If She Were A Muslim They Would Leave Her Alone
Sep 3, 2015 Political, Tyranny
Kim Davis is a Christian who believes that marriage is between one man and one woman. She also happens to be the clerk in a county in Kentucky and her job is to issue marriage licenses. She refused to issue licenses to gay couples and when they balked she stopped issuing them to anyone.
A judge ordered her to issue the licenses and she went through the legal system only to be shot down. She still refused to issue a document that would bear her name. She told the people where they could go to get the license but they would not do so.
A judge held Davis in contempt and had her jailed where she will remain until she issues the licenses.
This is just one more piece of evidence in the war on Christianity. Davis has a strongly held religious belief and she offered a solution that would allow the couples to get their licenses without her having to issue them.
I am pretty sure if this woman were a Muslim and refused to issue the licenses she would have been left alone.
There are a number of stories where Muslims claim their religious beliefs for not removing clothing that covers their faces or refusing to allow dogs in cabs or refuse to sell or handle alcohol or pork products. Has anyone fired any of them for doing this?
Now I understand that Davis is an elected official and the incidents I discussed were in the private sector but there seems to be this atmosphere that certain religions get away with anything but Christians do not.
If a Muslim bakery refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding do you really think there would be hell to pay for them?
Davis has religious beliefs and she is following them but she offered a solution. That was not good enough for Al Gayda (and BTW, two straight couples caught up in this).
I have read a number of items from people saying she is elected and works for the government so she must obey the law even if it goes against her faith.
There are many who are happy she is jailed.
So let us take this a little further.
It is against the law to enter the US illegally. Many people do and elected officials have established sanctuary cities where they are free to be lawbreakers. The elected officials in the US government have kept people from being deported. The US government has ignored immigration laws and allowed millions of people to come here and vote as well as receive welfare.
If they are elected and are expected to follow the laws then should we not be arresting them and putting them in jail for the same reason Davis is in jail?
The courts ordered a sheriff in California to issue concealed carry permits. She has not issued them to thousands of people and she has not been arrested for ignoring the court.
Perhaps they should just make getting a marriage license as difficult as getting a concealed carry permit in California or Maryland.
Those who think that the laws must be followed no matter what (and that includes religious objection or unconstitutional laws) should remember that everything Hitler did was allowed under German law.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: contempt, county clerk, kentucky, kim davis, sodomy marriage
O’Malley Is A Typical Liberal
Aug 31, 2015 Political
He likes to live off other people’s money…
I don’t know if Democrat presidential candidate (polling at about 1%) Martin O’Malley ever had a real job, you know, in the private sector, but if he did it was a long time ago. Sometime after he lied on his bar application he became a public servant which is liberal code for using the public for their own service.
O’Malley (or O’Moron as I like to call him) has lived off the taxpayer for a long time. That runs in the family as his wife draws a salary off the taxpayer as a judge (and she is following in her daddy’s footsteps of living off the taxpayer).
Liberals love to put their hands in your pockets and spend your money. O’Malley was governor of Maryland and he drove the state farther down the hole of oppression and tyranny. During his tenure he had furniture that cost the taxpayer $62,000 in a part of the Governor’s Mansion.
Interestingly it was declared junk and sold to the O’Malleys for just under $10,000.
Look, it might have been junk though I hardly think that junk would be kept in the Governor’s Mansion. But the family is a bunch of liberals so they have no respect for other people’s stuff which means they might have trashed it completely.
If it was junk it should be sold but there is a catch. There are procedures in place and they were not followed. Someone in the private sector might have wanted to bid on the stuff but there was no notification. It was labeled junk at Mrs. O’Malley’s request (curious is it not?) and then sold to them.
If it was truly junk why would the O’Malley’s want it? He is running for president for goodness sake. Does he really want people to think he buys junk because his huge salary as governor would not allow him to buy new stuff? Perhaps living off the taxpayer all these years allowed him to believe he was entitled.
Liberals are a bunch of people who believe they are entitled to the stuff of other people.
In any event, O’Moron appears to have broken the rules regarding how these things are done.
It will go largely unnoticed by the liberal media.
Funny though. Republican Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland moved his own furniture into the Mansion to make up for what was sold.
I wonder if he will be accused of stealing the furniture when he takes it with him…
Do not vote for O’Moron. He could mess up an anvil with a rubber mallet.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: crimes, governor, law breaker, lies, Maryland, O'Malley
Will The Real Donald Trump Please Stand Up
Aug 11, 2015 Opinion, Political
Donald Trump is an egomaniac. This is not to say that he does not love America or that he does not think he can be a good president who can revive the economy. It is quite possible that he has the skills to get America back on track.
But Donald has a Donald problem. I am not talking about the way he puts his foot in his mouth by continually insulting those with whom he disagrees. It is par for the course now for someone to make a comment about Trump and have him respond by saying the person is a no talent, or not bright, or you name it.
It seems that unless you agree with Trump and unless you treat him like royalty you are a second class citizen to him and you are not fit to shine his shoes.
These are his personality traits. He was handed his daddy’s business and he built it into an empire. But for too long people have treated him like he is the king so much so he now believes it. He thinks that he can treat people as he wishes and suffer no consequence.
He might be right given the latest polls that show he still has quite a lead even after his bombastic weekend.
It appears as if Trump has tapped into the anger in the Republican Party (and probably some of the anger on the left) and he is expressing that anger for the millions of disillusioned people in this country.
All well and good but the problem is still Trump and his past.
I am not talking about comments he made about women he argued with. His issues deal with the way he takes positions based on convenience. Trump has been a Democrat and a Republican (and who knows what else). He has donated to politicians from both parties and has supported things that are not conservative.
