Did Glenn Beck Incite This Syrian

Gateway Pundit has a post up indicating that a Syrian obtained media credentials from Al-Jazeera TV in a plot to kill Barack Obama. The suspect was arrested last week and indicated that he intended to stab Obama with a knife and that if he had failed there were other accomplices to complete the mission.

There you have it. A peace loving Syrian who would never otherwise consider harming another human being suddenly, and without warning, went off the deep end and became involved in a plot to kill Obama. Something must have caused this man to resort to violence because we all know these peace lovers would never do anything that harmed another, Allah willing.

So was it Glenn Beck who caused this? The left likes to blame him for all the other violence taking place. In fact, the right gets blamed for a lot of the violence that takes place. Commenters here have suggested that my words and the words of others here could cause people to do violent things. The MSM and the blogosphere are on a non stop rampage against the likes of Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity claiming that they incite violence. I guess Beck drove this Syrian over the edge.

The reality is, each of these people is responsible for his own actions. I do not, nor will I ever, accept responsibility for the violence caused by another. People are accountable for their own actions. I can understand how the left has trouble with this because they cannot grasp the concept of personal responsibility. To them it is always someone else’s fault. Obama blames everyone under the Sun and his favorite target is George Bush. It is inherent in their design, point fingers and blame others.

The whole incident raises another issue as well. Wasn’t The Evil Won supposed to unite the world so we could all stand around holding hands and singing Kumbaya? He was supposed to bring us all together so we could sing the Coke song and live in perfect harmony and all that.

Now he has some Syrian wacko trying to kill him. It just seems to me that the “can’t we all just get along” strategy is not paying off.

I am sure that Olberman and the rest of the MSM will continue to blame Beck et al for the violence. They pinned the Pittsburgh cop murders on Beck. It was all his fault, they say.

So who is responsible for the cops killed by Bill Ayers? I mean, he is a liberal and he is a close friend of Obama.

Maybe Glenn Beck caused that too.

Personal responsibility. Something the left would do well to learn.

Big Dog

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28 Responses to “Did Glenn Beck Incite This Syrian”

  1. Adam says:

    Personal responsibility isn’t always the largest factor involved. What comes to mind most with Beck and his endless lunacy is the limitation on free speech and the old quote:

    The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic.

    I think it raises some serious questions about what Beck and others are doing. Of course Glenn Beck has lost his freaking mind since leaving CNN, if you ask me. He’s become a crying sniffling tin-foil hat wearing idiot.

    • Blake says:

      Well, you have your opinion, but I believe that O’bama and his posse are trying to do everything BUTA solve the financial crisis- as long as they have everybody freaked out, they feel that they can cram this socialist crap down everybody’s throat. You can shout fire if there is a fire- Beck may wear his emotions on his sleeve, but is that wrong?
      Is love for your country and respect for the heros that have come before us a bad thing? To hear O’bama tell it, yes.
      The man is wrong, wrong, wrong.

    • Blake says:

      Personal responsibility is always the largest factor involved.
      In WWII, the biggest excuse was, I was only following orders. So concentration camps sprung up, within sight (and smell) of German, Polish, and Czech villages. Millions of people died, and when all was said and done, many of the townspeople were like Sgt. Schultz on Hogan’s Heroes- they claimed to see or know nothing. Even many guards claimed to not have been there, but after looking at all the records,( because Germans ARE meticulous), people were placed there, and had to be punished, because they bore personal responsibility for their actions.
      Their inaction was an action of its own, so yes, Adam, Personal Responsibility is ALWAYS the largest factor.

  2. Randy says:

    It’s an interesting argument. I would liken it to a person walking into an NA meeting and explaining to the people attending that there were circumstances where hard drug use is not only justified, but the right thing to do. I don’t know that the person saying such a thing is doing anything illegal, but in my opinion they would be doing something very morally wrong and irresponsible.

    Glenn Beck has described himself as a rodeo clown. I don’t take him seriously and I don’t think he takes himself very seriously either. It creates a moral dilemma though. Really, think about what it is that a rodeo clown actually does. I don’t know if that’s the smartest thing to do to people that are easily panicked.

    Anyhow, Stephen Colbert did a bit he called the “Doom Bunker” a few weeks ago making fun of Beck’s “War Room”. I was in tears I was laughing so hard. It’s easy to find on teh Google.

  3. Big Dog says:

    I think that it is an individual responsibility to maintain control. I don’t believe that people like Beck and the others should tailor what they say to avoid the fringe kooks. The group that says Beck and others are the ones inciting this should think about what they are saying.

