Deadly Fungus Is The New Threat

On the heels of the H1N1 (Swine Flu) scare that turned out to be much ado about nothing, a new threat has emerged that has the scientists in a tizzy. A potentially deadly fungus has emerged. The good news is that it affects people who are immunocompromised. The bad news is, if you are one of those folks, you are susceptible.

A potentially deadly strain of fungus is spreading among animals and people in the northwestern United States and the Canadian province of British Columbia, researchers reported on Thursday.

The airborne fungus, called Cryptococcus gattii, usually only infects transplant and AIDS patients and people with otherwise compromised immune systems, but the new strain is genetically different, the researchers said. al-Reuters

There are plenty of microorganisms that affect only those with a compromised immune system. I think the concern with this one is that they claim that global warming might aid its spread. Ah, the old global warming thing. If you can’t get attention by cooking the books or when you get caught cooking them the next best thing is to manufacture concern over a killer fungus that “might” be aided by global warming so probably not.

Will people who are not affected be concerned? There are plenty of microorganisms that affect such people but no one has claimed they are aided by global warming.

We have a fungus that has been growing in America for about 100 years and it is called the progressive movement. It is aided by our government and a Marxist philosophy and it is spread through the exploitation of tax payers.

We might never eradicate C. gattii but we can eradicate the progressive agenda.

Remember in November.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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3 Responses to “Deadly Fungus Is The New Threat”

  1. Blake says:

    Nature ALWAYS comes up with something to kill an overpopulation of any species- it is the constant “evolution”, by trial and error of a balancing act on the part of nature.
    The trouble with nature is that it usually overbalances, creating wild swings in the various populations of species.
    It is a case ofswinging back and forth until equilibrium is established. What is funny to me is the incredible arrogance of man, who would have us believe that man can solve these swings in nature, whether it is climate, or fungi- sooner or later, something is going to come along that WILL kick our global asses, and reduce the population drastically.
    Progressives would have us all believe that they can be our saviors- what a load- they can’t even take care of themselves adequately- Barry couldn’t live in the outback, despite his Kenyan roots.

    • Jane says:

      So does that mean we just sit back and wait for the killer fungus to infect us? I got my H1N1 shot last year and am glad I did. Medical science has improved drastically since the days of the flu epidemic of 1918, which wiped out massive numbers of people. I don’t think any of us would want to have lived during that era, with whole families dropping like flies. As for progressives “being our saviors,” well, no one is forcing you to get a vaccine or take preventive measures against epidemics. I’d rather do something to protect myself than sit back and do nothing.

      • Big Dog says:

        Jane, there is NO vaccine for a fungus and unless you have HIV or some other immune disorder, it will not affect you, much like many other diseases.

        You are happy you got your shot, good for you. The ramped up vaccination program was much like that of the 70s when Swine Flu appeared and the vaccine killed more people than the flu did.

        The urgency of this and the fear mongering raised a red flag. The only thing helped were pharmaceutical companies who made a lot of money.

        People who got the vaccine were protected but a hell of a lot of people did not get the vaccine or the flu.

        But nice of you to drop the 1918 flu to add tot he fear. As you can now see, there was nothing of that magnitude. No, more people died from the seasonal flu than Swine Flu.

        No one is forcing me YET to get a vaccine. Many people were forced to get it though.