He liked single payer health insurance and he has spoken in favor of some forms of gun control (assault weapons ban and longer waiting periods). He appears to have evolved on these issues and others but is this a matter of expedience?
I know Trump is a good businessman who has made billions of dollars and he is not part of the political class. He might be a great shot in the arm for the country when it comes to getting us on good financial footing.
The question would be at what cost? Trump has already made it known he donates to politicians so he can get what he wants. This is not a new idea and people have paid to play for as long as politics have existed. But will he evolve again with regard to issues when money starts flowing? Will he push for gun control or single payer health care based on well-heeled donors?
If Trump were to be elected president and we actually got the guy Donald now describes we might actually do quite well but if we get the guy that Trump once was we could be in a world of trouble.
There is still this nagging voice in my head that tells me Trump is in collusion with the Clintons to divide the electorate so she can be elected. Trump is pals with the Clintons and it is not beyond reason that he would be doing this to help her. A divided electorate (thanks to Ross Perot) gave us Bill Clinton.
Maybe Bill is working with Trump to do that once again so Hillary will win.
There is a lot to flesh out in the coming months and given the theatrics of Trump it should be entertaining.
I think it is time we put a person in the White House who is not a career politician or part of a dynasty. Trump does not have to be that guy.
The more I hear Carly Fiorina the more impressed I am with her.
But there is a lot of time to decide.
No matter what the person we select will be better than any Democrat they have running.
We don’t need more of what we now have.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Obama: Israeli Interference Unprecedented
Aug 10, 2015 Commentary, Political
Barack Obama is fighting to get his half-baked deal with Iran approved by the US Congress. The fix is generally in and it will pass while giving some members cover. Chuck Schumer is opposed (he is up to lead Democrats when Reid retires) but that is OK because other Democrats will rescue the deal. It gets passed, is veto proof and folks like Schumer can tell low information voters he was against it.
[note]It will pass in the sense that the Congress will vote it down and Obama will veto it. Congress will not have enough votes to override the veto which is what Democrats are looking to ensure right now. It gives Schumer cover but gets Obama what he wants.[/note]
Israel is involved in the lobby efforts to nix the entire thing and Obama says this kind of involvement is unprecedented. I am unsure if he means Israeli involvement is unprecedented for Israelis or if he means unprecedented in general. In other words, is he saying it is unprecedented for Israel to do this by standards of what it has done in the past or is it unprecedented in that no country is ever this involved?
In any event, why is Obama so concerned about it? Why is he worried that the Israelis are expressing their concern and trying to get members of Congress to stop a bad deal?
Obama was not concerned when he and his State Department were involved in the Israeli election so much so that they tried to influence the election.
This is the rub. If Obama means it is unprecedented in the history of Israel for it to be so involved then perhaps they finally have an issue to rally around.
But, if he means it is unprecedented for one country to involve itself so heavily in another country’s business then I think he is sadly mistaken.
One only need look at how involved Obama and his State Department were in the last Israeli election. They worked very hard to defeat Netanyahu.
I have to believe that Obama is referring to the latter since he discusses not being able to recall a similar episode of outside intervention.
So, like I wrote earlier, he should look at what he and the State Department did because that was a very good example of outside intervention.
I guess if Obama is working to intervene in another country it is OK but when that country turns around and does it Obama is not happy.
Don’t worry Barry the fix is in and you will get what you want.
I only wish that everyone who supports this would be held personally accountable should Iran develop and use nuclear weapons. It would be nice to see politicians held accountable for a change…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: iran deal, Israel, nuclear weapons, Obama
Better Ban Hip Hop
Aug 4, 2015 Political, Second Amendment
We are bombarded with noise from the left telling us that we need to ban guns or make it nearly impossible for law abiding to get them as a way to deter crime with guns. I have discussed many times but it bears repeating, criminals do not obey the law. Nearly all the shootings involve people who obtained firearms illegally, illegally owned them and used them, you guessed it, illegally.
It is also true that none of the gun control measures passed would have prevented those firearms from being illegally obtained or used. Gun control is not about guns it is about control and the only people it controls are the law abiding.
The people in our society who want to ban guns fall into two categories, the politicians who want to do so in order to control us and the people who are too ignorant to understand. Anyone who thinks that banning something will make it unavailable is absolutely ignorant, period.
Heroin is banned in this country and people use it every day.
Keep in mind that at one point in our history we banned alcohol. People still got it, drank it and sold it. The ban on alcohol was so ineffective it was repealed.
So we know banning things does not get rid of them. Well, at least the thinking among us know this.
But, given the liberal idea that if something causes or is used to cause harm it must be banned and banning it will make things better, I call for the immediate ban of Hip Hop music.
Too often in society people are murdered because of Hip Hop. People are murdered at Hip Hop events, in rivalries among hip Hop groups and by gangs influenced by that genre of music.
We have these Hip Hop related murders so frequently that it is obvious Hip Hop is dangerous and MUST be banned.
Now don’t tell me we can’t blame the music for the actions of people who listen to it because the anti-gun crowd blames firearms for the actions of people who obtain and use them illegally.
But instead of banning this murderous brand of music B. Hussein Obama invites the Hip Hop artists, the merchants of music death, to the White House to entertain.
As an aside, abortion has taken more innocent lives than all the privately owned firearms in this nation combined. More babies were mass murdered this last month than all the so called mass murders by firearms in the last decade (in the US). Funny because Obama is in bed with the merchants of baby death as well…
So we need to ban Hip Hop music. It is for the children….
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: ban hio hop, gun control, hip hop, murder