    Should Hollywood be held responsible if a person watches a violent movie and commits a violent act? Should music artists (particularly rappers) be held accountable for singing about killing the cops if someone does? Oh wait, they did sing about killing cops and now cops have been killed. It must have been the rappers who did it.

    And finally, should we hold Obama accountable for the violence. He said that he wanted us to channel our anger constructively. If some person’s definition of constructive is to commit violence then is Obama to blame?

    Obama said that if the other side brought a knife he would bring a gun (something he would not allow the rest of us to do) and that people in Philly like to brawl. If people get into gun and knife fights is Obama to blame?

    Obama said to get into people’s faces. If this happens and fights break out, is he to blame?

    Take care in how you answer because you can’t have it both ways. Either EVERYONE is to blame or no one is. Either it is the fault of EVERYONE making the statements or it is the fault of the person who exercises poor judgment.

    You see, we can take this all over. Sure, I know what Obama meant but I am rational. If I went off the deep end would it be adequate for my defense if I said Obama wanted me to be angry?

    • Randy says:

      Too many specific questions to answer, so I’ll say this. I don’t necessarily disagree with you. People have argued over free speech and where it’s limitations should be, or if there should be any limitations at all for longer than any of us have been alive. Is free speech absolute? I agree that that any individual violating the law is primarily responsible for their own actions. I don’t think it’s smart to encourage people to violate the law either though. Especially when that encouragement involves violence against an imaginary threat.

  4. Big Dog says:

    I think there is a big difference between directly inciting someone to violence and saying things like Obama and Bck did where sane people know what they were saying.

    I also think it is important to remember a few things. There really is no such thing as free speech. The Constitution only says the government may not abridge speech (technically Congress may make no law abridging). Your employer is legally able to tell you what you can and cannot talk about and I could keep people from saying things here because neither of us is Congress making laws.

    I just don’t buy the story that Beck (or the others) is causing the violence.

    If he were saying to go and shoot or hurt this one or that one it would be different but I have never heard him call on anyone to do anything violent to another human being.

    • Randy says:

      I don’t think anyone is making the argument that they are causing the violence. I haven’t seen that anyhow. The argument is that they are encouraging it, at least that’s my argument.

    • Randy says:

      ack!! I fell for your dirty trick! đŸ™‚

      I don’t think Obama was encouraging violence at all.

      • Big Dog says:

        So then, none of them are encouraging it??

        Either they all are, or none are. Now you see the way I look at it.

        I was like Matlock there…

      • Randy says:

        Barack Obama’s statements aren’t designed to play on people’s fears. That’s the difference.

        • Blake says:

          Obama’s statements ARE designed to play on people’s fears- if you listen, he says that this time inour history is the worst, we will take a long time to recover,etc.- all of which may be technically true, but as the Prsident, he is supposed to be a cheerleader of sorts.
          In the worst recession in modern times, in Carter’s term, Ronald Reagan was saying, as he was campaigning, that it was “Morning in America”, and our best times were ahead of us. Obama reminds us that our best times were long ago, and we will have to get used to new limitations.
          America doesn’t like limitations, we like to aim high, and Barry wants us to aim low.
          Puncturing the dream that Americans want to believe in, that is, that someone can go as far as their ambition and ability can take them, is not being a cheerleader, but one hell of a downer.
          Yes, he plays on people’s fears, and with falsehoods also, that’s doubly deceitful.

  5. Big Dog says:

    I don’t know whether the others are either but they all are designed to play on emotion…

  6. Adam says:

    I don’t think it’s fair to talk in terms of movies and music. Beck may call himself a clown but he’s part of the news media. If you base your world view on movies or music you can easily be considered dumb. If you base your world views on what you see on the news? That’s a different story. People count on the news.

    It’s also not simply the language Beck uses which is why Obama talking about fighting and guns isn’t going to incite violence the same way as Beck talking about us being surrounded and the country becoming fascist.

