Did LGF Buy Reuters?

There is word today that an offer has been made to buy Reuters.

There was speculation that Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs purchased Reuters in a hostile takeover after Reuters spent inordinate amounts of time searching the LGF site for articles exposing doctored photos and phony journalism the name Reuters has become synonymous with. Johnson’s endless pursuit of Reuters and the exposure of its antisemitic, pro terrorist articles led to death threats against the LGF magnate who, despite personal danger, continued his relentless attacks on the fauxtography specialists at al-Reuters. Johnson was not available for comment and insiders say it is unlikely he would use any of his vast personal fortune to purchase an organization so closely aligned with terrorist organizations.

A spokesperson, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss such matters, stated that it is ridiculous to speculate that Johnson would make such a purchase. The anonymous source indicated that Hamas or some other terrorist organization had probably purchased “al-Reuters” to increase its propaganda machine. Pointing to a recent article indicating that Iranian President Ahmadinejad had ejected al-Jazerra from a recent conference as proof that the once strong terrorist news organization had fallen into the disfavor of the deranged leader and that the acquisition of Reuters would be a natural next step in the disinformation campaign. The source also indicated that the use of the term “al-Reuters” over the past year or so was an obvious attempt to soften the public’s tolerance for another terrorist news organization.

No information has been available from terrorist organizations because Reuters, the source for terrorist news, is not reporting on the matter and a spokesperson for CAIR stated that the organization would not comment on deals that were still in progress but hinted that it will be a “happy day when brother Reuters joins the family, Allah be praised.”

Big Dog

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2 Responses to “Did LGF Buy Reuters?”

  1. […] [Discuss this article with Big Dog…] Share Article Reuters, Charles Johnson, Hamas, terrorist, Iranian President Ahmadinejad, al-Jazerra    Sphere: Related Content Trackback URL […]

  2. Robert says:

    I hope LGF does buy it, then maybe we can see a shake up of that org….. until then I don’t believe much if anything of what Al Reuters says…..