Did She Really Want To Go There?

Delegate Eleanor Holmes of DC is outraged at the way DC is being treated in the budget process. She is so upset that the federal government is telling DC what to do with its money in regard to paying for abortions.

It’s time that the District of Columbia told the Congress to go straight to hell, Norton continued after explaining how an attached rider to the latest bill prevented D.C. from spending its own money on abortions for low income women. My FOX

We don’t need to get into the whole DC is not a state and falls under the federal government. Explaining the Constitution to liberals is a waste of time.

But what we do need to ask is why Norton chose these words to describe the process:

We are absolutely outraged. This is the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians. [same source]

A budget process that stops funding the murder of innocent life is like carpet bombing innocent civilians. Is she serious about this? Did she intend to equate the budget process to the killing of innocent civilians in order to justify the murder of innocent life?

Delegate Moron, the murder of innocent life is the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians.

Perhaps those cutting funding should have made that argument. Imagine how Holmes would be reacting of some politician said that allowing tax dollars to pay for abortion is the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians.

I bet Holmes would be apoplectic.

Liberals, fighting for the murder of the unborn each and every day…

And yes, please, fund our abortions but don’t pay the troops.

I hate liberals.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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4 Responses to “Did She Really Want To Go There?”

  1. victoria says:

    As was pointed out on another blog–“Where is the Senate’s budget?” We are hearing all about the House’s budget and seeing all this hollering and finger pointing at them but they are the only ones to have passed anything.

  2. Ogre says:

    And remember, powerful liberal Senator Schumer says, “We will always, always, always use tax money to kill babies!”

  3. Eoj Trahneir says:

    The Democrats say talks are deadlocked because their opponents (read; responsible members of government) insist on having new rules about abortion included in the bill, which will only in practice affect cancer screening.- BBC

    Major Media, the devil’s mouth-piece. Even BBC is not to be trusted.

    But the up-shot is this; if we don’t allow government-sponsored murder of innocent babies to continue, No More Cancer Screening for YOU!
    That should teach you conservatives the price of a baby’s life!

  4. Eoj Trahneir says:

    How about this little spip, from the end of the BBC rant;
    “Republicans in the House approved the temporary stop-gap measure on Thursday, which would cut $12bn from spending in a single week. ”

    Great! Now, do that for the next 2 years of the Obama miss-administration and the budget will get balanced!

    $12 bn x 84 (weeks) = $1008 bn not spent on abortions! As an added bonus, people wont need illegal immigrant slave-workers in about 9 years, because there will be thousands of low-skill unemployable government workers and their 8 and 9 year old kids to pick the strawberries and mow the lawns.

    It is a win/win situation!