    What Beck does is channel the negative energy and the fears and the bitterness of America right now during this recession and the post-election feelings and then he spills it out on TV as this emotional passionate response that connects with the viewers who trust him as part of the media. That is why I think of that quote. Unless you want to argue Beck is right and we are headed to Nazism and socialism and Marxism and fascism and whatever other ism Beck’s on about this week then Beck’s essentially falsely shouting fire…

    • Blake says:

      For someone who apparently doesn’t like Glenn Beck you seem to watch a lot of his shows. I watch Beck also- not consistently, but enough to know that at least some of what he is saying rings true.
      Government IS getting bigger, and that is never a good thing- Thomas Jefferson said, ” Government works best when it works least.” The role of the Federal government has grown ever since Lincoln, and it NEVER gets smaller. For that reason alone we should be extremely hesitant to give the government any more power. In America, we have always celebrated the entrepreneurship of individuals, and now, we seem to want to punish this same quality that has made America great for the last 200 years.
      People often forget that Bill Gates was a small businessman once- but under Obama’s rules, he would now be extremely limited in his company’s growth.
      So, the question becomes, is Glenn Beck fear- mongering? I don’t believe so, but then, I have studied History, and while these types of things have been tried before, and we have come back from these failed social experiments before, Beck makes some valid points, all while entertaining some, and appalling others.
      Because in the end, he is an entertainer, a pundit, a provocateur of thought. You do not agree, but he got you to watch, didn’t he?
      You CANNOT legislate fairness. John F. Kennedy once said, ” If you expect life to be fair, you are operating under false assumptions.”

  7. Adam says:

    Take this example of Beck that I just saw on Cao’s blog.

    Beck has a veteran on his show talking about chasing down and trying to shoot the people who “murdered” his dog. Are you kidding me?

    Beck makes it sound like this guy was targeted because he was a veteran and not just that he fell victim to a bunch of gun crazy morons.

    No question is raised as to why a guy felt he had the right to chase down and attempt to murder the PEOPLE who shot his DOG. Beck was about to break down and cry for this dog shot “execution style” as he put it. Totally ridiculous.

    I’m a vegan for goodness sake and I still understand how pathetic and crazy this man is. I have never seen a bigger bunch of utter bull spewed on a major news network.

    • Blake says:

      I feel sorry for you Adam. To have such a lack of empathy for this dog shows that you are a faux vegan- you might not eat meat, but you have no feelings for the animal. I have re- habbed wild animals for years, and I have come to admire the intelligence of these animals even as I have begun to doubt the intelligence of supposedly human creatures. As I said in a previous post, in Texas, where this happened, you have the right (and some would say the duty) to shoot someone who harms your property, and Mr. Luttrell’s dog would fit the bill.
      As for the quote marks you put around the word murder, regarding the dog, what would you call it? Just good fun?

  8. Victoria says:

    I listened to the tape and yes Beck brought up that Marcus was a Seal and the guy said he chased the gunmen through 4 counties and never went under 100 mph which seemed far fetched but if someone just came by for the fun of it and shot my dog, I would probably be mad enough to do that. He said he went around the front of his truck and drew down on them and apparently this was at the road block that the police finally set up at the end of the 4 county chase. To me the whole point of the tape was that this guy fell victim to a bunch of gun crazy morons and this guy was mad enough to shoot but who actually did the shooting? huh And who died? It wasn’t the gun crazy morons but it is going to get easier for gun crazy morons if all the law abiding citizens get their guns outlawed which is going to get brought up more and more since there seems to be a spree of gun crazies shooting people lately and everytime that happens then the Democrats start jumping into gun control mode again. This dog was not a person so you think it was pathetic and crazy for this man to care about the dog so much but you are absolutely incapable of connecting the dots that this dog given to him after what he had been through in war for rehabilitation. I just watched another show earlier on PBS regarding the suicide rate of soldiers with PSTD. And you sit there on your liberal Democratic high horse judging this guy with absolutely no clue where he was at and you talk about Republicans who because we don’t want to vote for the next trillion dollar handout as being heartless. You are the pathetic one and the clueless one.

  9. Adam says:


    If somebody shot your dog and you tried to murder the owners and had a high speed chase then you are out of your mind and you need counseling and medication or time in jail or all three.

    There is no “oh you don’t understand the circumstances” about this situation. A dog is dead through unfortunate and inhumane circumstances. But it’s not murder and it’s not an execution and this man trying to kill the individuals involved is in no way justified.

  10. Katy the mean old lady says:

    Adam,he caught them and turned them over to the Texas Rangers.Try to get it stright.

  11. Victoria says:

    Let me put it another way–The guy is a Seal–they are trained military killers–I wouldn’t go in front of their house shooting off a gun in the middle of the night let alone doing something as provocative as shooting his beloved dog or even his chicken. But actually that isn’t the point either–you would call him an attempted murderer for going after these guys who were in front of his house in the middle of the night shooting guns. I say that is really logical but then Democrats sympathies always lie with the perpetrators because oh Boo Hoo, they wouldn’t be that way if they hadn’t of been treated so badly as children. It doesn’t matter what perpetrators do to people anymore. And read for comprehension I said I would be mad enough about it but I don’t own a gun and never have I shot one and I couldn’t drive anything 100 mph.

