Chris Matthews Hears Banjo Music from Obama

On Chris Matthews’ show Hardball, he said that People could vote for Obama or McCain and he said that it was like being on the Titanic and they could choose to stay or they could choose to be saved (I told you he was the Messiah of the left). In Matthews’ diatribe he basically said that McCain equals being on the Titanic and Obama equals Deliverance. Many of the comments at the source expressed the same first reaction I did. They thought of the movie Deliverance where one of the characters gets anally sodomized by another man. This is perfectly appropriate for what we are in for if Obama gets elected President.

One commenter pointed out that the Titanic analogy of today is not bad because, as liberals keep telling us, the ice is melting so there are no more icebergs for the ship to hit.

It is amazing how deeply in the tank Matthews is for Obama. I guess this and the Deliverance reference explains why Matthews gets a sensation in his leg when Obama speaks.

It also makes the name of his show more relevant to how he feels.

Squeal like a pig Chris…


Big Dog

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3 Responses to “Chris Matthews Hears Banjo Music from Obama”

  1. GM Roper says:

    Chris is singing “Let me in, I hear music.” Good one Doggy!

  2. Jo says:

    When I told hubby about this, he said Obama’s lips ain’t purdy enough (snort).

    Jos last blog post..Short Shot-Political Correctness

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