Daily KOS Should Demand Action from Liberals in Congress

A writer named mcjoan at the Daily POS had this to say with regard to the White House while writing about a showdown on emails (they are with Hillary Rodham’s billing records):

On the Iraq War, the White House is just being obstructionist, trying to subvert the will of the American people.

This writer is under some false impression that the election of Democrats to the majority is a mandate to end the war. The election was about a lot of things, including the war, but the victory in no way implies a mandate. These are the same kind of people who, after President Bush was reelected, stated that there was no mandate for his policies. There were those who espoused that Bush’s victory over John Kerry was a mandate to stay the course in the war, a point of view dismissed by the left. If the will of the people was to end the war, why did Ned Lamont, the anti war candidate and Daily POS savior, lose to Lieberman in the General Election? For the record, I believe that Bush’s reelection was a rejection of Kerry and that most Americans believed Bush to be stronger on national security, especially given Kerry’s cut and run military service.

I find it amazing that some people have such blinded views that they fail to recognize their own hypocrisy. These are the same kind of people who failed to call Democrats obstructionists when they opposed the nominations of the President for judicial positions. Using their logic, there was a mandate for the President to appoint conservatives to the bench and yet, the Democrats opposed nominees time and again. The folks who slither around the POS were up in arms (figuratively since most abhor violence and Second Amendment Rights) about John Roberts and Sam Alito being appointed to the SCOTUS but that was, after all, the will of the people.

The Democrats threatened to hold up a number of issues when they were the minority. Their threats to filibuster anything they did not like were certainly obstructionist and resulted in the ill fated gang of 14 whose Democrats vowed not to do such things and then, while the ink was still wet, made more threats.

The Bush Administration is not subverting the will of the people. People in this country want to win. At least all real Americans want to win. The appeasers and those who have no stomach for the hard tasks at hand are willing to give in to the enemy and allow terrorism to spread. What is their plan for after we withdraw? If Congress forces us to surrender and leave then it is up to Congress, not President Bush, to come up with a plan for the aftermath. One would hope they do a better job than they did when they surrendered in Vietnam or there will be a bloody mess with millions killed when we leave and create that vacuum.

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I think I have a solution to this issue. Congress should draft legislation that calls for our troops to completely withdraw within 90 days. That legislation must include a provision that if the surrender results in a blood bath in Iraq or if we are attacked at home or at one of our entities abroad (any time after the withdraw), those who voted for the legislation must immediately resign. If cutting and running is truly the correct thing to do and it reflects the will of the people, as mcjoan indicates, then those who vote for such an act should have no issue with being held accountable for that vote. There would be no appeal process and those who were forced to resign would be barred from ever running for office again or from working as a lobbyist.

If the Democrats have the courage of their convictions then this should be a no brainer (which is what they are most qualified to handle). If they are espousing the will of the people then they should have no problem putting their necks out for what they believe to be the right thing and “the will”.

I bet that no Democrat is willing to do such a thing and that no follower of the great and mighty KOS would want them to. When it comes to courage, the war is not the only place Liberals are lacking.

Big Dog

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21 Responses to “Daily KOS Should Demand Action from Liberals in Congress”

  1. Mickey Hamas Mouse…

    Hat tip, Jihad Watch,It’ll be interesting to see if Disney responds to this; The Hamas Television is using a clone of Disney’s Mickey Mouse to teach children to hate Israel and America, and aspire to Islam’s inevitable and impending world…

  2. […] to Outside the Beltway, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Perri Nelson’s Website, Big Dog’s Weblog, Adam’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, […]

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  6. […] to Perri Nelson’s Website, Rightlinx, third world county, Big Dog’s Weblog, Adam’s Blog, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Amboy Times, Conservative […]

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  8. […] to Outside the Beltway, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Perri Nelson’s Website, Big Dog’s Weblog, Adam’s Blog, DragonLady’s World, The Bullwinkle Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy […]

  9. […] [Discuss this post with the Big Dog over at the Big Dog’s…] Share Article Hillary Rodham, Iraq War, White House, Democrats, John Kerry, Lieberman, Bush, Bush Administration, Vietnam, Congress    Sphere: Related Content Trackback URL […]

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  13. Roy Lofquist says:

    The law should read: “any unforseen consequences of this act shall be deemed a direct consequence of previous mismanagement by Gearg Bush”.

  14. […] to Outside the Beltway, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Big Dog’s Weblog, DragonLady’s World, The Bullwinkle Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, The Florida […]

  15. Big Dog says:

    The law should read those who were left behind under No Child Left Behind (as in spelling) may not vote.

  16. […] to Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Big Dog’s Weblog, Adam’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, The Florida Masochist, Conservative Cat, […]

  17. Goin Jeeeeeeeeeeehad…

    Howza bout you stop shrieking Alla-hu Ak-bar as you fly planes into buildings or saw off heads then huh.


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