  12. Adam says:


    Sorry. I forgot you live in wild wingnut fantasy world where you get excited about the prospect of folks killing each other outside of the justice system. That kind of masks your ability to admit that a man trying to murder 4 other men because those men killed a dog is a pretty damn insane thing to do.

    Glen Beck allowing this man on his show and not once questioning the man’s insanity in response to the action of the 4 men and actually calling him a hero for not killing these men shows what kind of total nutjob Beck is.

    • Big Dog says:

      It just depends on how you look at things. We all have the benefit of seeing this after the fact and knowing the entire story. At the time, all the Seal knew was that 4 guys were shooting guns near his house and his dog was dead. He did not know what their plans were. They could have intended on robbing a place or to start shooting.

      He chased them down and helped the police catch them and then it was discovered they were out killing animals. One of them threatened to kill the guy while in custody.

      His dog was given to him to help with his therapy. Losing it meant a lot.

      The reality is, he did not shoot anyone. He said that he drew down on them and was positioning to get a shot off. This does not mean he was going to shoot them only that he was getting in position in case he needed to.

      I imagine if they had missed and a bullet went through a window and killed someone it would be OK because they were out having fun?

      The reality is, people need to take a stand. I believe he wanted to take them into custody until the police got there and he was making sure that if they drew on him he could kill them. Criminals do not care about the law. This guy spent time where people shot at him and killed his friends. I don’t imagine he was about to take a chance.

      The fact is he DID NOT shoot anyone. He just said he would have no problem if he had to. I am with him there.

  13. Blake says:

    Here is a vereran who has fought for his country, and as someone who has had his dog shot by morons also,I have to say that Mr. Luttrell kept himself composed very well- I might have lost it and shot these losers myself, and in Texas, we have the right to do so. Personally, this would be a good thing. Not everybody keeps the right to live, in my opinion- they commit actions that abrogate their right to live. The dog did nothing wrong, these bottom feeders did. I thought Mr. Luttrell showed remarkable restraint.

  14. Blake says:

    To both Adam and Victoria- You both minimize the dog, but sometimes a good dog is worth ANY amount of morons. We, as a nation, have coddled our children to the point where we excuse the inexcusable when it comes to our children. News flash- your children are only adored by you- the rest of us may have a divergent opinion. When children reach the age of nine or so, they know the difference between right and wrong. The problem is that a “timeout” teaches nothing, and sooner or later, some of them choose to do actions that are wrong, because they have little to fear from a timeout.
    It would do everybody some good to know that there might be adverse punishments that can kill them- if the knowledge doesn’t deter them, the punishment will surely deter them from reoffending, and, as Martha Stewart might say, “That’s a good thing.”

    • Victoria says:

      I didn’t try to minimize the dog-it practically broke my heart myself seeing pictures of that sweet looking little puppy. I watched another show of Beck last night and they brought up a good point and that is it takes a special kind of sicko to just kill an innocent animal for shits and giggles and practically every serial killer has started out that way. And I am glad Texas has statutes in place that make that a felony.

  15. Blake says:

    Also, just to clarify things in this discussion, let me speak about what in Texas is called “The Castle Doctrine”- this is where Texas lawmakers have strengthened the law whereby a person may defend their home and property with deadly force if necessary.
    This would mean that Mr. Luttrell could have legally shot these scumbags, and walked away free. It would have been labeled a justified shooting, because it was his dog.
    Personally, having had this same scenario happen to me ten years ago, I can feel empathy for this man. Perhaps a dog is just a dog to you, but with others, it is truly a member of the family. A dog is a pack animal- that is, it needs others around it to help define its place in the world, and it looks to its owner as the lead, or Alpha animal, and properly assimilated, it will give its life for the pack. To be the Alpha animal, is pretty heady responsibility for an owner. I imagine Mr. Luttrell felt that he could have/ would have/ should have been able to do more to protect a loved one, and under the Castle Doctrine he could have. The fact that he did not speaks volumes to his self control, and gives the lie to people who say that soldiers are nothing but trained killers- soldiers are at least taught the full horror of killing someone, therefore it is they who are most reluctant to use deadly force, and for that alone, he should be commended, not condemned.

    • Victoria says:

      You don’t have to tell me–I could see from the first video that Luttrell showed restraint. I don’t think soldiers are nothing but trained killers.