’s idea of taxing the rich more to pay for the millennial’s needs. Why yes, tax those greedy rich suckers and give us more stuff.

There is no way to tax the rich and pay for what Bernie wants to give away (notice he is very generous with OTHER people’s money). If Bernie could confiscate 100% of the money the wealthy have (even up to about the top 40% of those considered wealthy, not just the 1%) it would not be enough money to run the government for more than a few months. After that the well would be dry and there would need to be new sources of cash to feed the left’s insatiable appetite.

But Bernie wants to give stuff away. He wants a paid family leave program where people could have time off and get paid. His example is for a woman who gives birth. Bernie thinks she should get paid time off and of course everyone else pays for that.

You see, he wants to add just a little to the payroll tax to finance his paid time off plan. It is just a little bit he says but he also says it will affect all workers. To the socialist all must pay in to help the others.

So now the young “me” generation will have to foot the bill for people to have time off.

Many of them might think that is Ok but what happens when the little bit taken is not enough to pay for the program? Then the little bit more in taxes becomes a whole lot more in taxes. We already know that no government program ever dies so getting rid of it will be out of the question. No, we just need a little bit more on top of the little bit we take already.

Pretty soon all the little bits add up to a whole lot. It ends up being death by a thousand cuts.

And more people end up barely making ends meet while their hard earned cash goes to care for people who took life decisions that did not involve them.

Most millennials are not very bright and they will complain about the taxes and then vote for the next liberal/progressive/socialist who promises more free stuff.

These youngsters just can figure out that nothing is free. Someone, somewhere has to pay for it.

And it will end up being them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Democrats, Pro Choice? Not Really

Last night the Democrats held their first circus event of the campaign season as four old (and one middle aged) white people debated how to issue a death blow to the nation and finish the destruction accelerated under Obama.

These folks all discussed how to spend more money we don’t have to give away things government has no business being involved in. They want to give away free college education, free health care for illegals, and just about any other thing that will pander to the uneducated in order to secure votes while continuing our downward spiral.

[note]For those of you who support these people please tell me how these free things are going to be paid for. Please explain where the money will come from and then tell me how it is actually free…[/note]

I did notice there were not too many pro-choice folks on that stage. Oh sure, there were those who support a woman’s right to choose what to do about her pregnancy. They are all in favor of murdering children in the womb and want to spend even more taxpayer dollars to provide this service.

But nearly every one of them is not in favor of pro-choice should that choice involve firearms. I think Jim Webb is the only one there who supports the Second Amendment.

The others have varying opinions on firearms that have evolved over the years depending upon who they are pandering to (like John “Elmer Fudd” Kerry and his shotgun).

These folks discussed how to disarm law abiding citizens and eviscerate the Second Amendment. In other words, they want to deny you the right to choose to own or carry a firearm. Make no mistake about it, these people want to remove firearms from private citizens. They cannot totally control you if they do not disarm you. This has been going on for over 100 years and our protected right to keep and bear arms has been eroded over that time. If it takes them a hundred more years they will not stop until they have us unarmed and at their mercy.

They are like Islamic terrorists that way.

Martin O’Malley was up there telling everyone how wonderful he is and how he did so many wonderful things in Baltimore and in the state of Maryland. Did you see those riots? They were the culmination of policies O’Malley put in place or continued from previous liberal “leaders”. Baltimore has been run by liberals for a very long time and it is a dying city. Anyone who saw those riots and cannot connect the dots is not smart enough to vote.

O’Malley, as governor, pushed through some of the strictest gun control in the nation. He pushed unconstitutional gun laws on the state and his toadies in Annapolis assisted him. Baltimore has more shootings now than it did before the laws and crime is out of control. O’Malley wants to impose those same laws on the nation.

O’Malley, like three others on that stage, does not believe in choice when it comes to firearms. If you want to murder your unborn child then they are all about being pro-choice but if you want to own or carry a firearm to protect your child they are not pro-choice.

They only want you to have the choices they decide are good for you and that, in reality, is not choice at all.

Fortunately, we have a choice in who to vote for and anyone who cares about this nation should not vote for anyone that was on the stage in Las Vegas last night.

Those people are self-serving twits who want to rule over you. They have forgotten that the people are the government, and the people are in charge of the government.

Unfortunately, many Americans have forgotten this as well (or more likely were never taught it in the government run school system).

It is well past time to take this country back and the best way to do it (not the only way) is to run all these anti-American elitists out of politics.

And retrain their mindless zombie voters…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Liberals Exploit Death

Liberalism is a culture of death as evidenced by their obsession with murdering unborn children and the way they dance on the graves of people gunned down by their mentally deficient followers (but I repeat myself).

Joe Biden is no different and he has even gone so far as to exploit the death of his own son.

Before I go any further let me state that I was saddened to hear of the death of his son and kept his family in my prayers. No parent should ever have to bury a child and I pray I never have to experience that horror.

Having typed that I must discuss the story in Politico about Joe Biden and his story of how his dying son told his father he had to run for the presidency. Those were, according to Joe, among his son’s dying words.

I was not there so I don’t know if his son made that statement but if he did it is something Joe should keep to himself. If he decides to run then he can do so with the memory of his son’s words as a motivation. If elected he could then, probably in his inauguration speech, talk about it and tell folks he did it for his so (though truthfully, that is NOT a reason to run). That right there would be a great story.

But Joe is a calculating politician and he sees death as an opportunity.

He uses the deaths of people from nuts using firearms illegally to push for tougher gun control. Death exploitation is the liberal mantra except of course when the deaths are the result of government corruption and as is the case with Benghazi.

In any event Joe is using the death of his son in a calculated fashion to gain sympathy and support for a presidential run.

He talked to Maureen Dowd and disclosed his son’s alleged dying words in order to stir up interest and support for him to run. He did it so that people would call him and encourage him to run. He did it so that the money people would be inclined to donate to him.

He is using his son’s death in the same fashion the deaths of anyone in a mass shooting is used, to push an agenda.

[note]This discounts the deaths of people shot by illegal guns used by people not legally allowed to use them in liberal cities like Chicago and Baltimore. Liberals never mention those because then the spotlight would focus on who runs those places where strict gun control is already in place.[/note]

I feel bad for the Biden family and the loss of their loved one. It is a tough thing to have to go through but I will not let their sorrow be used to manipulate me.

Unfortunately there are far too many people who will allow the story to manipulate them into supporting a man who is borderline senile and is well past his time for service.

Biden reminds me of Al Gore when he was crying about tobacco and he told us his sister (a tobacco user who was dying from its effects – lung cancer) pleaded with him on her death bed for Al to get rid of the tobacco.

The Gores farmed tobacco and six years after his sister’s death Al was still accepting contributions from tobacco companies.

Liberals exploit death to accomplish a political agenda.

Obama does it, Gore did it and Joe Biden is doing it.

Biden is banking on getting in the White House on the back of his dead son…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
